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Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread

06-04-2012 , 07:43 PM

Votes as of post 2000
Night in 01:18

3 McAvoy Willi (39), Anarchist (61), Gadarene (16)
2 Anarchist McAvoy (21), metsandfinsfan (78)
2 not voting younguns87 (26), JimHalpert (21)
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Is it because I'm not talking about ponies or Pokemon?
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Gadarene can you get mad about me voting you and allow me to read you?
Originally Posted by Gadarene
You've been gone a while; I don't do that anymore.

And I think you have a slightly inflated notion of how easy it was to tilt me back when I did do that.
Originally Posted by Anarchist
hmmmmm OK
Originally Posted by Gadarene
That doesn't mean I want you to try harder tho
Originally Posted by Gadarene
What were you expecting to happen when you voted me with no explanation that would have led to you being able to discern my role?
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Gad can you just tilt now and get it over with?
Originally Posted by Anarchist

Annie votes Gad in an effort to make him tilt to get a read on him, Gad calmly tells him that doesn't happen anymore, asks what he expected to happen with a vote, and annie replies again just trying to make you tilt to get a read.

Annie then moves onto voting Horatio, calling chrja a wolf ("are you sure chrja is a mislynch and not a wolf"), asking people to vote more, and then interacting with Aksdal.

In real time I fakepeeked Annie around here for doing this. I thought his method of trying to poke and prod was villagery for him, as his wolf game is much more persistent and aggro. The fact that he didn't try to manufacture a conclusion was nice to me also. He just basically shrugged it off and moved on with his game.

At current time I still feel similar.

I do not think there's anything to learn from Gad here.
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Jim how come we disagree on everything this game

Ignoring the aspects of how I think you're possibly a wolf again now that nofear flipped villager, what are we disagreeing on?
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
You peeked me villager
yeah, so what?
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 07:45 PM
by that i mean give me the specific things youre curious about
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert

Ignoring the aspects of how I think you're possibly a wolf again now that nofear flipped villager, what are we disagreeing on?
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
by that i mean give me the specific things youre curious about
Your top 2 cleared players are the wagons, and i like the wagons.


what's your opinion on the chrja list now that everyone else that was green has flipped villager?

Why are McAvoy and Gadarene clear?
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 07:59 PM
Chrja makes that weird list

Originally Posted by chrja
I just thought about this when checking the player list.

captain binkles
Horatio Kane If i am remembering right somebody who played more with him please confirm

All the people i got in green are usually easy to read if they just play there obv villa game.

So please just do that.
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Can you say more about:


Gad instantly calls it out

Originally Posted by chrja
sure about there play so far this game or what i consider there obv. villa mode?
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Oh, I'm an idiot and I misread that.

Can you say more about what constitutes binkles and Nofear's "obv villa game[s]"?
Says he misread it (maybe thought it was villa leans?). Now asks about binkles and nofears obv villa games

Originally Posted by Gadarene
Both, why not
Originally Posted by Gadarene
I think you're thinking about the Pokemon vanilla+ with the POKE masonry. I'm pretty sure I've seen binkles in "reread anything" mode as a wolf, or at least as a neutral (HP4).
Originally Posted by chrja
Binkles i already explained.

NoFear is to me about presences in the thread, when he is here he is commenting on a **** load of things as a villager -

If he reminds you of that guy in a group that has a saying on anything and feels like nobody really listens to him, he is a villager.
Originally Posted by chrja
I know he has done it as a neutral in a big mish mash. But thats still a hole lot easier then doing it as a wolf in a small vanilla
ok the whole point of showing this was just to show how they get chatting, as I think it's relevant momentarily.

-chrja makes weird list
-gad calls it out
-chrja explains
-gad disagrees
-chrja changes subject below

Originally Posted by chrja

get in here and play
It's important to note that these conversations are happening simultaneously. So Annie/Gad are in the middle of their interaction while Chrja/Gad are too.

Annie has already voted gad and asked him to tilt

Chrja votes mac

Originally Posted by chrja
So gad.

The two of us should have a talk.

