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Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS

02-16-2011 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Michael Stipe
nastia, explain how your village game went from: super active to you guys are stupid if you're wasting your time looking at me, go find the real wolf, i think i know who it might be, but i'm not going to tell you.
Could have sworn I made this post:
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by King Juan Carlos
ugh i messed up my post above. i meant to say look at all these wolves on JJ!! it looks like they are trying to save quiche here
I pointed out earlier how I thought wolves wanted Joyce to get lynched thinking he was the seer. So I think that was their main reason, but obviously both could be true.

The day that Fabreze got lynched and counterwagon being Billy might be interesting to read.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Michael Stipe

lol!! i know!!! ugh!
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 01:41 PM
Fine I'll clear myself because Stipe is being an idiot.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
I pointed out earlier how I thought wolves wanted Joyce to get lynched thinking he was the seer. So I think that was their main reason, but obviously both could be true.

The day that Fabreze got lynched and counterwagon being Billy might be interesting to read.
they obviously wanted JJ dead since they NKed him, but god how terrible is it going to look for them if they lynch him like that and THEY ARE ALL voting for him?!??! lol!!! wow.

thinking about it now it makes a kind of sense if their goal here is to kill JJ and quiche just happens to be a villager they are "saving". i mean if quiche is an inexperienced villager who just happened to play into the wolves hands and nastia is a very good wolf, then the game will make sense
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Blaze & Pac are wolfiest so far.
Originally Posted by Billy Blaze

now apply my rule
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Billy Blaze
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Mach 5, why do you make a point of me being wolfy and Quiche calling me out for it without including everything concerning me, Quiche and Elian?

They didn't match with what you wanted to say?
Originally Posted by Billy Blaze
i don't get how his point implies i am a wolf in any way. or how he thought it would imply i was a wolf in any way.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
I don't usually do this, but this is my villager list in order:

Rose McGowan
Stan Van Gundy
Taylor Swift
Mach 5
Hawaiian Punch
Michael Stipe

Billy Blaze
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Balloon Girl - Has only posted couple one liners, but 2 of them actually had fair points, but #170 was wolfy.

Billy Blaze - Weird posts about Wikipedia, after Stipe pointed it out his reactions were wolfy.

Dom Deluise - 3 meh posts..

Elian Gonzalez - #69, the "also could a villager not see two people he thinks are wolfy and tries to weigh up which is more wolfy?" could have been a freudian slip. He explained it at #79 "I really dislike it when people state "oh but I'm a villager so your theory is obviously wrong"", not sure if I believe him.

Ernie Els - Made few votes without giving any reasons and settles to sponging Hochuli. Definitely not villagery.

Hawaiian Punch - Most active poster, but lot of his posts are fluff, that could be his usual style though. He has actually used good arguments, but most of the posts he was doing that for seemed to be defending himself from Taylor's heat. Post #285 about Taylor is really villagery and a fair point about Taylor, but

Helen of Troy - #228 calls Mach 5 a wolf and little earlier said that Punch had posted most content, I think this shows that she wasn't reading the thread to this point at least. Quiche Lorraine posts #266 and #272 were slightly villagery to me

Hines Ward - Lurking like no tomorrow, he's a wolf.

James Joyce - Just one fluffly post about Hines' tilt posting.

John J. Rambo - #335 and 337, I feel like a wolf wouldn't pick up on something like this, whitch makes John villagery.

Lemmy Caution - Reads like a newish player, I think #334 was villagery. It's also possible that he could be clear from seer hunt.

Mach 5 - Started off very active by couple of multi quotes and he had a logical thought process in all of them. I think he's villagery.

Michael Stipe - Posts about Billy Blaze were villagery, they show he's paying attentiong, thinking and wolf hunting.

Orca Whale - 1 horrible post..

Quiche Lorraine - Mach 5's point was good, I was actually going to post the same thing about "always quick vote" and then saying it was his 2nd game, but however I think the happy tone in his posts is villagery.

Rose McGowan - Villager for the James Joyce post at #94, most of her posts make lot of sense.

Stan Van Gundy - Started off with haikus to hide his meta, but he seemed to be actively wolf hunting from the beginning and got very villagery after dropping out of haikus.

Taylor Swift - I feel like the way she went after Hawaiian Punch d1 is something a wolves would avoid in case Taylor was one and Hawaiian was a villager, because it would put her in to spotlights. Some villagery posting today also.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Balloon Girl is a lock wolf.
Originally Posted by Mach 5
Obviously we have to decide about quiche. The posts the last 18 hours or so from her feel villagery to me, and I just can't see a wolf, any wolf, doing the lolquiche thing that early in the day today. Remember, even if she's an inexperienced player the other wolves would be able to write something for her, and surely she'd do better than that.

