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8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread 8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread

08-26-2014 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
I feel like I shouldn't be attracted to q_q's avatar, but for some reason I kind of am.

She'd probably be cute if not for that hair cut.
oh, my...

i lost a lot of respect for you hax just now.


lot. must immediately redeem yourself and post pictures of 5 hot women when you next enter the thread..

and they better be really good.
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:33 PM
tappo voting redd AND lastchance on page 2 is super lame and probably 0/2 as well.

that might be a cause for concern
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:34 PM
both lastchance voters are prob wolves
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:39 PM
I’m 0/3 on what?
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08-26-2014 , 10:43 PM
what are you doing, boober?
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Was in Canada so didnt watch it

my main sports focus now is waiting for college football to start

everything else is meh
my favorite sport, bar none
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
what are you doing, boober?
reading, sup
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
College football sucks though.

this post may get me lynched. Don't care. College football sucks.

oh my god.

8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:45 PM
Did you just say I’m 0/3 with my reads (bhuber, kaze, CHRIS)?
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:46 PM
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
Did you just say I’m 0/3 with my reads (bhuber, kaze, CHRIS)?
I think all 3 are wrong yes? At least 1 of them is anyways
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
I think all 3 are wrong yes? At least 1 of them is anyways
That’s some nice fake confidence, your next post should involve a seer hard claim with Christophersen wolf peek, or you’re gonna drop.
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
That’s some nice fake confidence, your next post should involve a seer hard claim with Christophersen wolf peek, or you’re gonna drop.
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:53 PM
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:00 PM
Votes from post 1 to post 389
Night in 24:00:56

3 lastchance chinagambler (4), gambit8888 (15), tappokone (31)
2 bhuber2010 q_q (63), Sun Tzu (18)
2 UAW710 Kaze13 (61), ZomgHax (34)
1 q_q lastchance (29)
1 chinagambler UAW710 (13)
1 Kaze13 bhuber2010 (30)
1 gambit8888 Nofear3838 (4)
1 ZomgHax ReddBoiler (36)
1 ReddBoiler Christophersen (44)
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:02 PM
I think I am gonna put hax back on villager list, I am waiting for the game he burns me but it hasnt happened yet so I am just gonna go with my gut until he proves me wrong
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:04 PM
Also this is probably the most uninformed read I'll give all game but a complete soul read is that nofear might be a villager off those 4 posts...which is a completely ******ed and thin read to make (and completely unnecessary for me to make if I were a wolf)...but I kind of just want to be right for funsies so eff logic/deduction.
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:05 PM
The only people that I dont think you can have really have reads on at this point in the game are sun/tappo/qq.

I think you can have feels/intuitions/thoughts but I am struggling to come up with a definitive read on any of them AORN so if anyone else does actually feel strongly, you should probably share your thoughts because they will be valued (at least by me...but hopefully by everyone else too).
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:09 PM
Ive went back and forth on tappo/qq, thought they were both kinda villagery early on, but then they began to say a lot of stuff that made me cringe (i.e. who they pushed/voted) could be just that they're pushing people I think are >rand to be villagers (last chance and reddboiler to be specific...and maybe even hax too ((and thus it conditionally leads me to believe they're >rand to be wolves)).

That could be/probably is a poor way to read people (conditionally...especially for pushing villagers cause other villagers do that all the time). So I defer to waiting one more day before I pass definitive judgement. If I had to guess, I'd say tappo/sun might be villagers, qq might be wolf.

UAW is probably most uncomfortable I have ever seen him in a game of werewolf. I dont think I've basically ever seen him wolf (and we've played like 10+ vanillas together at the very least). At least I dont recall it anyways. This is probably it...because today's showing was SOOO unlike what I am accustomed to for villager UAW. Like night and day difference.
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:10 PM
I think sun has been exactly neutral up until this point. I really dont thin tone is a viable way to read him on d1 so I am not really going to pretend like I am super confident in his role.

I think if I was forced between sparing him/lynching him and for some hypothetical reason I got to be the deciding vote, I'd probably spare him today (for d1 anyways).
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:11 PM
Why are you grouping me with tappo, I haven’t pushed these people. (lastchance, redd, hax)
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:18 PM
I think if I had to rate people in the order that I felt confident in them being their respective roles I'd say:

TOP TIER TOM villagers:

Peeps I feel could be villagers but I'll probably re-assess tomorrow:
gambit (liked his opening but thats all I really have to work on...some of it was banter and I'd like to see him get a little more involved. I think some of his reads can be really good and I like when he puts effort into a game because I feel like I can, at the least, clear him somewhat accurately (and perhaps take into consideration some of his reads...which is a lot more than I can than some of you around here). So yeah, hope gambit brings the WIM.

Completely informed guess/feels (that they might be villagers despite really, really low post counts):

It would never be in my best interest to defend these players (if I was a wolf and they were villagers) the only other assumption y'all could make is that they're my wolf bro's...fine...whatever.

I think this is the most variable group thats probably apt to change because they really havent done anything worth mentioning yet. I also think they're probably the people that wolves would likely push if, in fact, they are villagers...and I am to prevent that. So I guess I am glad this is a slow game and hope they show up/come around a little more tonight/tomorrow than they did today.

(and that garbage meta about nofear trying more as a wolf is silly...not sure who always brings that up but I think his last wolf game is a fairly decent case in point to attest to this).

Which mostly leaves:

8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
Why are you grouping me with tappo, I haven’t pushed these people. (lastchance, redd, hax)
Just because you didnt push those specific people doesnt mean I dont think you're well within your wolf range/doesnt mean I dont think you have wolf equity.

I think you have plenty

This reminds me of the game you hard bussed Hoya (and I think were supposedly SHC? as well)...but didnt die for 2 days despite being "the clearest person" ITT and then someone snap voted me at f3 like 15 minutes into the day (pretty sure it was El_Timon IIRC).
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:22 PM
even if i dont agree w/ bhubers reads i do like this run of posts
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
08-26-2014 , 11:23 PM
aww crap, i forgot my babe hax on the list, but he was supposed to go below gambit

I liked his pg1 posts, then got kind scurrrred when I read someones post/agreed with it about he was kind of trolly/just joking around...but then he posted a bunch on page 3 and I liked those, so yeah. He was gonna go below gambit.
8/26 Slow Vanilla Werewolfarino Game Thread Quote
