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Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread

09-05-2011 , 02:21 PM


you're either a wolf or terrible villager

literally everyone else knows im a villager except you?

Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Milhouse is jumping off a bridge? I'm there!
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
peeking wolves >>>>> peeking villagers

if we had peeked 3 wolves instead of 3 villagers

we would have won


obviously the two are not equally likely

but even peeking one wolf is better than peeking 3 villas

as a result,

we had two mislynches and lost


This transcends any subject and is solitarily one of the worst opinions I have ever heard on anyhing.

And that is being kind.

I'm honestly trying to help you think differently.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
peeking wolves >>>>> peeking villagers

if we had peeked 3 wolves instead of 3 villagers

we would have won


obviously the two are not equally likely

but even peeking one wolf is better than peeking 3 villas

as a result,

we had two mislynches and lost
This is fundamentally flawed. Whether it is better to view good guys or bad guys depends on the state of the game. Enough good guys viewed, and you can lock the game. If you can't lock it, you can at least come close if there are also unviewed players you trust.

Viewing scum works well when you get them all, but you never do. It is worth getting someone who wouldn't be lynched otherwise, and it can be worth finding scum if that person's interactions help you find others.

Basically, cop usually wants to view players of the same alignment he already has, so for example three town is usually better than two town and one scum. But most important is number of viewed players who live a while, and number who are uncertain one way or the other as to whether they'd have been lynched without being viewed.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend

This transcends any subject and is solitarily one of the worst opinions I have ever heard on anyhing.

And that is being kind.

I'm honestly trying to help you think differently.
why would you rather peek villagers than wolves?
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Loretta8
not enough anarchist votes itt
Having read about four posts itt I could totally get behind this

Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:24 PM
are you guys leveling? just like if u have peeked villas you can lock the game,

peeking a wolf serves the same function

if u peek a wolf and kill it, you get closer to lokcing the game

Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:24 PM
zanmato - here's a reread of the last page, with my notes:

Originally Posted by zanmato
It wasn't so "lol obv" that flytrap didn't suggest it.

It did look like a reasonable, if bad, suggestion from flytrap, so voting him for it is bad, you're right. But the reasoning here is incorrect. In my opinion it's actually about as likely to make the mistake that picking up character-related items is bad, as flytrap seems to have done, as it is to make the mistake of thinking the first mistake was a clear sign of evil, as gadarene seems to have done. The former could be a bad suggestion from an evil but is more likely just poorly thought out. The latter could be a bad guy looking for an opportunity to vote a good guy but is more likely just missing that the first mistake can easily be innocent.

In other words, I think you're making too much of this.
you have these long block posts. by now i'm gathering that that's part of yr personal style, I guess. they strike me as pretty wolfy, and not in a wolfy-but-not-a-wolf kind of way.

they're not easily digested. that's not a good thing.

Originally Posted by XXsooted
ok good post. I just think you're making too little.

I think it's much more likely to be a bad guy looking to vote a good guy than a good guy misreading flytrap's wolfiness, bc bad guys make fishy votes all the time, while good guys usually read a situation the same as other good guys.

Also I think gad is wolfy in his responses to me.
see, i don't get how xxs is saying "flytrap is wolfy but ldo not a wolf", when the same thing could be applied to gad.

Originally Posted by zanmato
Isn't jester a live possibility? If he's that, then lynching him would be a wasted day at best, and maybe really bad if the mod has it end the game.

On the other hand, it would be a good way to protect a power evil for a few days, maybe someone with a power that could be used a few times (extra kill or something). If that turns out to be the case, then whoever first mentioned the jester possibility (I forget who it was) would be odds on to be a wolf, as the tactic would do no good unless someone suggested the jester interpretation.
idk what to think about this whole mechanics discussion of power evils. yea, it's standard to float a decoy wolf if a wolf PR is in danger. usually not *until* the wolf PR is in danger, though, and usually not until EODish, anyway.

i tend to talk mechanics when the situation calls for it. this mechanics talk, especially with the game-ending-jester, seems - unfocused, at best.

Originally Posted by zanmato
I have seen game makers put in ******ed mechanics many times. But it's usually a good idea to assume that there won't be anything that completely destroys the game, because otherwise you never get anything done because you're worried about every action you take.
in terms of contradictions, you're all over the place here. the previous quote had you mentioning "what if killing a jester ends the game", and here you're saying, "it's good to assume that there wouldn't be something like, killing a jester ends the game"

Originally Posted by zanmato
Fair point. Maybe the first to suggest it isn't really wolfy because they could wait for someone else to do it.
likewise, random mechanics (in a sense) discussion. maybe the first is wolfy, maybe not. depends on who it is. it's contextual. you can't draw a general rule from it.