What are your opinion on annie so far ?
Change of subject I mentioned

Originally Posted by Gadarene
I never used to be able to read him very well because he was Anarchist-y.

Now he's not as Anarchist-y, so I don't have that excuse. Turns out I might just be bad at reading him.

So far I think it was fairly villagery (if annoying) of him to try and get me mad to figure out my role, but odd (and kind of wolfy in a not-making-waves sort of way) that he outed the tactic immediately like that when I didn't bite. So no real idea yet.

What do you think of him?
Says he's unsure and says why its kinda villagery but kinda wolfy

Originally Posted by chrja
I think he is wolfy, and this is why.

pops in without any reads yet.

Votes you

This is a lie

I think he is a wolf that is having a hard time coming up with any reads. Therefor he tries to use some meta to get into the thread.

Most here know that you at times have a temper - but no way in hell he expects you to blow up because of one vote.

He is lying and trying to look villagery while hiding behind a meta reason.

Thats wolfy.
Chrja explains its wolfy to gad
doesnt vote tho

Originally Posted by Gadarene

This isn't a bad point.
Gad saying hes making sense

Originally Posted by chrja
Then the vote

**** I read this as chrja getting caught up in a conversation he wants no part in (the list/obv villa game stuff), changing subjects, seeing if he has an out to vote annie, and then does. Again:

- Caught in a bad spot with the list/obv villa stuff
- Changes subject
- Asks gad what he thinks of someone else
- Gad says unsure
- Says he thinks its wolfy of Annie. DOESNT VOTE
- Gad says its a good point

That order is so so so important

Originally Posted by chrja
Are you ****ing kidding me?

are you even reading the thread ?

lets us take them from the top.

I found the exchange between annie and gad to be fake. As i believed and still does that Annie was lying about thinking that hes vote would make gad blow up.

So first i ask at question to Gad to see if he is seeing what I am - And to see if it might be a likely w/w exchange. (btw i found gad's answer very wishy washy so i am definitely not ruling out w/w)

The third question is me trying to get annie to admit he was lying.

My question to YG was to get into a conversation with him, so far the only thing from him i remember is his case on me, To asses if he is a villager i need to see what else he has - And i am still waiting for a response.
Horatio calls chrja out and here's the response. He says not that it's because he thought Annie/Gad was w/w, but that covnersation shows NO SIGNS of that. None. It's not a "im skeptical of you guys". Its a "uh i dont like this conversation, i wonder if i can push this guy" conversation.

I think this is massive villa points to both Gad and Annie due to the way this went down, and more to Gad for his change of subject and pausing to vote until seeing if Gad will maybe follow

Originally Posted by Gadarene
How was my answer about Anarchist wishy-washy, chrja?
Originally Posted by chrja
first off the first 2 paragraph are just excuses.

Then first you give him a villa lean, then you half way retracts that lean and say you don't really know.

Thats wishy washy, like you don't really like to commit on anything.
Originally Posted by Gadarene
If I actually don't really know, isn't the correct answer to your question that I don't really know? You're asking me based on two posts of his, one where he votes me with no explanation.

The first two paragraphs weren't excuses; they were context. I often find it helpful.
Originally Posted by chrja

you just did it in a wishy washy way. I may not mean anything. I just expected you to be more straight forward.

It can't be(or i know it isn't) the first time somebody tries to tilt you, I was expecting you to be able to looked at how he did it and try to get a better lean on him.
Originally Posted by chrja
to elaborate.

I thought the way he did it was wolfy, like he did it "half hearted"(can you use that in english?)
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Usually I just try to ignore them. Jim has done it as a wolf the last two times we've played together, but beyond that (even though I maintain that it's not pro-villa) I feel like it's basically role-neutral because some people (like Mac) will do it as a villa because they think it tells them something about me (it doesn't anymore, if it ever did) and some people will do it in either role just because they're kind of childish that way. Anarchist could be doing the Mac thing, or he could be balancing because he feels he'd do it as a villa. I'm not sure yet; I don't have any particular snap feeling about it. That's as straightforward as I can be.
Originally Posted by Gadarene
half-hearted is definitely English, and I agree with that sentiment

also I meant to say the last two times that Jim and I have played together when he's been a wolf, not the last two times we've played together period.

