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April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread

04-11-2011 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
knight will prob show up

crja wont
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 08:51 AM
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 09:07 AM
im working most of the day, but should have some comp/phone access

zayana kill ... makes sense i guess, esp if perdition is a wolf and not the peek, and i dont think he is
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 09:07 AM
Well at least my reads haven't been completely awful this game. Almost certainly voting chrja today but as their are already two votes on him I don't want to risk maj. I have class today so wont be posting till I get back in the afternoon and I'd prefer it if chrja doesn't get maj'd before I return, ty!
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
im working most of the day, but should have some comp/phone access

zayana kill ... makes sense i guess, esp if perdition is a wolf and not the peek, and i dont think he is
omg shroop!!!!!

don't think he is the peek, donuts

i have to look again later tho
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
Well at least my reads haven't been completely awful this game. Almost certainly voting chrja today but as their are already two votes on him I don't want to risk maj. I have class today so wont be posting till I get back in the afternoon and I'd prefer it if chrja doesn't get maj'd before I return, ty!
Homer for tilting me by misusing the word their for there
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by sixfour
kekekekeke, oh well. at least i've read the thread

no big reads yet, zayana i lean villager but it's nothing majorly >rand
day 1 peek of zayana i assume

but the nothing majorly > rand makes it seem like it snot
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by sixfour
aight, i've just had to kill my electrics as something in the fusebox was burning. sorted now but killing the router's made my connection a bit like the aids. i'll be able to check up (probably go to the pub soon and use the wi-fi there which should be quicker) but no guarantee that i'll be able to check a ton of things if the thread explodes in the next ~5 hours
Originally Posted by sixfour
i don't know it's necessarily systo=wolf. it could be more systo=lazy villager trying to make up reads and gain cheap village points for later on (as he's, like, trying?)

obv that'd blow up in his face, but i'd say his doing so is somewhat neutral right now. interesting that he'd choose mine to go after, could go for any one of the posts that were made before he showed up

systo vil peek? meh

Originally Posted by sixfour
who is knightrunner? has anyone played with him before?
this could mean that he peeked knight night 0 and didnt know how to bring it up

Originally Posted by sixfour
this exchange is cute

how about uaw, junk posting with younguns early then complete silence, that sort of thing early isn't always v/v. favour uaw as younguns at least returned and provided some more stuff earlier
soft younguns villa peek (which obv gets disproved later)

Originally Posted by sixfour
i'm not sure i've ever seen a wolf rageselfvote d1. although it would be great for metagame purposes, i must remember to do that next time i get randed wofl
to systo\

Originally Posted by sixfour
heh, well then i guess there's course and distance and we should just lynch you

joking, but if you are village then what mets says makes sense. at least look at the first dozen posts and tell me that i'm nuts for thinking that the uaw/younguns exchange isn't necessarily v/v
he mentions that i make sense

Originally Posted by sixfour
it got sorted for now

my internet is still the aids though, timing out every other minute
Originally Posted by sixfour
nice that's nice

how about voting for the old uaw to get an alternative to systo going?
he obv didnt peek uaw
systo vil is a possibility

Originally Posted by sixfour
ok, my internet is so crap that i thought the post above was timing out. if i make a double post in the future it'll probably be me thinking that it hadn't gone through and f5ing it
Originally Posted by sixfour
ok, if you think that that's the situation then it'd make sense
to norse

Originally Posted by sixfour
going to watch end of masters first round then comment on anything that's happened, which is probably not much
Originally Posted by Systolic
Its a tossup between norse and homer
Originally Posted by sixfour
don't like either of these
peeked norse or homer?

Originally Posted by sixfour
ok, now I'm somewhat concerned, the uaw voters after me were younguns, who I basically provoked after he was open to doing so, systo in defence, then zay who I was leaning villa on. was really hoping that someone would put on an obv wolfy vote. after norse explained uaw's posting habits I didn't like things, but don't really know where else to go. suggestions?
he mentions the zay villager thing again

Originally Posted by sixfour
I wouldn't actually hate a younguns lynch, didn't mets have an idea that he'd be wolf earlier? It'd be super easy for wolf younguns to vote uaw there regardless of uaw's role
so he obv didnt peek younguns vil. i dont think this looks like a younguns wolf peek. wierd mention of me, could he have peeked me villa?

Originally Posted by sixfour

gl, out

zay villa - 8
systo vil - 7.5
whitenight wolf - 7
mets vil - 6.5
homer or norse vil - 6.5
younguns wolf - 5.5

he doesnt mention perdition at all day 1. so if he's a villa peek as some people suggested yesterday, he was peeked night 1
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 09:52 AM
Sorry i didnt get in last night, I was quite drunk when i got home. Glad we did the right thing and lynched Knight. He most certainly had to be the right kill.

Hard to know if Chrja really believed perdition was the n1 peek or he was faking him as the peek to try and cover Knight
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 10:06 AM
So I would like to humbly apologize to younguns for trying to lynch him yesterday and the day before.

