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Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises

04-11-2012 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
did Felix claim to have vigged Slighted last night?
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
On a more serious note, one of my best friends is in the hospital and may be in emergency surgery soon, he went in with severe abdominal pain and the doctors aren't sure what's wrong, so I may not be around for EOD. Or I may be. No idea.
Hope it all goes well and he feels better soon.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
did Felix claim to have vigged Slighted last night?
Yes, he did not request it.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by ShadowZero
Here is my current Lynch, that:

Henrik Sedin
Felix Cat
could you explain your ranking of the middle to late ppl?

me would always be fun, wouldn't mind taking a run at clearing myself further at some point... (and yes i will claim asap)

TBob seems pretty damn clear from all the shots being taken at him, and the watcher claim to help confirm the Thingy/kwami mess.

why is teddy so high, wasn't there weirdness with Thingy hard defending him?

bigger and you are 2 on my "top secret paranoid" wolf list. just a little on why you two are so clear?

top 4 or 5 looks good though.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
On a more serious note, one of my best friends is in the hospital and may be in emergency surgery soon, he went in with severe abdominal pain and the doctors aren't sure what's wrong, so I may not be around for EOD. Or I may be. No idea.
Make sure that your shot does not match Vigilante TBobLP his observation.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 01:56 PM
Good morning.

I killed Slighted last night. I went with the second wagon since nobody gave me any instructions to the contrary.

NOW, who claims to have tracked me to nobody?
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
could you explain your ranking of the middle to late ppl?

me would always be fun, wouldn't mind taking a run at clearing myself further at some point... (and yes i will claim asap)

TBob seems pretty damn clear from all the shots being taken at him, and the watcher claim to help confirm the Thingy/kwami mess.

why is teddy so high, wasn't there weirdness with Thingy hard defending him?

bigger and you are 2 on my "top secret paranoid" wolf list. just a little on why you two are so clear?

top 4 or 5 looks good though.
My list is based on the tone of how people are coming to attack meetmeid.Inimesed and thread on the list is whether or not the behavior exhibited Wolfy villagery at all, while people in the bottom of the list is pretty damn villagery almost the entire game on their arguments, actions and tone.

People are not in the middle of a very Wolfy but they have not done anything yet, which makes it clear that their agenda is to help the village win.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
Good morning.

I killed Slighted last night. I went with the second wagon since nobody gave me any instructions to the contrary.

NOW, who claims to have tracked me to nobody?

Felix also says he killed slighted.
Tracker says you did nothing.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
fcbl should shoot felix and vice versa.. proves everything.. and at this point vigs are almost more harm than good to the village.

In addition to the 2nd wagon theory, this post really made me think he was a wolf.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
I killed Slighted last night. I went with the second wagon since nobody gave me any instructions to the contrary.
sooooo, you didn't read the thread?
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
Good morning.

I killed Slighted last night. I went with the second wagon since nobody gave me any instructions to the contrary.

NOW, who claims to have tracked me to nobody?
You will be dead soon, comrade.

If you have a day of departure, of course.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
Thank you for clearing this would've been pretty hard to prove my case without posting my pm given that wording.

My picks, duckburg no action, akson no action, insanity tracked to comeasur, kwami tracked to thingyman, and Fcbl no action. I debated between BLS and Fcbl but took comeasurs advice and.chose not to track birdie. Let it be known that this doesn't implicate Fcbl, and I am not treating it as such. He could have witheld his shot o forgot it...or obv be lying as wolf or villa as well

Can he do more than just write hodor now?


I did not withhold my shot. I did not forget to shoot.

Here is your liar.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
sooooo, you didn't read the thread?

Yes, I did.

The only "instructions" I saw was Slighted telling Felix and I to shoot each other.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by ShadowZero
You will be dead soon, comrade.

If you have a day of departure, of course.

I liked the Hodor stuff better to be honest.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:02 PM

If I visited nobody and killed nobody last night, and I am lying about being a vig, then WHO KILLED ROLLWAVE?
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish

If I visited nobody and killed nobody last night, and I am lying about being a vig, then WHO KILLED ROLLWAVE?
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:06 PM
We do need to discuss what we do if FCBL dies as a vig.

Tbob could be a wolf with that role, I guess.. but he's been so villagery.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:06 PM
Just tossing this out.

There hasn't been a single confirmed instance of a wolf shooting a wolf in itas. Domer shot at tbob.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Just tossing this out.

There hasn't been a single confirmed instance of a wolf shooting a wolf in itas. Domer shot at tbob.
Yes, I do not see TBobLP never located here.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:08 PM

Votes as of post 10518
Night in 06:53

6 FCBLComish biggerboat (21), chim17 (28), Felix the Cat (3), necro (6), ShadowZero (24), TheNothing (7)
2 BirdieLongSocks comeasur337 (9), Henrik Sedin (6)
2 chim17 BirdieLongSocks (17), teddyyyr1974 (21)
1 TBobLP FCBLComish (6)
2 not voting TBobLP (8), Treep (0)
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
Yes, I did.

The only "instructions" I saw was Slighted telling Felix and I to shoot each other.
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
I'd like a list of 2 or 3 to rand from.

I also don't want any opportunities for vigs vigging each other, so no shooting FCBL or me.

If nobody says anything else I will rand from:
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
FCBL too?
Originally Posted by Slighted
yeah that felix list is pretty bad...
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
oh nvm, didn't read your post initially...
Originally Posted by Slighted
fcbl should shoot felix and vice versa.. proves everything.. and at this point vigs are almost more harm than good to the village.
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin

both unresolved really.
Originally Posted by Slighted
good luck village if i die..

punish those that dont stick to plans, dont let people get away with forgetting NA's or taking duplicate shots.. FCBL DO NOT SHOOT FROM FELIX's LIST to avoid duplicates
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
they should prob add each other to their own list

the instructions were to not shoot anyone from Felix's list, and you are claiming to have done so (both saying you shot Slighted).

imo your list should have been:

Slighted (i would have traded Birdie for Slighted and said eff the pumpkin test really)

his should have been:

Slighted (again with Birdie for Slighted)

rand and profit.

but now we're in a situation where every day ppl are claiming the same kills.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:13 PM
If FCBL is vig it almost seems Felix and Tbob have to be working together and Felix isn't a vig?

Easy for Felix to come in and fake claim before FCBL.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:14 PM
I wish my idea for each vig having specific target to prove claims would have been used.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
did Felix claim to have vigged Slighted last night?
Yes, I vigged Slighted.

Sorry if that was a bad pick. I posted multiple times asking for ideas from clearer villagers, got nothing, posted a list, got a general feeling of "that list sucks", vigged Slighted because he was saying things that didn't make sense from a villa perspective, like "why don't the claimed vigs target each other" to prove their claims.

I mean, I thought my list of Slighted/necro/chim pretty much covered the unclear people with no claims (or in chim's case a more or less useless and unclearing one). But given that people didn't like that idea, I just went with my gut and with what seemed to be the sentiment at the time.

Fwiw, on necro, he's pretty good at emotional manipulation and faking emotions in a believable way imo, so his angst isn't clearing to me. But others thought it might be so I didn't target him. And I thought Slighted was a better target than chim because of events yesterday, and because chim is actually contributing.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
We do need to discuss what we do if FCBL dies as a vig.

Tbob could be a wolf with that role, I guess.. but he's been so villagery.

This is a very productive idea.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
