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9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners 9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners

09-30-2015 , 03:20 PM
So wolves in my wagon? That's about the easiest vote you can make right now.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:20 PM
I wouldn't hate a hero shot on banks either if he doesn't bring a lot when he wakes up.

I should say I think benneh should def be the shot if not lynched.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Quarrrr
I don't even do "clearing myself". So you better get off my back
Well, I'll be on a plane for most of the rest of the day, so maybe do some stuff while I'm gone
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:21 PM
Roar, I think benneh and quarrr are wolves on your wagon, and maybe banks.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Mor, as long as no villagers peak Fran tonight we can deal with him tomorrow without worrying about the priest.

I think we have enough wagons

I slo am seriously thinking fean might be villa do to quarrr spew. But still wouldn't hate Farley shooting him.
hmm your more sure on quarrr being wolf then i think im ok with a fran getting resolved tonight or the next and lynch else where today

gonna reread quarrr and go with him or benneh for now
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by RAORoman
So wolves in my wagon? That's about the easiest vote you can make right now.
mostly like one maybe two
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:25 PM
benneh in case I have PLANE TROUBLE
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:25 PM
I'd say benneh and Banks, I guess. I dunno about Quarrr.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:28 PM
AFAICT case on benneh is like a case on me
Think I will still go and ISO his posts. The f do I remember how he plays and he's supposed to be a good player so not sure I can use "by default" read on him

Meh whatever worth to give a look anyway
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Quarrrr
AFAICT case on benneh is like a case on me
Think I will still go and ISO his posts. The f do I remember how he plays and he's supposed to be a good player so not sure I can use "by default" read on him

Meh whatever worth to give a look anyway
I expect to see some actual reads from you when I land

9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:31 PM
An argument not to resolve quarrr (yet) is that AoS has him as part of a w/w peak. Since a random should only come up w/w like 5% of time, good chance this is a useful peak one way or the other and will resolve when AoS is killed or reveals another peak or too. Me and Monte have also peaked quarrr in the small likelihood we have useful peaks.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:33 PM
I will point out that, just like yesterday, BATM has effectively dinner nothing of consequence today

I would merk him without hesitation if I was the beserker if he doesn't turn it on today/this EOD
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
An argument not to resolve quarrr (yet) is that AoS has him as part of a w/w peak. Since a random should only come up w/w like 5% of time, good chance this is a useful peak one way or the other and will resolve when AoS is killed or reveals another peak or too. Me and Monte have also peaked quarrr in the small likelihood we have useful peaks.
lol was just gonan make a post similar to this

benneh banks with a side of wilv or cs seem like ok wagon to me
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
An argument not to resolve quarrr (yet) is that AoS has him as part of a w/w peak. Since a random should only come up w/w like 5% of time, good chance this is a useful peak one way or the other and will resolve when AoS is killed or reveals another peak or too. Me and Monte have also peaked quarrr in the small likelihood we have useful peaks.
Quarrrr looks wolfy. I would vote him independently of any peeks.

If we resolve him, we also find out if my peeks are correct and FranFran is a wolf. And assuming I am alive tomorrow, we would also verify if my peek tonight is correct, too.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:35 PM
Roman voters are bad and should feel bad
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:36 PM
also batm i voted you at eod mostly for eodaments and a thirst for action. i was pinged by a few of your posts but def didnt read you as wolfy as others still not really sure where i want to place you just yet
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:37 PM
i get the counter going

9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Roman voters are bad and should feel bad
AFAICT, Roman is a lazy player. He was extremely lazy in the last game I played with him. He was a villager. Even when he was about to get lynched, he made a post that 100% solved the game and identified the last three wolves, but he put in ZERO work to show why those people were wolves or why he was a villager and shouldn't be lynched.

So what I mean is that him being so lazy this game is not a knock against him. It is just his style.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:42 PM
Thais 2nd day in a row bennah has parked himself on the sketchy looking wagon. Another point against him.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
Anyone changing their peeks or claiming fake peeks is >rand to be a wolf.

Like never EVER is that a good thing for villager.

Originally Posted by TehBankertin
Also I think NOT FPSing is a good idea. I think there is a fun way to handle the berserker should it just be 1 person.
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
I'm going to bed.

Roman should probably alawyas die for that vote.

Make sure everyone leaves their peek and doesnt FPS be back in like 7 hours.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:44 PM
**** i need to learn to read ffs
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:46 PM
Out for a while. See you all later. Play nice.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:46 PM
The counterwagon should be Quarrrr, not Roman.
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:51 PM
Sup ****ers
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:56 PM
Ace why would the guy that single handlely lynch a wolf die? Are u restarted?
9/28 All Seer WW Game Thread: WSOP Main Event Winners Quote
