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8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM 8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM

08-29-2013 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
Although huber, how is JD in your lowest group?
J.D. hasn't posted obv and bhuber is going after utr. J.D. where are you???
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 09:21 AM
Early leans (villagery to wolfy)

Sleeper Service

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08-29-2013 , 09:21 AM
good morning peeps.

I read the first page and the current page, 50 ppd

zero reads. will try and interact but got a lot of work to get done.
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 09:22 AM

Please post.
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08-29-2013 , 09:23 AM
Ooh, that worked. But I have to go. BBL, give me something good to read.
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08-29-2013 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by hibiscus

Please post.
LOL, was out of the office all day yesterday...and went to see Huey Lewis last night.
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08-29-2013 , 09:35 AM
Huey Lewis and the wolves
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08-29-2013 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by jh1711

I'm just legit lazy and more interested in the game of thrones ep I'm watching on another screen.

However I did read Tappokone's day one in Les Mis (villager) and he seemed a little more confrontational there. Maybe a very slight wolf read, maybe not. Let's see how the day develops.
Different situations lead to different levels of aggression. In Les Mis the thread was quite lengthy when I entered, I had a wolf lean I wanted to push, and said wolf lean was quite confrontational with me.
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 09:38 AM
Tappo im not overly impressed with your effort level so far fyi
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
TAPPO: Is the point of this that Bremen, Charry and you should be given extra rope because you're the most likely mislynches?
Partly. It's also helpful to know who the people with wildly divergent lynch rates in different roles are so that you can clear them with some confidence when they're villagery - and so that the seer doesn't waste peeks on them.
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
Tell us about luckduck.
Has opinions, will share them without being pressed. Prone to thinking people who are playing badly in his opinion are wolves. Sounds earnest. Nice fellow.
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
This is the first evidence of someone doing WORK. I approve.

I also think this thread is too dead for tappo to have any reason to be confrontational, and he actually said he was gonna be less confrontational with mets (one of the only people here to talk with at all) because he's easier to read that way. So the conclusion is kinda lol but the effort seems legit.
Good post. I approve.
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by UAW710
Gonna go full on dumb in making this read, but I think it may be right

I think this is a villager talking about never being a wolf. And the dumb part of this read is that he uses the word never in the first sentence. Seems legit to me.

Now here I think is a wolf talking about his wolfing history. In his last sentence his use of wasn't and the comma then yet is awkward. It reads to me like he hasn't been a wolf before in vanillas and v+, but he is a wolf this game and doesn't know how to finish the sentence. So he awkwardly says wasn't and adds the yet at the end. I would imagine as a villa he would say ", because I have never been in the situation.". It just flows naturally and conveys what you are communicating.

I feel better about the villa read on luckduck than the wolf read on jh.

The jh read seems like it could be me nit picking little things of no consequence so I don't feel very confident about it.
Uaw is very likely to be a villager. He doesn't make reads like this as a wolf, as far as I remember.
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Zayana
Was this to me or UAW? He responded, but it was after the above. If you think it was nitty I can explain where it came from. I actually was kind of surprised no one asked me about it, especially tappo.
I wasn't online to ask about it. Dunno what I should have asked, anyway.
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
My 2¢ on the wolf discission is I prefer wolfing when I have a ton of time and hate it when im busy. Enjoying wolfing does not make you a sociopath. Winning as a wolf is always more satisfying than winning as a villager
Wolfing has its rewards. High leverage spots are fun because you know what's at stake. Fooling people is fun. Winning is fun. However, the actual process of wolfing is drudgery.
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
lol, I was about to post that Bremen showed up and vanished, but I missed the going HAM at huber

I like it
I missed it, too. Can you point it out to me?
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:38 AM
tappo, don't be a wolf, I don't like it when you're a wolf
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Bremen
It's just this vote where he quotes huber, but it's in the middle of a bunch of other totally weak posts, and I think he tries to just retain his tone if he's wolfing
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I think tappo and I wolfed together twice this year. Once we attacked each other all game. The other time we defended each other all game I think

Im not sure im getting your logic

But im not worried about it

If you can't clear me by day 3 you're likely a wolf
I'm pretty sure we've only wolfed together once. We defended each other. I've wolfed against you a bunch of times and pretty much always defended you, unless I absolutely, positively had to mislynch you and no one else but you.
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:45 AM
Also I'm researching huber and my memory of him is clearly wrong, our only game together was the game where he got lynched day 1 but you won at F3:
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Bremen beat me to it

Charry just wolfed with her tho so it seems even more fake and forced

The thing that's making me hesitate on charold is would he have the balls to push me day 1 as a wolf?

Based on the circumstances, I think the answer is yes. I soft pushed him first

Those 3-4 reads is more work than he normally does on day 1 as a vil

Good chance I vote him
this is just totally skeeving me out

iirc mets wanted to avoid easy mislynches in a recent game

now he's zoning in on the easiest mislynch ever

I mean what person, in any role, reads the whole kerfuffle about hibiscus's gender and then decides to pretend not to know it.

The simplest explanation is that charry is just not that engaged with the game. Which also explains mislynch rates.

This really looks like mets pushing a mislynch to me

8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:49 AM
Yeah I have no idea who I'm thinking of re: the huge series of posts, can't be huber because I haven't seen him do that ever
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:50 AM
Wait, is the database way out of date?
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by tappokone
I'm pretty sure we've only wolfed together once. We defended each other. I've wolfed against you a bunch of times and pretty much always defended you, unless I absolutely, positively had to mislynch you and no one else but you.
Didn't I wolf with both you and mac and you and JD?
8/28 Slow Game: HIMYM Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by luckduck53
What's wolfy about this?
There are those who believe that phrases like 'Fair enough' are wolfy.
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