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***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** ***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er***

09-21-2017 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by kbar13
Sorry, I'm not sure what that's supposed to show me besides you play a lot of WW.
click a wolf game, compare to how I play this game
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:25 PM
Dude, you played a lot of ww, I don't have time to go through those, I'll just have to take your word for it.
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by kbar13
Kruze, I know you just said you would leave your thoughts as they come to you, but would love a gut reaction as to affiliations for Cross/Chuck/Donn/IRTM
i peeked cross/don v

i voted chuck last night and would vote him again

i went into detail about how i feel about IRTM many times

Did you even read all of my posts like you said you would yesterday?

Or are you just going to keep pushing me because 4 people (i believe you said they were villagers) voted me d1, and then decided to not vote me?

I could understand that case if it was like hey look 2 wolves were voting kruze on d1, and then they switched 30 min before EOD, but because they were villagers (you said that, i haven't looked) I honestly think it doesn't mean **** besides they feel I am a villager.
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:31 PM

Donat3llo has been modkilled for angleshooting.

He was

a villager


I repeat, do not discuss modkills.

Last edited by Ace of Spaids; 09-21-2017 at 03:51 PM.
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:31 PM
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:31 PM
Votes from post 2833 to post 3180
Night in 5:29:15

1 KruZe Neverlucky16 (58)
1 chuckleslovakian JMurder3 (82)
1 Crossnerd kbar13 (29)
3 not voting chuckleslovakian (0), KruZe (11), VoraciousReader (0)
2 Error iraisetoomuch (27), Crossnerd (12)
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:32 PM
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by sugabat
hi jm3



cross nerd
well named

don is only v because I really think Monte is and Monte said so strongly. chuckles is more like there's no way for me to know but may as well be wolf.
Will have to look back & see how suga talked about Monte & Never, but some slim chance suga NK had to do with wolves thinking he peeked Never...
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:36 PM
Blech. I will reserve commentary on order of operations for post game :/
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:36 PM
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe
i peeked cross/don v

i voted chuck last night and would vote him again

i went into detail about how i feel about IRTM many times

Did you even read all of my posts like you said you would yesterday?

Or are you just going to keep pushing me because 4 people (i believe you said they were villagers) voted me d1, and then decided to not vote me?

I could understand that case if it was like hey look 2 wolves were voting kruze on d1, and then they switched 30 min before EOD, but because they were villagers (you said that, i haven't looked) I honestly think it doesn't mean **** besides they feel I am a villager.
Sorry, I must have missed the detailed post of IRTM. I'll go back and look again.

Exactly, the people that were on you were villagers, no other wolves jumped to you and instead went to born.
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Thats really not a good vote, please vote cross,
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Will have to look back & see how suga talked about Monte & Never, but some slim chance suga NK had to do with wolves thinking he peeked Never...
Suga made it pretty clear he thought I was a wolf
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:40 PM
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:45 PM
Not sure what to make of suga or why he would be a worthwhile NK. Maybe leafing me was believable as his n0?

Not sure what to make of whether the 2nd peek would be Monte or Never. There's definitely some world where a team of wolves got together & thought suga had a Never w peek, though...

Originally Posted by sugabat
I think Never is wolfy because my potato joke wasn't actually that funny but he pretended like it was
Originally Posted by sugabat
I think at least half of the ppl voting me are wolves probably
Originally Posted by sugabat
I leafed jm3

Originally Posted by sugabat
hey hardcoreufo if Neverlucky is the seer do you think that would say anything about Monte's alignment?
Originally Posted by sugabat
Or maybe not. Maybe WN is a wolf with a fb. Keeping WN alive for the sake of lucky's cover might actually be bad.
Originally Posted by sugabat
Is it mechanically bad to keep WN alive for what ufo says
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by kbar13
Thats really not a good vote, please vote cross,
Why is IRTM a villager iyo?
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:46 PM
& why does it matter where I vote with 5 hours left in the day?
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe
That's all I wanted to know, that you have a wolf read on a player who was top wagon last night but refused to vote them.

Well played, you should write a werewolf guide.

I look forward to the chapter about being an arrogant prick and how it leads a team to victory.
Originally Posted by KruZe
Because I've played more games than you have posts in this game and I'm trying to help you help me try to read you as a villager but you are being a stubborn player refusing to answer seemingly simple questions. Instead you are taking my posts and questions and forming an opinion unrelated to anything in my posts to you. So because of that I am reading you a wolf. But something tells me that you are just being a terrible uncooperative villager.
Originally Posted by KruZe
what a terrible terrible excuse

in spots like that you just glance at the vote count, find people you are reading as villagery, and sponge them onto who they are voting

but i sincerely doubt you weren't tracking the thread all throughout EOD, of course I have no way to actually prove it, it's just my feeling

i've caught so many wolves who just "happen to be busy" in the last hour of EOD when in reality they were there the whole time lurking

I don't buy your excuse one bit, especially if it was what Monte said that you were "playing pool" inbetween shots and games you would have PLENTY of time to give the EOD a quick skim

you are a lying wolfy face who still won't answer me regarding what you think of well named
Originally Posted by KruZe
still the same thoughts, nothing has changed
Sorry again, I think some of these are out of order again? Are these the thoughts you have from the other day that you were referring to? I guess I didn't remember them because they don't really seem that in depth.
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:49 PM
I guess maybe the suga stuff means I could actually have the the n1 kill & so they believed his peek on me more than they otherwise would? Seems unlikely, though. I assume it would have been Monte?
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:50 PM
& I'm pretty sure the seer should always be leafing themself.
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:52 PM
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:54 PM
I'm lol'ing at kbar's last post.

kbar those posts and a few others, yes

I was trying to be nice and not bring up those awful exchanges but go ahead and repost if it helps you on whatever you are trying to achieve.
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:55 PM
my official read on irtm is a (insert other words here) villager who has been reading me incorrectly, not sure if he still is now, but that he has been
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Why is IRTM a villager iyo?
Tone and posting seems to me to be pro-village. I don't think a wolf that is around day 1 at EOD leaves his vote on a non-factor like he did. I'm going back to read some other things of his, but I have had him villa read for awhile.

Originally Posted by JMurder3
& why does it matter where I vote with 5 hours left in the day?
It doesn't, just not sure when I'll be back after I leave work so wanted to say it before then.
***9/18 SUPER MARIO BROS V+ 17er*** Quote
09-21-2017 , 03:56 PM
that being said, if irtm was lead wagon at EOD, I would vote him

I think if irtm is a villager he would fight hard enough to not get lynched.
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