Originally Posted by zanmato
That's another interesting thing, you're right. Unless the breakdown is more heavily weighted toward neutrals than is usually done, he's effectively saying this tactic is way more likely from a neutral. In fact, we don't even know that there are neutrals in the game at all... except Gadarene seems to.
it's a fair guess that we've got neutrals. null tell to suggest it.

Originally Posted by essedarius





idk how esse has you as his top villa

or me as top wolf, but that's a separate issue

Originally Posted by zanmato
I agree that "what's the case against me as villa" is likely padding, which good guys don't do as much as evils.
i don't even know what this comment is in response to. but the blanket "which good guys don't do as much as evils" -

I'm not sure what yr saying and I'm not sure what yr experience/knowledge base is here. yr tone isn't noob-villa-asking-questions - it's woof-muddying-waters.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:24 PM
as usual, a significant percentage of people voting me are wolves.

you make it waaaaaaaaaay too easy
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:27 PM
we're lynching flytrap today btw
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by essedarius
we're lynching flytrap today btw
hey ess, seriously

you're one of if not the best player in this game

do you think im a wolf?

cause a lot of people do

so i must be doing something very wrong
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:28 PM
this is true, but, again, textually more difficult than necessary. zanmato, I guess you've played this elsewhere? as mafia? yr referring to cops, towns, and scum. so, not the local ww lingo.

Originally Posted by zanmato
This is fundamentally flawed. Whether it is better to view good guys or bad guys depends on the state of the game. Enough good guys viewed, and you can lock the game. If you can't lock it, you can at least come close if there are also unviewed players you trust.

Viewing scum works well when you get them all, but you never do. It is worth getting someone who wouldn't be lynched otherwise, and it can be worth finding scum if that person's interactions help you find others.

Basically, cop usually wants to view players of the same alignment he already has, so for example three town is usually better than two town and one scum. But most important is number of viewed players who live a while, and number who are uncertain one way or the other as to whether they'd have been lynched without being viewed.
same POV, but more to the point:

Originally Posted by Larry Legend

This transcends any subject and is solitarily one of the worst opinions I have ever heard on anyhing.

And that is being kind.

I'm honestly trying to help you think differently.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:28 PM

I'm not looking for items.

I am looking for masons, good village play, and teamwork. We'll stand together and kill wolves.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Duckburg
ofc you do

And I assume you're ranking items after what you think is more likely to give a positive hit, right?

I'm still waitng...
You've honestly lost me.

1) Items tend to be good for those who pick it up.
2) Wolves can talk with other wolves and tell each other to pick up items.
3) Therefore, I read the story posted by the mod, keep track of which items have been picked up so I don't pick them up myself, and then I pick up whatever sounds coolest and most likely to be an item.
4) To hopefully get items in the hands of villagers, I list other items that I think might be items.
5) Yes, I probably did list the more likely to be items on the top of my list.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
I think this sounds like a tarp fwiw.

Like the fake Stargate game in POG Anniversary.
if that came from where i think it did
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:31 PM
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:31 PM
lol heart xpostaments
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by essedarius
we're lynching flytrap today btw
you get the luckayluck veto. The item strategy posted by flytrap probably doesn't come from a wolf.

I look forward to your lead in lynching wolves still though.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by essedarius
we're lynching flytrap today btw
he's not a worse vote than me, but pretty nearly
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:32 PM
@Pyromaniac: To your last point, I was talking about what loosekannen had said. I wasn't the first to raise the issue, so I agreed about it rather than trying to take credit for some huge revelation. And the part about evils do it more than goods, that obviously meansI'm saying that I think the post in question (with the "... as villa") is a scum tell.

How is that "woof" muddying waters? My terminology is a little different but it should be clear what I mean. I'm trying to use "good" and "evil" so everyone can understand exactly what I'm saying. And as for my discussions about mechanics, it's not random,I've been talking about things that are important. In complicated games, mechanics matters and everyone understanding it all is pro-good guys. Again, not muddying waters, trying to clear them.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
hey ess, seriously

you're one of if not the best player in this game

do you think im a wolf?

cause a lot of people do

so i must be doing something very wrong
i think you're villa, but idk

Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
you get the luckayluck veto. The item strategy posted by flytrap probably doesn't come from a wolf.

I look forward to your lead in lynching wolves still though.
yea i haven't really been into this game yet, maybe i'll just sponge you today
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:34 PM
By the way, Pyromaniac does seem to have been looking into my posting rather than just casting aspersions. Good guy, I think. Just wrong.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck

I'm not looking for items.

I am looking for masons, good village play, and teamwork. We'll stand together and kill wolves.
Don't lie to me - stop looking for something you cannot find.

And start masoning with me.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:35 PM
i wish i had a million votes so i could vote for all of you a lot of times
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by AliceMod
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?'
By the way, it's a longshot, but if someone wants to pick up book, it's worth a try
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
