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9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread 9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread

09-04-2014 , 10:22 AM
xkf how come fanmail is spewed villa to you?

Did you look at Nike's awkward push of him EOD2?
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:23 AM
*isn't spewed villa
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
can someone explain to me why the **** anyone is clearing gamer dude
i am absolutely not clearing him

Originally Posted by Xkf
gad have you ever reconsidered grant all game?
not really; i'm pretty damn confident in the logic behind my read

totes wolfy of me
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
does anyone think nike is spewing jay there cuz i dont see it

jay can move down



likely v but still tinfoiling

unsure flipflopaments

grant/gad- i feel this cant be v/v and unlikely w/w idk

fan- who goes and whites knights someone and then takes it back just a short time after

so fan and one of grant or gad should be two woofs but who knows maybe three but i doubt it
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
gad have you ever reconsidered grant all game?
Doesn't seem like it.

And it's getting more and more shady, especially his butthurtedness about people coming to a grant w conclusion
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
xkf how come fanmail is spewed villa to you?

Did you look at Nike's awkward push of him EOD2?
he's not

i just said if i win the evnet i might shoot his ass

or at least i thought it on the bus this morning
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:24 AM
oh isn't spewed

idk let me check nike's post
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09-04-2014 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
Damn, that's some serious hedging there
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09-04-2014 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Speculate away

I'm just saying that gamer could wander in here, see that post, say "btw I'm xxx" then boom
there are at least two people who have pretty obviously claimed a character without actually saying the name, and either (1) they're lying wolves, (2) the wolves haven't noticed, or (3) there's no character vig (or only one that operates if the specific name is said)

Originally Posted by Xkf
now that i read this post for its subtleties thsi guy is almost certainly a wolf
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:25 AM
yeah it actually looks alright for fanmail
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09-04-2014 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Damn, that's some serious hedging there
yeah that last line is great huh

double buts
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09-04-2014 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
lol right back at you

i was going to put a disclaimer about how obviously the people themselves shouldn't be claiming their characters, but then i figured it was too stupid and self-evident for someone to try to score points off

guess i was wrong

all of the flavor and roles and stuff so far have been immaculately tailored to the characters -- the flavor has hands down been the best i can remember seeing in a game

and i cannot imagine there being any risk whatsoever in people speculating about OTHER PEOPLE'S CHARACTERS in an attempt to prod at the plausibility of otherwise completely nonfalsifiable claims

but go ahead and be a jackass instead

I disagree with the underlined based on my character and role
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09-04-2014 , 10:27 AM
not a wolf like i said many times my role is so so so so so so so so fitting Xp

i obv suck at catching wolves but damn i feel like ive done enough to clear myself what do you want me to do?

bbl gotta deal with the horses but dont look at me if you are wishing for a woof
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
I can tease it out a bit

So I watched grant wolf (both in the thread and in wolfchat) for ~4 days in the game I recently modded.

He emphatically and definitively is not the type of wolf who is comfortable drawing attention to himself in-thread by making waves or riding out pressure on high-variance plays. I could not be more confident of that impression of him, and I very much doubt he's changed materially in the last couple of weeks.

On d1, he won a dayvig. He then announced that he'd won that dayvig. (Without going back to look, I'm fairly certain that it was a prize that he could have kept to himself if he'd wanted, and nobody would have known the winner, meaning that he could have shot whoever he wanted in secret. I must be wrong about this, because if that was the case I would assume that people would have brought it up as evidence of him being a villager.)

At the time he'd won the dayvig, Telc was the consensus lead wagon by a decentish margin. The talk in the thread centered around the assumption that Telc would be the likely person to be resolved, and most people who offered opinions said that Telc was one of their choices.

Telc was a villager. If grant had used the dayvig on Telc, basically nobody would have batted an eye or thought it was wolfy of him in the long run. I really believe that wolf grant shoots villa Telc in that precise spot ~always, because it allows him to (1) kill a villager and (2) get away with it clean.

Now, I say "basically nobody," but obviously younguns spoke up and said that if grant shot Telc and Telc flipped villa, then he would think grant was a wolf. This perspective was met -- again, iirc -- with fairly universal derision. Regardless what younguns said, Telc was the safe shot.

