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Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me

04-01-2008 , 10:01 PM
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-01-2008 , 10:01 PM
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-01-2008 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
Sorry - my clock is wrong 10:00 good
omfg you know how stress that was
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-01-2008 , 10:04 PM
[0] aardvarksrus voted for Our House
[0] amplify voted for Sixfour
[0] bobman0330 voted for Sixfour
[8] Bulletproof Monk voted for Sixfour
[1] chim17 voted for Bulletproof Monk
[1] clowntable voted for
[1] DustinG voted for Sixfour
[0] Epicurus voted for Sixfour
[0] fnord_too voted for LuckayLuck
[0] HerbieGRD voted for clowntable
[0] JennFox voted for Bulletproof Monk
[1] kevkev60614 voted for Bulletproof Monk
[1] LuckayLuck voted for Sixfour
[0] Nez477 voted for Bulletproof Monk
[0] Nicholasp27 voted for Sixfour
[0] OrangeRake voted for Bulletproof Monk
[1] Our House voted for Bulletproof Monk
[0] reno expat voted for kevkev60614
[0] Resnick voted for chim17
[0] RoundTower voted for Bulletproof Monk
[8] Sixfour voted for Bulletproof Monk
[0] TehVader voted for Sixfour
[0] The_Hitch voted for DustinG

10 min for corrections
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-01-2008 , 10:15 PM
Ok - "open" vote count is correct.

Vote buyers, please PM me your buys for the night.

I will post the lynch once the new votes have been tabulated.
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-01-2008 , 10:40 PM
After a large amount of discussion, the group decided to lynch Bulletproof Monk.

Bulletproof Monk was a Good agent - with no special powers.

All those with night actions, please PM them to me.
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 09:53 AM
The players awoke to find more dead bodies!

HerbieGRD, Our House, and TehVader were all found dead.

HerbieGRD was

Foxxy Cleopatra - a good seer.

Our House was

Basil Exposition - the good votebuyer.

TehVader was

A Good agent - with no powers.

Player List

Bulletproof Monk lynched d1
HerbieGRD killed n1
Our House killed n1
reno expat
TehVader killed n1

Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 09:56 AM
so we lose two power villagers? that sucks. checking to see if herbie encoded any peeks
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:03 AM
hmm, hardly the best start, although i must confess to some relief that the bombardment of movie references might slow down now...
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:04 AM
Fook Mi!

Anyways, Herbie's peek must have been this. I cringed when I read that second post.

Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Oh yeah one last thought before I go back to playing poker

I don't support an OH lynch today. He might be a wolf, but if he is a wolf he's going to spew his wolf buddies playing like that. Give him at least a day or two.

Maybe when I come back I'll actually find a vote that I like, I'll leave my vote on Nez in the interim
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Why did I think OH had a wagon?

Oh well, never mind my last post then. But if OH gets a wagon later feel free to refer to it.
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:06 AM
Possible peeks of herbie's - nez, epi evil, oh possibly, dustin, hitch village, possibly chim. also mentioned monk a lot (specifically not to lynch him), but we know that now. didn't mind clown wagon.
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:08 AM
herbie made a lot of pretty definitive sounding statements about people, i really doubt he was killed for any in particular - and yes, i did see the one where he said "epi is evil".
bob, i dont get what you mean by those quoted posts - OH is a dead confirmed villager, and the nez reference is too ridiculously weak to remotely look like a peek.
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:09 AM
Cliffs notes of Herbie's d1 remarks:



If I had to guess at his n0 peek I'd prolly say Monk cuz it's mentioned more than anything. But that could obv be cuz Monk was a wagon. My next best guesses are either Nez or Clown as evil (Herbie's two votes during the day).

But I've never played in a game w/a Herbie seer, so I'd like to hear other opinions.
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:11 AM

GL Yall and hey dont stress, this will all be groooooovy baby

village can still win so get to it and lets send dr evil back into space!!

Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:11 AM

SOOOO TILTED! Now I know how durron feels. I waited forever to play an AP themed game. Swiitch said he got the idea from Shorty. This is from May 2006:

OH [02:39:25]: got a new theme for the next one you mod, did i tell you?
Shortline99 [02:39:30]: no do tell
OH [02:39:51]: british intelligence vs dr. evil and his henchmen
Shortline99 [02:41:18]: lol
Shortline99 [02:41:23]: too fun man

...and then die n1. Totally steamed right now!! Oh well, GL village.

Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by kevkev60614
If I had to guess at his n0 peek I'd prolly say Monk cuz it's mentioned more than anything. But that could obv be cuz Monk was a wagon.
i read it as that as well, but herbie's got to have been targeted for a reason, and i'd figure that it's possible that he's located a n0 wolf. imo, he's less likely to draw heat if he just pumps out a village peek
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:15 AM
The part about "feel free to refer to this later" definitely feels like what I would say as a seer to draw attention to the peek after I was dead. Sure he said OH might be a wolf, but what he really said was don't lynch him.
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:18 AM
one thing to note though, we don't know that herbie was killed by wolves, he may have been targeted by austin/scott
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by sixfour
one thing to note though, we don't know that herbie was killed by wolves, he may have been targeted by austin/scott
Does it really matter who killed him? Even if it was Austin or the SK, he still had a peek that he might have left for us.
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:35 AM
**** DEAD ****

GL village, I'm a bit steamed aswell although obviously nowhere near OH's level.

**** DEAD ****
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Does it really matter who killed him?
Of course it does, wolves/austin/sk have different reasons for making nk's. if it wasn't the wolves we can put a bit less weight in potential wolf peeks.
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
The part about "feel free to refer to this later" definitely feels like what I would say as a seer to draw attention to the peek after I was dead. Sure he said OH might be a wolf, but what he really said was don't lynch him.
I agree with Bob's reasoning here.....Herbie did mention a lot of other players but this comment makes me think for sure that his actual peek was OH. Whether or not he was killed for this, or was killed for nailing a wolf, is another story...
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Epicurus
hmm, hardly the best start, although i must confess to some relief that the bombardment of movie references might slow down now...
along with a huge chunk of my enjoyment of the game
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:58 AM
I only skimmed last nights dialog, but I am thinking resolving yesterdays wagons is a pretty good idea.

Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:59 AM
Is it to early for a Nezwagon? After rereading I don't think that herbie peeked epi as a wolf. But Nez was Herbie's first vote/post of the day. And although it's not as important, Monk was against him too.

I'm gonna relook at what the dead thought of 64 given their known roles.
Austin Powers - The WereWolf Who Shagged Me Quote
