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August 18th Mysterious Mash Sign-Up Thread -- A No-Vanilla Extravaganza August 18th Mysterious Mash Sign-Up Thread -- A No-Vanilla Extravaganza

08-15-2014 , 08:40 PM
1. mexineil
2. Telcontar
3. Montecore
4. Gamer Dude
5. well named
6. KruZe
7. master3004
8. biggerboat
9. Suqata8
10. Top Tier Tom
11. vendetta21
12. TehVader
13. MFFNike
14. vyk07
15. wangpirate
16. TheBrokenATM!
17. TheNothing
18. ZomgHax
19. bhuber2010
20. grant2
21. Supine
22. LKJ
23. Booker Wolfbox
24. insanity31
25. LeonardoDiCaprio
26. DiggertheDog
27. Nicholasp27
28. Duckburg
29. The Khan
30. Kuhn
31. DarkHarvest722
32. SGT RJ
33. Selsted
34. Trollita
35. El Rata
36. MrWookie
37. aaronk56
38. Xkf
39. J.D.
40. ReddBoiler
41. Sun Tzu
42. ihcjay
43. Treep
44. gambit8888
45. tappokone
46. pry
47. fanmail
48. amplify
49. Effen
50. Mor_Tilt4mePls

The proverbial fence:

1. fnord_too
2. cjkalt
3. iamnotawerewolf
4. dnkyhunter31
5. killer_kill
6. mucksandgravs
7. Vagos
08-15-2014 , 10:30 PM
Almost there.

08-15-2014 , 11:04 PM
it looks like it's definitely going to run so I'm going to out because I don't really feel like playing and I'm going to be pretty busy anyway
08-15-2014 , 11:08 PM
Can you teach us how to read Sun Tzu before you go?
08-15-2014 , 11:09 PM
just call him a villager every time
08-16-2014 , 12:34 AM
oh look another big mash with zero POG mods IN

what a waste of mod slots
08-16-2014 , 12:36 AM
i don't even want to be a POG mod at this point

i want to be a WW Sub Forum Mod

you guys are a waste of green text
08-16-2014 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
i don't even want to be a POG mod at this point

i want to be a WW Sub Forum Mod

you guys are a waste of green text
Kruze, can you find ~7 more players to be in? Work your magic August 18th Mysterious Mash Sign-Up Thread -- A No-Vanilla Extravaganza
08-16-2014 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Kruze, can you find ~7 more players to be in? Work your magic August 18th Mysterious Mash Sign-Up Thread -- A No-Vanilla Extravaganza
man that would take some work

but maybe

i like how the new emoji's convert to the computar version

i was concerned about that
08-16-2014 , 01:07 AM
sent requests to 8 individuals that i enjoy playing this great game with
08-16-2014 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
sent requests to 8 individuals that i enjoy playing this great game with

Why didnt I get one

dont care if I am already signed up...
08-16-2014 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Why didnt I get one

dont care if I am already signed up...
tried to send to only people who aren't yet in

don't think i sent to any that are already in

glad you are in though and would have sent to you if i didn't see ya in the list
08-16-2014 , 01:22 AM
alright I'm in
08-16-2014 , 01:23 AM
I promise nothing, and hope to die early

Last game I said the same thing tho
08-16-2014 , 01:24 AM
ty Larry br0! You always pull through upon request, much respect
08-16-2014 , 01:25 AM
i also invited chilltown erryone be sure to pepper your angus if he hopefully joins
08-16-2014 , 01:41 AM

I'm thinking of getting NHL 15, you play?
08-16-2014 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend

I'm thinking of getting NHL 15, you play?
If I get PS4 I would, dunno if you are on XBox 1 or PS4 but that is the game that is making me want to buy a next gen system.... haven't gone down the next gen system road yet though and I won't buy it for my current PS3.
08-16-2014 , 01:49 AM
I'm on ps3. I haven't been too excited to get a ps4, thinking rift might be cooler once its consumer ready.
08-16-2014 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I'm on ps3. I haven't been too excited to get a ps4, thinking rift might be cooler once its consumer ready.
i just can't imagine buying a next gen game on PS3

like NHL 15 looks awesome with updated announcers/true arenas n stuff

i just don't see them being able to add everything that WILL be on the PS4 version on the PS3


"KruZe-" on PS3 though so add me, don't forget the -
actually i think you are on my list already but under a way different name so disregard that, but anyone else that wants to add me there it is ^^^ just tell me you are from 2p2 and your 2p2 screen name in the invite otherwise i will ignore it/not accept

play bout once or twice a week on COD Black Ops 2 (search and destroy) with a reg group of br0s i know IRL and NHL 14 i play 1v1 online unless my irl bro is on then we play same team vs. other randoms online... I also have a lvl 200+ character on GTA online but haven't touched it in a month+ just looking forward to getting the funds for PS4 and NHL 15 and the GTA version that comes out on PS4, won't get into any COD unless it is treyarch that creates it for PS4
08-16-2014 , 02:11 AM
Yea i have you added im pretty sure. took a long break after we used to race in GTA. I havent played much tho, ill look into ps4 i hadn't thought about it much.
08-16-2014 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Yea i have you added im pretty sure. took a long break after we used to race in GTA. I havent played much tho, ill look into ps4 i hadn't thought about it much.
yea i hear that

it's not on my must buy list

but if i were to get into NHL 15 it would be on PS4 and not PS3

good to see ya sign-up for this WW game man! hope we are both villas
08-16-2014 , 07:35 AM
1. mexineil
2. Telcontar
3. Montecore
4. Gamer Dude
5. Larry Legend
6. KruZe
7. master3004
8. biggerboat
9. Suqata8
10. Top Tier Tom
11. vendetta21
12. TehVader
13. MFFNike
14. vyk07
15. wangpirate
16. TheBrokenATM!
17. TheNothing
18. ZomgHax
19. bhuber2010
20. grant2
21. Supine
22. LKJ
23. Booker Wolfbox
24. insanity31
25. LeonardoDiCaprio
26. DiggertheDog
27. Nicholasp27
28. Duckburg
29. The Khan
30. Kuhn
31. DarkHarvest722
32. SGT RJ
33. Selsted
34. Trollita
35. El Rata
36. MrWookie
37. aaronk56
38. Xkf
39. J.D.
40. ReddBoiler
41. Sun Tzu
42. ihcjay
43. Treep
44. gambit8888
45. tappokone
46. pry
47. fanmail
48. amplify
49. Effen
50. Mor_Tilt4mePls

The proverbial fence:

1. fnord_too
2. cjkalt
3. iamnotawerewolf
4. dnkyhunter31
5. killer_kill
6. mucksandgravs
7. Vagos

A lot of people who I was really hoping would play this game aren't playing. August 18th Mysterious Mash Sign-Up Thread -- A No-Vanilla Extravaganza August 18th Mysterious Mash Sign-Up Thread -- A No-Vanilla Extravaganza Still an excellent lineup obv, but there are a few more people for whom this game is right in their wheelhouse who I wish were in.
08-16-2014 , 08:43 AM
Wtf? Why isn't yg playing?

08-16-2014 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by MFFNike
Wtf? Why isn't yg playing?

just PMed him

if you can think of other people who aren't in and who you'd love to see play, feel free to hit them up to recruit them into the awesomeness
