good or bad? i need to make a vote in the next 10-15 and that's what i always wanted but now some are saying go atak since it was peeked wolf and others are saying if atak is a wolf it'll be a wolf later so vote something else now.
lol it took me 30 minutes to read this page because I was finishing up a poker session, and I refreshed to catch up on all the new posts since then... and everyone has vanished. A+ on the lolcat imo. Also +1 on the rchandra disappearing thing, I had some other questions lined up for him. And +1 on the scotthoward thing, I mentioned that quite some time ago imvho. In fact, +1 to everything on this page other than calling that one rchandra post villagery.
[0] aardvarksrus voted for rchandra
[0] ackbleh voted for atakdog
[0] AriesRam voted for The_Hitch [6] atakdog
[0] bananarama/m1ke voted for atakdog
[0] DustinG voted for J20
[0] Elvis
[0] FCBLComish voted for rchandra
[0] HerbieGRD/Nicholasp27 voted for The_Hitch
[0] Grover Cleveland
[0] Iron_Yuppie voted for The_Hitch [1] J20 voted for kokiri [1] kokiri voted for zurvan
[0] manupod voted for rchandra
[0] OrangeRake
[0] PocketInfinities/TehVader voted for The_Hitch [3] rchandra voted for The_Hitch
[0] reno expat voted for atakdog
[0] soah voted for atakdog
[0] Sun Tzu voted for The_Hitch [8] The_Hitch
[0] voyamatarte voted for atakdog
[0] white lightning voted for The_Hitch [1] ZeTurd voted for The_Hitch
[0] zhaorx voted for atakdog [1] zurvan voted for ZeTurd
Mr. Black was standing at the podium, announcing the results of his investigations. "And, finally, you, Councilor 28," pointing at a woman in the front row of the Chamber, "are an agent of the Democratic Action Party, as these video images will demonstrate. These were taken the night of October 2nd, and they show--"
Two gunshots cut him off. Councilor 28 was standing a few feet away, pointing a tiny pistol at Black. As he collapsed, she bolted for the door. She made it almost halfway before the Council Guards shot her down.
AriesRam is dead. He was one of IHE's agents on the Council.
Night will fall at 10 PM on Sunday, a little more than 1 day 11 hours from the time of this post.
I have received several requests for a two-for-one day. If there is a majority lynch no later than mid-afternoon, and I get a nightkill, and I don't here any objections, we can start another day ending Sunday night.