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Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2

10-22-2008 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
It's not over yet. We might pull this out.
one peeked wolf is not a sign of hope
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 05:00 PM
*** DEAD ***

Sorry village, being drunk and claiming wasn't the best idea and I forgot that I had switched to wn earlier to try and save myself.

It ain't over till the fat lady sings though
*** DEAD ***
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 05:57 PM
hey so i came in to make my daily vote and u guys dont want me to so i want. But im here. Nothing to add.
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 07:03 PM
any theoriess on why Aries over atak? I couldn't find any good reason except mabe cuz atak likes lynching villagers (jk).
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 07:07 PM
the chick in the hollywood poker ad is soooooooooo ridic hot

just saying
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
any theoriess on why Aries over atak? I couldn't find any good reason except mabe cuz atak likes lynching villagers (jk).
The wolves might even consider leaving me alive tonight...

iirc, Aries and I were in about the same place on everyone, so I don't know a good reason off the top of my head. Normally, we're similar players in our effort levels and perceptions, so it would really be a tossup -- unless there's some difference that's not coming to mind.

I'm totally slammed here at work, so not a lot will be forthcoming from me, but I'm still trying. I see the question about too-late votes, and am not sure what FCBL is saying (I think I'm misinterpreting it) -- but I will say that in my opinion anyone who intentionally posts anything, particularly a vote, after night has come should be modkilled -- it's not good wolfing, it's cheating.

Anyone who jumped late on vader should get big wolf points, obviously -- I doubt Tokyo was alone in suspecting Vader was seer, if he had actually figured it out.
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 07:50 PM
You cannot modkill someone for something 1 minute after the deadline. If wolves could not pull the after the last minute vote, that would be an angleshot autoclear for villagers.
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 07:54 PM
I don't understand. You're saying that you think it's a legitimate play intentionally to post votes after the deadline? And you're saying that punishing it won't work, because only wolves can profit from it -- but it's still OK?

What am I missing here?
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:01 PM
Looked again at the end of the day yesterday. I don't think it tells us much. I'm concerned the xxsooted said he'd be around, but seems not to have been; somebody check to see whether he posted anywhere else after vader's claim, and if he did, lynch him.

I think river did a villagery thing, but under the circumstances it really doesn't tell us anything.

Check other players' records -- again, anyone who was around at that time, but didn't vote to save vader, needs to die.
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:06 PM
BTW, I see no evidence that M1ke or MDD were angleshooting (or, in FCBL's world, wolfing creatively), but again, somebody needs to check whether they'd been active in the preceding few minutes.
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:08 PM
But I don't think it's village points for the claim, everybody votes somebody other than the claimed seer. And since everybody got on the FCBL wagon, that doesn't tell us much. (River's desire to go WN was consistent with his earlier position, so tells us little beyond whatever we already knew.)
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
Wolves have been known to place a villagery vote on someone only to find it is 1 minute too late. I do not find that angle shooting. I find it good wolfing.

I did it in my first wolf game. It was actually fairly successful.
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
You cannot modkill someone for something 1 minute after the deadline. If wolves could not pull the after the last minute vote, that would be an angleshot autoclear for villagers.
Again, I may be misinterpreting it, but I really think you're advocating intentional night posting. And I said that before, and you didn't deny it.

I understand that you don't think whatever you're advocating is angleshooting. Understand that I do, strongly. In my view, everyone -- village and wolf -- needs to try not to post after night. One-minute-late posts are inevitable, particularly in scrambles such as occured last night, but if someone knows his post will come in over teh buzzer, it is incumbent on him not to make that post.
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:12 PM
In case I don't get back: night all. Take it down, village.

Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:15 PM
i was around

I was going to post how Vader was obviously full of crap but it was too late
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
tokyo ldo

i still think we need to resolve zhao

i hope to have time to break this game open tomorrow; this is an uber-busy time in my life right now, so sorry i haven't added much to the game thus far
iirc you said a couple days ago that the zhaorx wagon did not neecd to be resolved. Interesting reversal.

And nich I'm a little concerned about the fact that you have hardly posted any reads. I know you're don't post that much, but the posts you do make tend to be very analytical and good (especially from a village perspective). When I was a wolf you had our entire team outed (and in a single post) even though we swept. Here, I don't see those connections coming out of you.

