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Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread

09-05-2011 , 12:54 PM
gad/zanmato = v/w

le book it
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:54 PM
sooted, i'm here, just eating lunch and catching up on breaking bad. i'm villa. just got in from manila late last night so i'm tired. did you peek me? what did it say? i mean, it obv will clear me so i'm interested.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by zanmato
That's another interesting thing, you're right. Unless the breakdown is more heavily weighted toward neutrals than is usually done, he's effectively saying this tactic is way more likely from a neutral. In fact, we don't even know that there are neutrals in the game at all... except Gadarene seems to.
ya I think it's honestly pretty wolfy but I can get blinders so resisted commenting on it at first
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:55 PM
solid xpost sooted
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:55 PM
esse, what's the case against me as villa other than sooted has a small tone read and that i stepped out for an hour for lunch because my roommate cooked and i don't turn down a free meal?
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:56 PM
Case against u as villa? Wtf
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
well I'm out for a while but will probly phone post a ton anyways

right now I have as wolves

gad, loosek, od, and a new addition to the team... pyro!

with gad if you're villa just read flytraps post and pretend you are in gads position, would you vote flytrap there?

alrite peace
3/4 miss there, and only b/c I dunno who loosek is

flytrap is addled villa obv

gad is noob villa

ez game?
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
esse, what's the case against me as villa other than sooted has a small tone read and that i stepped out for an hour for lunch because my roommate cooked and i don't turn down a free meal?
you don't flow with the rest of the village
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
sooted, i'm here, just eating lunch and catching up on breaking bad. i'm villa. just got in from manila late last night so i'm tired. did you peek me? what did it say? i mean, it obv will clear me so i'm interested.
oh ya ftr I was just fpsing I didn't get a peek.

I think loosek is a lock wolf here though, as much as it pains me to say it about a fellow pinoy
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by zanmato
Wait a minute. Why would a good guy be more likely to have to self vote than a bad guy? Why does that suggest village at all?

Was this your suggestion initially (the villager part of it), or someone else's?
I didn't say a good guy is more likely to have to self-vote than a bad guy (but see below). I said we can't totally discount the possibility that shanks is a villa who's compelled to self-vote once a day. And I think the villa thing was Palo's suggestion initially, as he notes.

I find the self-vote intensely irritating because of the distraction it causes and the predictable discussion it generates that will only be helpful in hindsight, if at all. I'm obviously a part of the problem at this point.

Look, this is what I was saying: Either (a) shanks was somehow compelled to self-vote today; (b) shanks elected to do so because it has a particular positive benefit for his role; (c) shanks elected to do so for some other strategic reason; or (d) shanks elected to do so just because he thought it would be funny.

If shanks was compelled to self-vote, it probably doesn't say anything about his alignment -- although, thinking about it, I do think that a role that's compelled to self-vote is somewhat more likely to be villa, largely because of the general distribution of alignments to begin with.

I don't know, whatever. This post felt increasingly pointless the deeper I got into it. Just ignore shanks for now.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by essedarius
solid xpost sooted
we're both dying tonight
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
3/4 miss there, and only b/c I dunno who loosek is

flytrap is addled villa obv

gad is noob villa

ez game?
so I take it od is not on your team.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by zanmato
That's another interesting thing, you're right. Unless the breakdown is more heavily weighted toward neutrals than is usually done, he's effectively saying this tactic is way more likely from a neutral. In fact, we don't even know that there are neutrals in the game at all... except Gadarene seems to.
I'd be shocked if there weren't neutrals in this game, and I have a specific reason for that sentiment that doesn't involve me being a neutral or having any additional information.

And yeah, I do think that self-voting makes shanks a decent amount >rand to be a neutral (assuming they're in this game).
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:59 PM
i'm not pinoy. but my gf is from Baler.

i'll say it again. i'm. not. a. wolf.

i would make my usual reads but honestly it's d1 and there isn't much to go on. as long as i'm not the lynch i'm not going to make waves... and frankly even if i was the lynch it's d1 so whatever. i've never been mislynched though so it's odd to me that this would be happening.

again, i promise on all the surfing in Baler, i'm not a wolf.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:01 PM
i find it a bit wolfy to get excited over a d1 self-vote fwiw. irksome? maybe. immensely irritating? meh.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
It's not like this hasn't happened before, but I'm always when we've got ppl who

1) are savvy enough to know what a jester is
2) think that the jester winning ends the game

jesters used to be the cuddly chupacabras of POG. then they actually started showing up. odds are pretty high to have one in this particular game, i'd guess.

jester is always a bad vote.
I recently played the fool in a vanilla+ game run by Perdi, and lynching me would have ended the game immediately, even on day one.