Chrja through here wants like, no part of actually arguing with Gad. Its "oh I think they are w/w obv" to the guy he doesnt know, but he's very careful not to get into an accusatory interaction with Gad. It's kinda meek and trying to appease him by trying to explain what he meant etc.
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:01 PM
Gadarene > anarchist atm
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Your top 2 cleared players are the wagons, and i like the wagons.


what's your opinion on the chrja list now that everyone else that was green has flipped villager?

Why are McAvoy and Gadarene clear?
I have mcavoy clear because aksdal said he was. Literally no other reason. Aksdal is batting 1.000 with it and I trust him.

I don't have Gad as clear, although that chrja interaction I just quoted moves him way up the list.

What do you make of it?
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:01 PM
I think wolves should nk Jim tonight so I can comfortably believe everything he says
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:02 PM
It was day 1!!!!!! ughhh
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
I have mcavoy clear because aksdal said he was. Literally no other reason. Aksdal is batting 1.000 with it and I trust him.

I don't have Gad as clear, although that chrja interaction I just quoted moves him way up the list.

What do you make of it?
I think it looks really bad for willi. Every post a wolf makes has a purpose and is carefully thought out, especially one like that. So does he really say his wolf teammates are hard to clear? it prevents him from clearing someone really soft.
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
It was day 1!!!!!! ughhh
Is this regarding mc or the gad/chrja thing
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
Gadarene > anarchist atm
What made you change your mind?
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Is this regarding mc or the gad/chrja thing
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
I think it looks really bad for willi. Every post a wolf makes has a purpose and is carefully thought out, especially one like that. So does he really say his wolf teammates are hard to clear? it prevents him from clearing someone really soft.
It makes no sense, youre right. That list was super awkward and made no sense with who was highlighted. But I've been comfortable calling willi a villager this game by his postings day 1 and i even quoted something eh said today that doesnt make me doubt it
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
It was
And I'm sure one day aksdal will be wrong
But until it comes I cant see myself doubting him
ya kno?
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:11 PM

we have 3 lynches left
if you had to close your eyes and lynch down a line 1-2-3
who would it be
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by chrja
I think he is wolfy, and this is why.

pops in without any reads yet.

Votes you

This is a lie

I think he is a wolf that is having a hard time coming up with any reads. Therefor he tries to use some meta to get into the thread.

Most here know that you at times have a temper - but no way in hell he expects you to blow up because of one vote.

He is lying and trying to look villagery while hiding behind a meta reason.

Thats wolfy.
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Chrja, No. I always have something to say, I don't have to make anything up.
Originally Posted by chrja
did you really believe that gad would blow up because of your vote ?
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Originally Posted by chrja
give me an answer.
Originally Posted by Anarchist
My answer is maybe.
Originally Posted by chrja
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Come at me bro!

Originally Posted by chrja
answer my questions.
Originally Posted by Anarchist
My answer is that I thought he might tilt. So maybe.
Originally Posted by chrja
I don't believe this, but lets put that aside for now.

what are your other reads?
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Are you sure chrja is a potential mislynch and not a wolf?
Originally Posted by Anarchist


This whole interaction is so out of nowhere too. Like "maybe", "answer!", "my answer is maybe", "i dont believe you, but lets put this aside"

I need to read more annie
I may have made a mistake?
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:16 PM
....i don't know but fine
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:16 PM
Mac ----> Willi --------> Gad
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:18 PM
ok ok i need to re-go through this
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:19 PM
wait mac is going to get lynched?
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:20 PM
wolves will nk me or younguns like 90% of the time tonight
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
06-04-2012 , 08:20 PM
Votes as of post 2024
Night in 00:40

3 McAvoy Willi (39), Anarchist (62), Gadarene (16)
1 Anarchist metsandfinsfan (80)
1 Gadarene McAvoy (22)
2 not voting younguns87 (34), JimHalpert (32)
Battle of the Bond Girls Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