Another thing: if she is a wolf, it looks like there was some serious effort to save her last night, so whenever we do find out (maybe today, yes), we'll have others. (relatedly, I'm sad that nobody did a timeline of yesterday's voting; now I have to )

I think we need to consider other options, particularly those who also appeared to be on the block yesterday. My reason for not wanting to lynch hines ward is not as strong today, so that could work, particularly since it's now day four and from what I can see he hasn't done any more than quiche has, while looking affirmatively wolfy along the way.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
He started off by saying that he does something always, and later saying it's his second game. I think it's possible that he decided that he wanted to play noob so he'd get away with more than he should, but he forgot what he had initially posted. Few people caught him on this and there was talk about it. I think you were one of them.

He flipped it in to away that he said the first thing to hide his identity, but I think it's very likely that it could be the other way around.

Another thing was from d2 when he voted me and then 2 hours after he voted with me, whitch in my opinion indicates that he's really not wolf hunting at all, he's just trying to appear that way.

But when I was rereading him today I really couldn't decide weither this was the case or if it is actually his 2nd game..
Originally Posted by Mach 5
Meh. After I posted that I was just looking over some of the things that have been pointed out today and there is a lot of it pointing to quiche wolf... and I'm way more inclined to trust that than a tone read. It doesn't FEEL right, but it's hard for me to see keeping quiche alive any more.
Originally Posted by Mach 5
It looks to me like his being alive after his stuff last night says that either one of his villagers is a wolf, or he is. That sort of conclusion is never firm, but it does point that direction.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Well like I said earlier, I'd much rather lynch Balloon Girl today, because for one thing it seems like we're lynching a counterwagon to a villager day after day for "information" and they just flip villager after villager and we really aren't none the wiser.

But I'd appreciate your opinion especially on all the 6 people I listed. Rereading them shouldn't take that much time.
Originally Posted by Billy Blaze
Reread balloon girl.

not seeing anything. not a ton of posts but most of what she says are her reads.

honestly the only people that seem >rand off the top of my head to be wolves from your list are Elian and Fabreze.
Originally Posted by Mach 5
I will, but I'm going to put together a compilation of the voting yesterday first. I get that it can be frustrating when "information" lynches just yield the information that we've been wrong about stuff, but I don't think that's why we (or most of us anyway) have been voting the way we have -- there were good, or at least arguably good, reasons affirmatively to suspect each of the lynched players and the other wagons too.

Before I do get to reading the more suspicious players, I'm going to preemptively grumble that it's really hard to read inactive people.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Vote Balloon Girl and it's not even close.
Originally Posted by Mach 5
What happened to the rest of your list?
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Nothing. But you guys are talking about Hines and Lemmy and James, man.. If they are wolves their time will come, but it's not today and they're not even worth to be pressured today when we have such good wolf targets at Balloon Girl, Fabreze and maybe Billy and Quiche.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
I repeat: You who think Balloon Girl is very likely wolf should vote her already. The reason for this is that if a wolf or a sponge comes to a thread and vote Quiche then there's already 6 vote on it and only 3 on the 2nd wagon whitch in this case is Balloon Girl, this even more so gives sponges and wolves reason to just vote Quiche because it becomes a runaway wagon. Obviously this is no problem if Quiche is a wolf, but Balloon should be and is a better vote.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
I forgot to add that you guys can't seer hunt for ****.
Originally Posted by Billy Blaze
if you want me to ignore you that is fine but you are clearly just making stuff up.

the only one of the 8 i listed with a vote is Hines and the person already said they were going to move it. none of the 8 are villagery and while people are mentioning them they aren't even beginning to pressure them.

popping in is often wolfy but when you are a non wagon popping in to share your reads is not remotely wolfy. you are just wrong if you disagree with that.

as for the stuff about me, clearly you have made your decision and it won't change. i hope you are enjoying your game of be a dbag and try to tilt and lynch villagers. if you want to join some of us are playing werewolf.
Originally Posted by Mach 5
Nastia, for some reason you've gone from going through people's posts to making assertions without support, and from putting together cases to asking other people to do it. What happened?
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Clearly for your plan to success it's not required for any of them to have votes now when you're thinking ahead of time and it's not hard to pick wolfy villagers with perfect information whitch you have.