Unfortunately I won't have too much time today or until later tomorrow to look, but I guess since we have 1 wolf its not too bad.

And fwiw- sorry I misread you so badly atak.
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:39 PM
i agree with with killing FCBL tomorrow,

i still think WN and MDD are wolves
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Looked again at the end of the day yesterday. I don't think it tells us much. I'm concerned the xxsooted said he'd be around, but seems not to have been; somebody check to see whether he posted anywhere else after vader's claim, and if he did, lynch him.

I think river did a villagery thing, but under the circumstances it really doesn't tell us anything.

Check other players' records -- again, anyone who was around at that time, but didn't vote to save vader, needs to die.
Like I said earlier I had planned on checking in right before but I honestly was getting sh** from my girl at the worst possible time. Obv there's no way to prove that though. Girls = -ev
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by riverfish1
iirc you said a couple days ago that the zhaorx wagon did not neecd to be resolved. Interesting reversal.

And nich I'm a little concerned about the fact that you have hardly posted any reads. I know you're don't post that much, but the posts you do make tend to be very analytical and good (especially from a village perspective). When I was a wolf you had our entire team outed (and in a single post) even though we swept. Here, I don't see those connections coming out of you.

Unfortunately I won't have too much time today or until later tomorrow to look, but I guess since we have 1 wolf its not too bad.

And fwiw- sorry I misread you so badly atak.
Nich best UTR candidate for a wolf imo
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 09:04 PM
I just got home but I have stuff I have to do at home so given that nothing much is happening I'm probably going to beg off until tomorrow.
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 09:13 PM
okay im going to be gone for rest of night

placing my vote
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 10:20 PM
********* NIGHT *************
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-22-2008 , 10:49 PM
Leonidas Tsokas, or as he was known by the ndranghetta, Paolo Salviadori, sat in a cafe awaiting his frappe. Sweet, lots of foam, just a little milk. The perfect summer treat.

The waitress approached and as she placed it on the table, Leonidas flashed her a wide smile and slipped a $20 into her appron, 4 times what the refreshment was worth.

Leonidas liked to make people happy. It was his calling in life, or so he thought. There was just too much misery in the world these days. From his village, Preveza, in Greece, he was taught the value of treating people like you wish to be treated in return. It is this philosophy of his that made his current occupation all the more revolting.

Leonidas was an undercover agent, and a very good one at that. He was a natural actor, able to mask his emotions and tone to an art. It was this skill and his natural appearance (Greeks and Calabrians do resemble eachother very closely) that landed him his current occupation as a spy within the ndranghetta.

He had been a "member" of the organization now for 6 years. A lifetime. A lifetime of brutality, violence, sex and drugs. Leonidas had to do things to fit in that made his skin crawl. Why? Well at first is was the challenge of it all. If he pulled down their organization he would be a hero; a real hero, the kind in story books. But that innocence did not last long. When he realized he was in over his head, it was too late. Once you joined the ndranghetta, there was no escape. No where is safe from their reach.

Fortunately, the end was in sight. Leonidas, working with the police (and though the agency never said a thing, he was sure other secret agents were in play as well within the organization) were able to launch a civil war within the ndranghetta. For weeks, members slew other members and as the body count mounted, their blind bloodlust just increased and lead to more violence.

The end. Leonidas could imagine it, a concept that was always floating there, but now so much more solid, tangible, real.

Leonidas finished his frappe and walked back to his car. A note was left on his windshield. He opened it. It read:

Paolo. Anna is in the hospital. I tracked your car, but couldn't find you. You're gonna be a pop. See you at the hospital, I know you won't be long.


Throwing open the car door, Leonidas jumped in the front seat and forced his key into the ignition. The news must have knock all sense out of him, for he failed to notice the little blinking light or the weird sound the car made as it sprang to life.

Despite the craze he was in, it was impossible to ignore the crack of the explosion that erupted under him. It was the last thing he heard in fact.

Tokyo was lynched. He was a wolf.
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-23-2008 , 12:55 PM
Crap sorry forgot to check if WL opened this thread.....

It is with my pleasure to announce that ATAKDOG has been killed (haha just playin' it's not REALLY my pleasure...)

Anyway, village.

DAY imo
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-23-2008 , 01:05 PM
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
10-23-2008 , 01:09 PM
anyone besides fcbl is awful
Average Speed: Dirty Dealings Part 2 Quote
