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Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises

04-07-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
With Duckburg's posts, he's making sense and not being needlessly cryptic this game, which is often a wolf tell for him (see HP4 among others). I'd expect him to participate more in either role, though. He's posted almost nothing of substance, and that's not like him. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm leaning more wolfy than villagery.
So you really are magic_gazz?

Stop being stupid, and start hunting wolves!
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
yeah add dirk to the shoot list

yes he claimed and it is believable
Woah, slow down buddy, I'm not saying shoot Dirk.

I kind of want to see AKSon on the shot list actually.
cba to figure out which page the thing I saw that I don't really remember except it set off wolf bells was on though, so let's call it a "soulread" for maximal clearing of me when he flips wolf

...and that, gentlemen, is why villagers take hero shots; if they hit a wolf, they're clear!

I'll be around for ITAs and will proxy my shot off to the shot list, of course.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Looking over the playerlist my strongest tone reads are with the following:

CalledDownLight - his intentions and interactions should make it pretty obv what role he is
Felix the Cat - If felix is a wolf it should be pretty obv
Loretta8 - I feel good about Loretta's tone in both roles
Telcontar - his villa game is distinct

These 4 I am going to make a strong effort to have reads on.
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
was this when systo hardclaimed telco wolf.

and leonid and karnel are the same person rent they?
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
oh yea, it was telco. the irishman not a dane. idk if theyre the same 1 sec.

just read me villa and we'll be ok no matter what I get randed.
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
how are you guys all posting, reading, working, and watching the masters? am I the only one trying to juggle this many tasks?
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
both of these would be awesome. I have kind of been both (mod restricted my posting as a jester well into the game and I was angeled for multiple days as a wolf once) and they were elite for the time they lasted. 2 of my favorite games.
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight

knew I would catch a lock wolf with this. then click the live tab
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
not if we get shabazz
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
I dont think binkles is wolfin
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
then you should calm down bc hes a villa. I'd take a 1 for 1 swap tho.
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
You've now officially worried me

This isn't a good sign
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I think CDL was trying to ascertain how confident chim was in the read not implying he was going to force chim to die if binkles came back villa.

Herbie tried to make that into the wolfing101 "Setting up a mislynch based on a mislynch" as CDL's intention. Which while missing CDL's intention also spews binkles and chim villa from Herbie's perspective.

Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
gotta agree with this

his disappearance seems normal based on the time and him often disappearing at that time of day. I also believe his lighthearted excited posting is normal for him as a villager.
This is concerning to me, CDL is scarily sure that binkles is villa and then LL makes a weird case defending CDL's read and damning Herbie (he's a dead villager, right?)

That was in the early afternoon, CDL doesn't post for the rest of the day
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 02:57 PM
its like the "wolfing" describes the types of trousers im wearing, not what the trousers are made of. ya kno
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 02:58 PM
whoa wtf, a bunch of stuff i had typed up didnt show up
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 02:59 PM
that blows kwami
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin

Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 02:59 PM
Bigger has a personal vendetta against me

So consider his attempt to get me vigged role neutral
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:00 PM
Jim Halpert
I don't want to piss off the modcat.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:00 PM

Votes as of post 5708
Night in 06:00

4 JimHalpert FCBLComish (15), Henrik Sedin (14), Supine (12), well named (15)
3 XXsooted Nofear3838 (20), ShadowZero (14), The Moocher (27)
1 Duckburg LuckayLuck (1)
1 jonnyd VarianceMinefield (10)
1 Systolic Jeremy Wade (2)
1 TehVader teddyyyr1974 (20)
1 unvote BirdieLongSocks (4)
39 not voting biggerboat (24), chim17 (0), comeasur337 (4), domer2 (6), filthyvermin (6), fnord_too (16), gder402 (0), insanity31 (5), jonnyd (0), kokiri (10), kwami42 (20), necro (20), sixfour (1), wdcbooks (7), vyk07 (0), younguns87 (6), Aaronk56's Son (6), CalledDownLight (13), Dirk Nowitzki (1), Duckburg (2), Evene (13), Felix the Cat (3), J.D. (0), JimHalpert (10), Judge_Judy (0), Krayz (0), Loretta8 (0), MilkReggae (0), Patton4 (1), RollWave (0), Slighted (2), Systolic (11), TBobLP (11), TehVader (1), Telcontar (4), TheNothing (12), Thingyman (8), Treep (10), XXsooted (1)
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman

no non consensus wolf reads!!!

master or duck is fine

master is completely rand to be whatever, but he isn't helpful, so who the f cares

duckburg's game is in line with his wolf game, he hasn't siad anything villagery and he voted me in a super lame fashion yesterday, he's a very fine shot
Once again you show your ability to read (me) Danes as bad as our foreign ministers ability to speak English.

If you want to 'dome me, fine - but start screaming about me being a wolf, when I'm AWOL is worse than epic bad.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:01 PM
Also I am 100% correct on reading telco

I've never been wrong on reading him, ever, and he can attest to this.

So, if he posts more then I can tell you guys his role no problem. Hes basically the easiest person on earth to read.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:01 PM
basically CDL and LL had a lot of interactions, some which look good and one that does not

CDL fluffed a lot and was pretty clueless about a lot of game mechanics (Mets post restriction, Anniversary Mod identity)
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Duckburg
So you really are magic_gazz?

Stop being stupid, and start hunting wolves!

Duck, stop being stupid. This is not the game where Gadarene can wolf hunt from beyond the grave.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:01 PM
oh well, i got drunk last night instead of cracking open the case and i'm having the worst hangover of my life right now

i even missed my f night action lol so serves me right

sorry you guys.

i will participate when i'm physically able to

i promiae this is role neutral
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
Duckburg, Awoool, Woo!

Spend your posts better.

I'm around now!
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:02 PM
We'll get chips to write some extra code to recognize all forms of howlpert votes
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:02 PM
gotta admit I was right on the captain tho kwami.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:02 PM
I am getting wolfy vibes from Felix the Cat. I need to reread some of his posts.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:02 PM
if you as a villager failed to use your night action then you deserve that hangover
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:03 PM
i personally liked howlpartment
next year i hope my role in this game is like 6 lines long for my name
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by kwami42
basically CDL and LL had a lot of interactions, some which look good and one that does not

CDL fluffed a lot and was pretty clueless about a lot of game mechanics (Mets post restriction, Anniversary Mod identity)
I knew about mets restriction, but it was funny to try to bait him. I got confused by the freaking mod gimmick tho.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by well named
We'll get chips to write some extra code to recognize all forms of howlpert votes


WN has had more undertitles this week than I have had in my whole life.
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
gotta admit I was right on the captain tho kwami.
sure but that doesn't mean you're a villager
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
I am getting wolfy vibes from Felix the Cat. I need to reread some of his posts.
you mean the guy that says he shot hifi?
Anniversary VI - Pogglesworth Rises Quote
