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Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread

04-08-2014 , 06:30 PM
Okay I really do have to go. I completely support Bloo's actions wrt the heal, but I agree with the thread that he shouldn't have claimed. I'll be back in like 45.
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I'm not saying you're getting shot in the face tonight...

...but you're getting shot in the face.
please don't

chartz alone make this a bad shot
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:31 PM
I have entered a weird universe where paired poisoners and healers are not completely standard and village day angels are not common. In this universe, it is possible domer's a villager but I'd still like to know why he'd pumpkin UD.
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
how about you briefly summarize for me
I spent a fair bit of time going through the poisoning stuff, and suspecting Hurp, I still kinda do. I don't think he's trying too hard to get clear based on illogical conclusions.

I was suspicious of Vagos/younguns mason claim.

I wanted to know what Euro was playing at last night, pretty sure he's villa now though.

I'm now suspicious of vix and BATM for their terrible and completely unexplained shots on me. I'd be suspicious of moni too if they weren't peeked villa.
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:31 PM
I dont like clearing people/giving people villa points for shooting JR

Maybe only Zdye cause Jimmy shot him first
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
There are known knowns, things we know we know like I am the village vigilante. There are known unknowns, like how we know UD was the seer and don't know the mechanics of why disko was revealed as a villager. Then there are unknown unkowns like why you wrote this post.
because ive been away from a PC for 6 hours and am catching up quickly
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:33 PM
Glad the pumpkin is back. I missed that in the previous Anniversarys
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
In this universe, it is possible domer's a villager but I'd still like to know why he'd pumpkin UD.
it is pretty straight forward...i wanted to severely limit both players postings
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
I think it'd be a really broken way for a mod to execute a redirected/randomized peek to the extent that I'm not gonna bother considering it
You are correct and I retract my statement as I am wrong
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
Also Vi. Is no longer clear in my eyes since I was clearing him/her for pushing disko
Good point. I was also clearing vi for that
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
I'm now suspicious of vix and BATM for their terrible and completely unexplained shots on me. I'd be suspicious of moni too if they weren't peeked villa.
I explained why, you just asked me and I answered.
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
I dont like clearing people/giving people villa points for shooting JR

Maybe only Zdye cause Jimmy shot him first
Right, that's what I was getting at.

Do wangpirate and Leo have JR at or near the top of their wolf lists yesterday and this morning?
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I'm not saying you're getting shot in the face tonight...

...but you're getting shot in the face.
i look forward to it

also has BATM been back since claiming um... "village rapist"?

bc no way TL puts that in her game
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
complete garbage vote

why are you even at the point where you are tinfoiling that an always-village role could be a wolf, let alone of the leading posters in the game is wolfing in that role?

stupidity or ulterior motives behind this vote
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I explained why, you just asked me and I answered.
You said no particular reason. Pretty sure that qualifies as unexplained.
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
i look forward to it

also has BATM been back since claiming um... "village rapist"?

bc no way TL puts that in her game
Can't even think which POGger that would make sense for.
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:36 PM
TehNothing, I didn't think what you said lacked merit though.

If you're a village day angel you are going to make your n0 someone likely to be dayvigged d1. No offence meant to you at all, but an insanity type would seem a much more likely person to be dayvigged.

But otoh it seems odd to lie like that. Weird not to just say, oh I day angelled vagos d1 or something like that.

So it's like he seems to have lied but it's a weird lie for a wolf.
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:37 PM
that RollWave shot on accobra_kid was also aidsy

RollWave develops a kinda tenuous tone read on accobra_kid yesterday just before EOD:
Originally Posted by RollWave
askthepizza was getting votes because nich is a quitter when he plays same reason, he thinks gabe quits as a wolf?

No, nothing to do with gabe - he just wanted an excuse to make a multi quote


Accobra is a wolf because he has something he wanted to say, but couldnt figure out how, so he just waited for an opportunity (oh, askthepizzaman and rollwave both subbed in, i'll use that).

He is not reading the thread to try and solve it based on having no idea why people all voted for askthepizza. He's just trying to find opportunities to talk.
He didn't really develop or evolve that read today or consider any of accobra_kid's other posts, he just kept repeating that accobra is a wolf, restated his d1 read pretty much exactly when asked. I feel like he got "stuck" on accobra=wolf in a not-so-villagery fashion - it's like he isn't interested in accobra's role, he's interested in getting accobra dead.

Just before his shot he plopped out the bog-standard preparatory dodge of accountability:
Originally Posted by RollWave
nobody has nice things to say about accobra right? that later criticism could be diverted with "well I asked and nobody objected".
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
I have entered a weird universe where paired poisoners and healers are not completely standard and village day angels are not common. In this universe, it is possible domer's a villager but I'd still like to know why he'd pumpkin UD.
A lot of coincidences there. With ud being a seer. Ud getting a wrong peek. The pumpkin might have done something really bad to ud.

Something like wolves peeked ud n0 would make all the pieces fit.
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by accobra_kid
Right, that's what I was getting at.

Do wangpirate and Leo have JR at or near the top of their wolf lists yesterday and this morning?
Uh I'm not sure, that is something to look at
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
No. I'm probably the most legendary role in this game. There's probably a more powerful wolf since I have less fire power.
But I'm a village rapist.

I can stalk(seer)
Rape(vig with butthurt) hard to unlock
Or kidnap (RB)

So basically I'm a sicko! U want me alive. Which do u want me to use on u hurp?

Let me guess... Keep the KY warm,
See you tonight baby
this is not a role itg

and the role would not be "rapist" let alone "village rapist"
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
it is pretty straight forward...i wanted to severely limit both players postings
But you do not in fact limit postings. Neither of your actions prevented the player from posting, right?
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:38 PM
lol BATM
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
You said no particular reason. Pretty sure that qualifies as unexplained.
How is that not an explanation?

I mean I explained more in depth the last time someone asked, I assume you read it. I was under the impression monikrazy was or is a peeked villager and he shot you, I didn't really know who to shoot since I just woke up; so I shot who he shot.

Is that better?
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
complete garbage vote

why are you even at the point where you are tinfoiling that an always-village role could be a wolf, let alone of the leading posters in the game is wolfing in that role?

stupidity or ulterior motives behind this vote
i don't really care about your claim

healer is an "always-village" role too
Anniversary VIII: The Apogalypse - Game Thread Quote