Ok, if you were a villager you wouldn't seriously make claims like I'm bad villager or that I'm lynching villagers while you have voted Pac Man and then Taylor Swift. Those votes were horrible, I know I voted Pac Man too, but I would have never if I caught up, I voted at the time because Taylor was 2nd wagon and because I remembered Pac Man being wolfy earlier.
Originally Posted by Billy Blaze
all your arguement just presuppose i am a wolf and then conclude i am a wolf so i am not going to argue with you anymore.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
People didn't read my long posts, so I figured they'd listen to themselves if I'd instead make them read who I wanted to be lynched themselves.

I could give reasons for every single of my reads, but it's irrelevant and it's so obvious who the wolves are it's not even funny.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
We got 17 players left and you have 8 people long wolf list. What are you trying to accomplish as a villager there?
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
About time to vote Balloon Girl.
Originally Posted by Billy Blaze
it is difficult to get reads on 8 people, non of whom are villagery, all of whom are being largely ignored in favor of people that have done villagery things.

if i had my way there would be Elian/James wagons right now but past my first 1 or 2 the rest of the 8 are one big pile of bleh who, with your and Michael's help, are just skating along.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Mach 5 vote Balloon Girl please.
Originally Posted by Balloon Girl
man i saw this coming.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Bad wolves always except to be lynched.
Originally Posted by Balloon Girl
nobody listens to me nobody reads my posts they just say oh, balloon girl is a good vote to. now im gonna get lynched cause im the easiest lynch left.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Everyone has read your posts, you've had nothing to say.

What are your reads at the moment, with as much details as possible?
Originally Posted by Balloon Girl
no im villa. you too, im pretty sure. the people who were whispering my name but to afraid to vote me are the wolves.
Originally Posted by Balloon Girl
i had plenty to say. ernie was a wolf and i caught him. king carlos is new name but still a wolf. then james joyce is a wolf and hes really obvious dont know how he wasnt lynched.

dunno about quiche. i want quiche to be a wolf cause then stipe is a villa. i wanted to lynch stipe cause he seems weird but then i think maybe weird is villa? but maybe hes acting?
Originally Posted by Balloon Girl
its cause people have been saying my name for days. nastia is still my #1 villa.

if she had reasons or questions id answer.
Originally Posted by Balloon Girl
no man it has nothing to do with the results. A VILLA DOESNT LEAVE 15 MINUTES TO NIGHT THEY STAY TO SEE WHAT THE RESULT IS. THEY JUST DONT. a wolf doesnt really leave they say they leave.

i didnt pick it up last night i figured it out when i reread.

i changed my vote to taylor because joyce wasnt getting lynched.
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin
Why are you liberately missing his point?

Why doesn't the same thing apply on Quiche? He said half hour ago that he would leave, although he came back it's almost the same, and you didn't see that, but you saw it for but you noticed Joyce?
Originally Posted by Balloon Girl
quiche said that today? all ive done is answer questions i missed it. anyways 45 minutes to night and 15 minutes to night is big difference
Originally Posted by Elian Gonzalez
Balloon Girl, top 3 villagers

Originally Posted by Balloon Girl
that stupid nobody cares once im dead whatever

nastia stan HP
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin

These are most of the interactions I've had with the known wolves. I have done sick amount of wolf hunting during the game and that alone clears me with these interactions.

Here, most importantly what you need to note is how Balloon Girl reacted to me. She was trying to clear me when she was dying, now if I and she planned that I was going to bus her then she would go against me also and not try to clear me. She was trying to clear me so I would thinkg she's not a wolf, because usually wolves just spitevote you or something.

Also I tried to make Billy Blaze angry on the post I edited his thoughts calling out wolves and he reacted to me in the way that wolves just can't fake.

And I know that most people aren't going to read the quotes, they're just going to read what I say about them and they remain uncapable of clearing me, so take the time to reread all the quotes I quoted and you'll understand why I'm clear.

Thank you.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 02:18 PM
3 reasons why Quiche could be a wolf:

- Some of his posts doesn't look like new player posts at all, and there's the fact that he started off the game by saying he always does something, but then later decided that it's his 2nd game and that the first posts were levelling.

- The day that Balloon Girl got lynched and Quiche Lorraine was a counterwagon, Balloon didn't claim because it would doom the both of them eventually. If Quiche was a villager then why wouldn't Balloon claim? Claiming would get the other guy lynched near 100% of the time.