Instead, grant not only decides not to kill Telc, but he decides to YOLO a shot -- with no prior discussion -- on younguns, the guy who'd been going after him. By doing this, he put himself in the spotlight for (1) not killing the lead wagon; (2) killing someone who nobody really listed as a good target; (3) killing someone without any prior discussion; and obviously (4) killing someone who then flipped villa. THIS IS NOT A SHOT THAT WOLF GRANT BASICALLY EVER TAKES. It exposed him to pressure, made him the focal point of the thread, and required him to provide explanations for his behavior to be picked apart by everyone. If he was a wolf, he would be taking this shot with the knowledge that NOBODY would be happy with it and that a bunch of people would call him wolfy for it. That is simply not consistent with grant's wolf game as I saw it a couple of weeks ago.

Having said all that, obviously grant has done ~little to nothing in the way of game-solving these last two days. He has real-life explanations, which is fine but obviously shouldn't keep someone alive, but -- and hopefully I'm not being uncharitable to him -- I don't see slanking through two days and making awkward posts as something that is as foreign to grant's villa game as foregoing a safe option to blast someone out of the blue and get the whole thread mad at you would be to his wolf game.

So, yeah. Telc was villa. I would be absolutely gobsmacked if wolf grant doesn't shoot him in that spot. Therefore, grant is >>>>>>rand villa.

Does that clarify my position?
zdye, I'm "butthurt" about it because I wrote a goddamn essay exploring and explaining the logic behind my read, and the counterargument from almost everyone is essentially "tl;dr...he's sounded wolfy"
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
oh isn't spewed

idk let me check nike's post
please do

I think it looks really good for him

And LKJ and I believe insanity called him villa
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
I disagree with the underlined based on my character and role
i said so far

if your flavor doesn't support why your role is appropriate for your character (AND OBVIOUSLY DON'T SAY ANYTHING THAT EVEN APPROACHES THE LINE OF DISCUSSING STUFF THAT CAN'T BE DISCUSSED), then you'll be the first
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:29 AM
Gad I think we've reached the point in the game where "as a wolf he wouldn't do that" is over and unreliable
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09-04-2014 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
zdye, I'm "butthurt" about it because I wrote a goddamn essay exploring and explaining the logic behind my read, and the counterargument from almost everyone is essentially "tl;dr...he's sounded wolfy"
look man, it's a solid argument, i follow it and it looks good

but you haven't even considered reconsidering your read on him even though we're basically at must lynch and everyone else is saying grant might be a wolf

if you stay married to your middle of d1 reads you are super exploitable
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
look man, it's a solid argument, i follow it and it looks good

but you haven't even considered reconsidering your read on him even though we're basically at must lynch and everyone else is saying grant might be a wolf

if you stay married to your middle of d1 reads you are super exploitable

and I don't remember Gad ever doing that as a villager

Like ever

But my memory is bad too so....
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
look man, it's a solid argument, i follow it and it looks good

but you haven't even considered reconsidering your read on him even though we're basically at must lynch and everyone else is saying grant might be a wolf

if you stay married to your middle of d1 reads you are super exploitable
I think I've flipped/evolved/reconsidered my reads on almost everyone in the game in some material way

and nobody needs my permission to lynch grant; it doesn't need to be unanimous

i didn't say one word about all the shots on him yesterday in ITAs
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
Gad I think we've reached the point in the game where "as a wolf he wouldn't do that" is over and unreliable
great! if you'd like to resolve him, you do not need a signed permission slip from me. there is literally nothing i can do to stop it other than make the case i've made.
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
great! if you'd like to resolve him, you do not need a signed permission slip from me. there is literally nothing i can do to stop it other than make the case i've made.
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:35 AM
xkf - please do shoot me if you win a vig, I am tired of this game

Wolf kills were superb last night. I am left stumped at this point.
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
look man, it's a solid argument, i follow it and it looks good

but you haven't even considered reconsidering your read on him even though we're basically at must lynch and everyone else is saying grant might be a wolf

if you stay married to your middle of d1 reads you are super exploitable
Yeah agreed, this is basically what I was saying last night.
9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:39 AM
I also have no idea how you guys think zdye has been villagery. His posts towards eod yesterday are some of the wolfiest posts in the history of ww.

9/1 Simpsons Mishmash Game Thread Quote