Knightrunner pretty much makes him a cleared villager in my eyes. Will explain in a bit, but first, nom nom breakfast time.
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
So I would like to humbly apologize to younguns for trying to lynch him yesterday and the day before.

Knightrunner pretty much makes him a cleared villager in my eyes. Will explain in a bit, but first, nom nom breakfast time.
the Zayana kill doesn't make him look great, but I still think he's a vil
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
the Zayana kill doesn't make him look great, but I still think he's a vil
Was zayana not the confirmed day 1 peeked villa from 64 ? she had to be killed last night.
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
Was zayana not the confirmed day 1 peeked villa from 64 ? she had to be killed last night.
i believe she was the peek, but i others (actually it was probably her) implied that they thought it was perd.
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:07 AM
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Since I feel we should lynch outside the claims.

younguns is a good wagon tonight.
Originally Posted by Systolic

to resolve wagons from yesterday
Originally Posted by knightrunnermat
If this is true, why would Systo be so obvious? I think there are more subtle ways to draw out the seer. This makes me want to jump on the other wagon. Younguns is my vote for tonight.

See you all in the morning, unless I get killed off that is!

Here's what I'm talking about. I have a hard time thinking that a noob wolf in his 2nd game of WW would put the 3rd vote on his wolf partner in this situation.

His vote made the wagons 4-3 and made Younguns lynch very realistic if I hadn't have backed off after he and Systolic jumped on.
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:31 AM
with 24 hour chat anything is possible.
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:38 AM
I suppose, forgot it was 24h chat.

I still think it goes a ways towards clearing him however.
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:40 AM
If you think that was formulated, you'd have to assume the 3rd wolf is myself, you or Homer as well.

As I don't see Younguns (who I understand is newer?) and Knightrunner/Chrja/Perdition, cooking that up themselves.
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:40 AM
i don't see myself voting younguns either
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:41 AM
I don't like the fact that I keep forgetting Telcontar is in this game.
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
If you think that was formulated, you'd have to assume the 3rd wolf is myself, you or Homer as well.

As I don't see Younguns (who I understand is newer?) and Knightrunner/Chrja/Perdition, cooking that up themselves.
yes it would have to be a semi-experienced wolf

perdition does have experience on other boards though
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
I don't like the fact that I keep forgetting Telcontar is in this game.
he subbed in for sun, it's not his fault
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
Something that really bothers me is who would kill 64 based on his posts. I mean there is nothing definitive at all and it would have to be someone who is familiar with his game to make that call. Thinking of that kill I would say the wolf team could be somehting like :: Mets / knight / Perdition.

mets, for a few reasons.

1. To me, this just doesn't feel like his villager game. It's been a while since I played with him, but it doesnt feel villager metsy.

2. He's the right kind of player who could figure out that 64 is a seer based on his postings.

3. His reactions to this post from systo really bothered me.

First of all he says that the CFD really bothers him, I wonder why, perdition as a teammate, maybe ? then later when he's analyzing systo posts, he quotes this post and completely ignores the perdition vote. if he's already stated that he doesn't like the cfd, it'd be worth his while to say that he dislikes the vote when covering it again. Or at least to me that would make sense.

knight - I really think that's why 64 was killed last night. I think it's much less likely perdition villager. His day 1 posts are completely uninspiring as 64 quoted when saying that he wanted to vote knight.

Perdition - If I'm seer xxxx = wolf. A ballsy play if you've got a really sick read on someone, like Systolic has on me, incredibly stupid/careless otherwise. It felt like to me that it was a desperation play from a wolf. Out someone who can get peeked as a wolf in the hopes of a counter-claim from the real seer or even, just call systolic a wolf cause you know he's gonna blow up anyways cause Systo is always gonna Systo.

So yeah, that's one possible case maybe

football time, I'll be back a little later
I like this post though. I've been thinking about this myself. Which is why I think the 3rd wolf is probably either Mets/Homer, leaning towards Homer.
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:47 AM
That's about it as far as content posts from him go though.

I know it sucks subbing in, I personally can't stand doing it. But more from Tel would be appreciated.
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:54 AM
zomg thanks

Originally Posted by Telcontar
Something that really bothers me is who would kill 64 based on his posts. I mean there is nothing definitive at all and it would have to be someone who is familiar with his game to make that call. Thinking of that kill I would say the wolf team could be somehting like :: Mets / knight / Perdition.

mets, for a few reasons.

1. To me, this just doesn't feel like his villager game. It's been a while since I played with him, but it doesnt feel villager metsy.

2. He's the right kind of player who could figure out that 64 is a seer based on his postings.

3. His reactions to this post from systo really bothered me.
I believe crja is a wolf, and if he is not, Perdition is. Why? because he fakepeeked perd vill and sixfour? vil.

because you dont die with correct peeks doesnt 100% make the peeks wrong; but i hate how crja refused to admit that it was a possibility.

as his partner, maybe he would change the read and bus. or maybe he wouldnt, cause a knight/crja/perd team is pretty weak (no offense)

but I think the nightkill was a POE nightkill cause everyone else prob had a wrong peek. I know i did
April 7 Vanilla WW Game Thread Quote