- At one point of d2 he called me a wolf, but then voted with me on next page:
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 02:21 PM
But I haven't focused to the others nearly enough to rule anyone out.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 02:22 PM

Now one more vote on me kills me. I think this will be interesting.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 02:31 PM
Votes as of post 2284
night in 8:00
# Player votes for
0 Havana Club
0 King Juan Carlos Quiche Lorraine
0 John J. Rambo Nastia Liukin
0 Michael Stipe Nastia Liukin
3 Nastia Liukin Nastia Liukin
1 Quiche Lorraine
Leaders as of post 2284:
3 - Nastia Liukin
1 - Quiche Lorraine
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 02:44 PM
lol at this situation. very interesting what you have set up nastia. i like it.

i read all your quotes and i am sorry but i don't think it clears you. i wish it did. i want it to, but it doesn't. it does clear you more than quiche is clear fwiw.

i hope you can see how bad it looks that you have been so absent recently.

i am not sure how to read your self vote. i could see you doing that as a villager or a wolf. but i like the drama! so kudos for that.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 02:47 PM
just in case there is maj night and i get NKed my opinion is quiche>nastia>havana
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 02:48 PM
I'm not the only one who has been absent, but for some reason I'm the only one who's wolfy for it..
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 02:55 PM
Without me Quiche would have been lynched over Balloon, what have you others done that has helped the village hugely? With this only I've done more than many, so why am I more wolfy than those who haven't done much?
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 02:55 PM
maybe it's not fair to single you out nastia because you did so much work. but that is mostly why you are being singled out. you did a ton of work and were all over this game, and THEN disappeared. so you can see how it looks bad for someone like you who was sooooo active and wolf hunting like crazy, that you would not be around for the end to help us get the final wolf.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 03:00 PM
Right i've been reading over this.

And as you can see by my posts I offered my lynch on more then one occasion

Please villagers read my post.

Stipe is the last wolf.

Nastia was my second choice but after reading him today I've changed my mind.

There is no way Nastia should be lynched.

Havana / King /John /Nastia Vote for stipe... If he is a villager we will know more tomorrow. Why does he want ME and Nastia to take one for the villager if he's not up for it himself. ""ANYTHING TO GET THE VILLAGE TO WIN""

Again i offer my lynch BUT If you do lynch me please please please lynch Stipe tomorrow because i'm 100% sure he wont be NK'ed

Ask youself this... If you where that last wolf who would you want gone from this game. ???? --- Now honestly ask yourself this..If would be stipe everytime.

Like a good.. no Great player and great wolf he's turned us all on each other.

Vote Stipe

If you decide to vote for my i'll change my vote.

But at this moment in time i could vote Nastia and close the days voting and he/she would be lynched... If i was the alst wolf i would jump on this.

Vote Stipe
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 03:01 PM
and i do think it's very bad for havana not to be here too. havana has barely been here and that sucks.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 03:03 PM
michael stipe
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 03:31 PM

John J. Rambo accidentally posted from his main account. Given the situation, my decision is that it's best for the game to modkill him.

He was a villager (band TBD). His identity was...


I know it's easy to slip, but everyone else please be on HIGH ALERT to avoid this for the rest of the game.

So as to not have the maj number change midday, ALL CURRENT VOTES HAVE BEEN CANCELED.

You may revote at any time after this post. But for now, votes have been reset to a clean slate.

Votes as of post 2293
night in 7:00
# Player votes for
0 Havana Club
0 King Juan Carlos
0 Michael Stipe
0 Nastia Liukin
0 Quiche Lorraine


It is Day, you may post (except for Rambo...sorry Telco )

Last edited by legend42; 02-16-2011 at 03:38 PM.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 03:33 PM
Vote Stipe
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 03:42 PM
**** that
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 03:45 PM
I selfvoted to see if anyone of the people who had voted would be unvote, because I think wolves would just stay away and hope someone would maj me, so if someone unvoted me I was going to give him some villa points.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 03:48 PM
Stipe was weird on the day that Balloon Girl got lynched, I'll give you that, but there's very few wolves left in POG who could play this game like he has as a wolf..

Now's probably a good time for me to step up.
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 04:12 PM
**** dead ****

I'm so so so sorry guys. really genuine mistake, that I still can't believe I made. much to everyone.

**** dead ****
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
02-16-2011 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Nastia Liukin

Now's probably a good time for me to step up.
go nastia go!! just like the olympics! stick the landing!!
Anonymous Vanilla WW Game ~ INDIE BAND WARS Quote
