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8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread 8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread

09-02-2016 , 01:22 PM
For completeness, another turtle quote in the middle of the ones I just quoted:

Originally Posted by iversonian
reaper is never the wolf vig, is he. so let's not lynch him yet.
Originally Posted by iversonian
i'd like to see turtle wagoned. we have dynamics on a lot of other player combos, like nothing on turtle.
Originally Posted by iversonian
also turtle has a lot of wolf vig equity. because of reasons.
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:22 PM
so does the game just end with turtle/mor/Kawa/mexi
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Yeah. I just know how much you like my avatar so I am spamming thread for your benefit.
gym in like 40 minutes

working back today, too
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09-02-2016 , 01:23 PM
think i need a few more to hit 10 in case i don't come back today

which isn't likely but i'm not about to go full mason
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:24 PM
I can try to pull up some pics of Monte flexing topless if u need more motivation.
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
so does the game just end with turtle/mor/Kawa/mexi
I mean

I hope so

Let me know if you see anything wrong with this:

Originally Posted by Montecore
mechanically clear
monte (JOAT)
roman (peeked v n1 by monte's JOAT peek; cannot be borked because baud flipped wolf gf/seer)
dice the ice (un cc'd villages masons)
worldz (un cc'd village masons)

strong reasons to think they're a villager (i.e. spew)
stork (see argument above re: the mor fake claim timing)

strong tonal reasons to think they're a villager

i guess there could be a deep wolf in here, but i think they're probably all villagers

peeked wolf by iversonian?
mexi -- pushed both days
turtle -- potentially peeked wolf vig?

highly likely wolf
kawa (shot by monte n3 and didn't die; wolves would have likely roleblocked ace, the village angel who they nk'd, to avoid getting owned by him again)

lock wolf
*added a note or two about turtle and mexi in the above quote, so not exactly the same as the click through
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I can try to pull up some pics of Monte flexing topless if u need more motivation.
nah feeling great today but thanks for the concern
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I can try to pull up some pics of Monte flexing topless if u need more motivation.
I think buttigers has them in his photobucket

He pulled the same thing a year or so ago
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
gym in like 40 minutes

working back today, too
Just did a fair bit of back work myself

Vaya con dios, my friend
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:37 PM
I'm going to check ivers for n2 peeks, but I assume they roleblocked him

Because as soon as they kill him they presumably out turtle as the wolf vig, if we're right about our interpretation of iversonian's peeks

But I will check just in case
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I mean

I hope so

Let me know if you see anything wrong with this:

*added a note or two about turtle and mexi in the above quote, so not exactly the same as the click through
the one thing is if mor happens to be villager then stork could easily be a wolf

other than that i pretty much agree with everything and hopefully there isnt a deep wolf
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:42 PM
time to start drinking


ill check in at random times on my phone to see if theres any developments but dont expect much from me today

btw how does the weekend work with labor day? is saturday-monday all gonna be one day?
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:46 PM
Realizing his wolf peeks bussed reaper:

Originally Posted by iversonian
good morning buoys and gulls. it looks like a beautiful day for the village.

now i'm seeing the deal with reaper. slanking teammate with zero posts. expendable vanilla; designated bus, etc.
This looks like a cohen v peek; makes sense that he'd peek him since he was grilling him about having mexi as a villager:

Originally Posted by iversonian
want to drop jcohen from my wolf tam. don't see how he keeps up this level of inquisitive volume of werewolfing with such a terrible awareness of what's going on as a wolf. i think this is just his usual villager game.
More turtle pressure:

Originally Posted by iversonian
So... Did turtle do anything today?
Originally Posted by iversonian
for crap sake people, can we talk about TURTLE???
Originally Posted by iversonian
Turtle you better have some blazing hot takes on eod2 for me when you get in
And mexi pressure:

Originally Posted by iversonian
who were the guys reading mexi v yesterday?

This is starting to concern me if there's a chance he could have been serious

Let me just reiterate that you all know my role given this is an open setup; I received a peek of roman being a vanilla villager

My assumption is that our seer would receive the same

But this is making me feel not so fresh:

Originally Posted by iversonian
stork wolf vig for why they fps'd
More turtle and mexi pressure:

Originally Posted by iversonian
turtle what do you think about everything that happened with reaper, d1 and d2?
Originally Posted by iversonian
and mexi has still yet to make a single read today. could not find one villagery or wolfy post, apparently.
So it looks like cohen is a peeked villager? I guess they somehow didn't roleblock him?
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
the one thing is if mor happens to be villager then stork could easily be a wolf

other than that i pretty much agree with everything and hopefully there isnt a deep wolf
Mor has been lolcatting for three days
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 02:00 PM
Votes from post 4814 to post 5289
Night in 6:59:56

7 Turtle! No Lynches (80), theknightsofneeee (43), Montecore (84), iamnotawerewolf (26), Quick_Ben (42), jcohen (26), Adam33 (11)
4 Mor_Tilt4mePls Kawamii (61), Stork.. (79), RAORoman (2), Turtle! (12)
4 not voting mexineil (0), Mor_Tilt4mePls (4), thediceman (0), WorldzMine (0)
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 02:01 PM
Well. Seems like if our POE is eight we should win even if we get the wolf vig right.
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 02:02 PM
Last I mean.

With th problem we may have to rely on Worldz to actually vote.
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 02:02 PM
Hopefully our masons don't get mk'd

Who'd have thought someone from PerC would have an irrational emotional reaction to something completely innocuous

I, for one, am shocked

Reading back on that baudib post d1 where he was "happy" that worldz and dice the ice were confirmed masons is hiarious

I can hear the echo of his teeth grinding
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 02:20 PM
I know stork did this before, but I'm bored

It's 11-4 right now

Assuming we hit the vig last (i.e. loliversonian):

Lynch turtle: 11-3
2 nks: 9-3
Lynch mor or mexi: 9-2
2 nks: 7-2
Lynch the other one: 7-1
2 nks: 5-1, with kami almost certainly outed

Feels like we have this locked unless we're misinterpreting iversonian's peeks?
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 02:24 PM
or if somehow kami isn't a wolf and you did get rb'd
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 02:25 PM
but yeah, this feels good.
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 02:26 PM
I have lost many a "locked" game cause the villagers around at end game aren't the ones who know who the wolves are. But it seems less likely this game than most.
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 02:26 PM
yeah, if kami isn't a wolf and something weird happens, then oh well

But her response this morning didn't feel all that villagery

And her eod1/2s were just straight powerwolfing

I don't think she's voted for a wolf (or the right one at the right time, anyway) the entire game
8/29 Doctor Who V+ Game Thread Quote
09-02-2016 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I have lost many a "locked" game cause the villagers around at end game aren't the ones who know who the wolves are. But it seems less likely this game than most.
I'm going to post a detailed reads list before I die

Then I'm going to post it in every available color on the palette

I can't do anything more than that
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09-02-2016 , 02:27 PM
fwiw i found her extremely villagery day 1.

but lolme and all that.
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