1)Man who is/was bad at golf
2)Man who is/was bad at tennis
3)Man who is/was bad at soccer
4)Woman who is/was bad at golf
5)Woman who is/was bad at tennis
6)Woman who is/was bad at soccer
7)Someone who is/was bad at ice hockey
8)Someone who is/was bad at basketball
9)Someone who is/was bad at baseball (Bob Ojeda, Steven Matz = 0)
10)Someone who is/was bad at football
11)Someone who is bad at moderating 2+2
Ali Dia - ArcticKnight Richard Nixon - biggerboat The Mexican National Team - Booker Wolfbox Doneil Henry - Gamer Dude C. Ronaldo - ILoveMyBrick Beckham - jedi Lionel Messi - JMurder3 Pete Gogolak - nails Emile Heskey - xander biscuits
Question 7: 7)Someone who is/was bad at ice hockey
Wayne Gretzky - 2
Brad Marsh - ArcticKnight Tiny Tim - biggerboat Harambe - Booker Wolfbox The Entire Maple Leafs Team - Gamer Dude Sidney Crosby - insanity31 Gordon Bombay - jedi The Hanson Brothers - nails Tim Horton - rtspurs Andre Deveaux - xander biscuits
The Lollipop Guild - biggerboat Verne Troyer - Booker Wolfbox Anthony Bennett - Gamer Dude Sam Bowie - insanity31 James Harden - jedi The Washington Generals - nails That Chinese Guy Who is 20 Foot Tall - rtspurs
Question 9: 9)Someone who is/was bad at baseball (Bob Ojeda, Steven Matz = 0)
Mario Mendoza - 4
xander biscuits
Lizzie Borden - biggerboat The New York Mets, other than Ojeda/Matz - Booker Wolfbox John Peter Gochnaur - Gamer Dude Babe Ruth - ILoveMyBrick Michael Jordan - jedi Matt Harvey - JMurder3 Sidd Finch - nails (nice)
...and an HONEST ties it up with the dishonest players!