(And I would've got away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids and their ability to get the wolf seer's peek results for the night that she's vigged!)
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
gad is noob villa

ez game?

shirley ewe jest.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
esse, what's the case against me as villa other than sooted has a small tone read and that i stepped out for an hour for lunch because my roommate cooked and i don't turn down a free meal?
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Case against u as villa? Wtf
Hate the phrasing of loose's post. I agree with Anarchist -- that's way sketchy.

Wolf lean to loosekanen, yo.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
That's not what he said at all, and this is not just a " you're voting me so you must be a wolf" anarchist post, it is a vote with a reason that is just wrong. (fwiw, I think the good wolf / bad villager reason is horrible; but you didn't cite that, you just focused on one thing you could slap a specious reason behind).
Prior to playing my one turbo game I had read a number of turbo games and it seemed like whenever Anarchist made it to F3 the village lost every time. Anarchist even started joking about it himself telling other people, "Don't pull an Anarchist!" Letting Anarchist live to the end of the game seems like a legitimately bad idea to me.

I'm no longer in voting him because I think shanks is by far the best vote today with him saying he'll be UTR and crazy bad guys seeming more common than crazy good guys in the story. If Shanks didn't want to play anymore he could have just asked to be subbed out I think? Therefore I think it's likely he's got a crazy role and on day one where we have the least information available that we'll have all game he's a great vote.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
3/4 miss there, and only b/c I dunno who loosek is

flytrap is addled villa obv

gad is noob villa

ez game?

just a noob, that's me.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
so I take it od is not on your team.
unfair question
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:04 PM
and fwiw i'm not a bad villager. i leech good, clear players. i do my best with my night actions if i have them, and i do make reads later when there is more information.

plus, lynching me today gives the village absolutely zero extra information other than sooted got excited with a misread which is no more reason to lynch him than he had to lynch me.
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:05 PM
So I've thought a bit about the self vote thing, an personally I think it is way more likely wolf than villa, ignoring jester. I don't know if the guy has a history of it or not, but doing that early day one smacks of a lazy wolf trick if. It's weird because a couple of years ago that would have been almost a guaranteed lynching offense. Any way, it comes off as a "look, I'm so comfortable I can do something completely anti village without fear because I am totally not a wolf, trust me.". I kind of harp on these things because this is a cliched wolf tell for a reason: it is pretty reliable.

Read the anon draft game for a very recent example of something similar (elizabeth's day one only post). It has that same sort of feel. That is, something that might sound plausible for a villager to do but something that a real villager is unlikely to do, if that makes sense. (it makes sense to me but I am not sure I am expressing myself well)
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Hate the phrasing of loose's post. I agree with Anarchist -- that's way sketchy.

Wolf lean to loosekanen, yo.
lol wut? would it have better to say "why am i a wolf?" i'm just trying to understand why i'm ending up on wolf lists. because even if i am mislynched i would prefer to avoid making the same mistakes in my future villa games becase, again, I AM NOT A WOLF NOW
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Palo
Prior to playing my one turbo game I had read a number of turbo games and it seemed like whenever Anarchist made it to F3 the village lost every time. Anarchist even started joking about it himself telling other people, "Don't pull an Anarchist!" Letting Anarchist live to the end of the game seems like a legitimately bad idea to me.

I'm no longer in voting him because I think shanks is by far the best vote today with him saying he'll be UTR and crazy bad guys seeming more common than crazy good guys in the story. If Shanks didn't want to play anymore he could have just asked to be subbed out I think? Therefore I think it's likely he's got a crazy role and on day one where we have the least information available that we'll have all game he's a great vote.
shanks is a terrible vote

these are terrible reasons

is this yr first mishmash, then?
Alice in Wonderland Mishmash Game Thread Quote
