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03-31-2015 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i did think it through. i was planning on riding my seer claim. i gave up when it was obvious my seer claim was not working.

and my post about xkf would have been how i would have left a peek on d1. the only post i made about reads on villagers he was on the top
for future games: that post about Xkf would have been a terrible and opaque way to leave a peek, and if you were actually seer nobody would be able to find your peek once you flipped

i say this as someone who's randed seer like twice ever, and in one of those games i left a terrible and opaque peek that nobody was able to find once i flipped
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:01 AM
That reminds me of one of my favorite lines

Jackie treehorn treats objects like women, man
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Quintana may be a metaphor for the Catholic Church, but I would be surprised if he gets double life-d.
wow, i never made that connection
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:02 AM
i have no idea why the wolves killed vagos, i have no idea why that would have anything to do with whether i angeled gad or not (i did)

presumably they are worried that the prize was an angel that protected night and day the next day or something
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
someone with good knowledge of the film should weigh in on whether "a group of cowardly hoodlums" is likely to describe the wolf team more than the nihilists

this is not hugely important, but it's not unimportant
I would place my $$$ on the nihlists.
Walter refers to them as cowards and they are clearly portrayed as such.

Originally Posted by Montecore
who is the lone ranger in movie lore? sam elliot?
that would be my guess as well, tho fwiw he is def pro the dude in the film.
he even stops in half way thru the movie to tell the dude how much he digs his style.

Originally Posted by Namath12
I think it was the wolves because the nihilists (neutrals) were the ones who had the marmot. Philly was the neutral kill.

This caught my eye but I dismissed it because it would imply multiple neutral factions and I just can't see that in a 30 player mash. I suppose Walter could be a neutral but he seems like a villager aligned with the Dude.
there is no way Walter is anything other then a villa.
he's the dudes best friend and is right about everything from the very beginning.
it's just incomprehensible that he's on any other team.

fml it's 8am and I still haven't slept.
I'm going to set my alarm for 5pm pst so I'll at least have an hour before eod.
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:02 AM

That's SAGOV'S CHARACTER holding the marmot
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
for future games: that post about Xkf would have been a terrible and opaque way to leave a peek, and if you were actually seer nobody would be able to find your peek once you flipped

i say this as someone who's randed seer like twice ever, and in one of those games i left a terrible and opaque peek that nobody was able to find once i flipped
Yeah but then you get to rage at everyone in deadchat/postgame about how obvious your peek was
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
the marmot was the nihilists' pet dude

"a lone ranger" does look like NSK. How many factions can we expect in a 30 player game, though?
is this true?

so the neutrals are the ones who killed phialpha?

lol wolves even more then
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Namath12
I think it was the wolves because the nihilists (neutrals) were the ones who had the marmot. Philly was the neutral kill.

This caught my eye but I dismissed it because it would imply multiple neutral factions and I just can't see that in a 30 player mash. I suppose Walter could be a neutral but he seems like a villager aligned with the Dude.
if phialpha was a neutral kill then neutrals are against us. why else kill a clear villa? if so then my theory is vindicated and vagos made their kill.
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Namath12

That's SAGOV'S CHARACTER holding the marmot
So there are 3 neutrals?
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:05 AM
Quick HIGH FIVE for my man Vagos.

Quick lol filthy, I don't know what you're going to flip but several of your posts have been lolcats. Also, we have no idea what Xkf's role is, but if he was a wolf and you derailed with a fake claim that's not only silly, but it's selfish Hollywooding.

Quick lol viggo, nice wolf list bro. I'll give that . . . 3 stars.
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:05 AM
nihilist as neutrals make sense because they have no connection to either affiliation. They still come asking for the money even after the fact that its been cleared up that nobody actually had the money.
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
So there are 3 neutrals?
There may also be the girl.
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:06 AM
Oh and I wound up RBing Effen, so hopefully that was beneficial.

Also that's a super terrible NK if that's the team NK.
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:07 AM
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
Quick HIGH FIVE for my man Vagos.

Quick lol filthy, I don't know what you're going to flip but several of your posts have been lolcats. Also, we have no idea what Xkf's role is, but if he was a wolf and you derailed with a fake claim that's not only silly, but it's selfish Hollywooding.

Quick lol viggo, nice wolf list bro. I'll give that . . . 3 stars.
vagos was a neutral. why are you hi fiving him?
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:08 AM
sleeper service
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
So there are 3 neutrals?
Three, possibly four if Aimee Mann was included (girl who cut off her toe)
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:08 AM
up to 4 neutrals based on my imdb'ing
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:08 AM
okay, so

1) group of cowardly hoodlums try to kill lone ranger; he's angeled

2) nihilists' marmot kills phialpha

3) lone ranger (same one? would be super sloppy writing if not) kills wolf Carl with bowling ball

4) multiple other kills were averted, with angel as one of the given possible reasons

What this tells me is...
  • "cowardly hoodlums" is either the wolf team or else the nihilists have two kills
  • the lone ranger is not Vagos's character -- so if the wolves tried to kill Vagos last night, it's one of the kills that got prevented without specific flavor
  • we're missing information on at least one wolf kill, since there's no way they don't have both a team kill and a night vig

The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
So there are 3 neutrals?
there should be 4.
the three dudes and the girl who loses her toe.
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
sleeper service
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:09 AM
One of LKJ or ATM is a neutral

like 90% of the time
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Hoya is a wellrenowned player, yes? His calls are so bad and his tunnel so real.
You cannot be a real human being. I voted two people yesterday: Carl, and filthy. I explained what Carl did that I disliked before I voted him. You might remember this, because it was the first of two times that Vagos was busy posting about something at exactly the same time that I was posting about exactly the same thing, reaching exactly the same conclusion. Of course, you probably didn't read it so "remember" is the wrong word, but that's a thing that happened.

By the way, I also explained my read on you, and then let people draw their conclusion. I explained my read on Xkf, and let people draw their conclusions. That's all there is to it. I provided like 15 reads, at least. There's no tunnel.

Also all my villager reads appear to have been right, lolu.

Also this is going to go badly for you, you clown.
The Big Lebowski Mish-Mash Game Thread - 3/30 Quote
