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8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game 8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game

08-04-2010 , 05:41 PM
well at least you made a useful peek

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08-04-2010 , 05:41 PM
no lynch
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08-04-2010 , 05:42 PM
Thursday morning posts

Originally Posted by birdman
I'm a villager, but i think it's ****ing hilarious that mets got lynched
Originally Posted by syous
come one guys, we can do this
Originally Posted by te
sorry, mets deserved that
Originally Posted by titan
and you guys call me bad
Originally Posted by soah
That was mets' fault. it's not my fault he plays seer like a wolf and doesn't play by my rules
Originally Posted by bogan
wow you ****s are horrible, worse than that **** shorty on skype
Originally Posted by xxsooted
even i called mets villa, and i never do
Originally Posted by sc
sorry mets, i believed soah
Originally Posted by aao
mets, you were wolfy. that's all
Originally Posted by ibav
even tho mets was wolfy as balls, that was still dumb
Originally Posted by mikelle
no habla ingles. mets es magnifico
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Syous
what? i'm your peek as a wolf?

i peeked you village

i was planning on faking a wolfpeek with either bitchi or sooted to see what would happen but soah wouldn't let me
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Tortured Existence
no you are not the seer

when you claim and you don't die the onus is on you to prove you are the seer, you dicked around, cried like a 3 year old who wants a lolly, and insulted everyone
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

i peeked you village

i was planning on faking a wolfpeek with either bitchi or sooted to see what would happen but soah wouldn't let me
Outright posting "bitchi is a wolf" there achieves what you wanted without all the wasting-half-the-day thing.
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Tortured Existence
no you are not the seer

when you claim and you don't die the onus is on you to prove you are the seer, you dicked around, cried like a 3 year old who wants a lolly, and insulted everyone
there is no onus on me because i am the seer

only a wolf would counterclaim so i didnt need to prove ****

if there was a counterclaim, then you'd have an argument

i tried to get you to claim. you're a good enough wolf not to apparantly
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by aao
Outright posting "bitchi is a wolf" there achieves what you wanted without all the wasting-half-the-day thing.
i voted him, i said gogogo. and i wanted to wait until he posted. if i posted that at 10 am it changes nothing.

like you said, wolves were afraid to interact because i didnt give my peek. i dont understand how that wasted the day or was a bad thing

im being serious aao. what did i do wrong
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08-04-2010 , 05:49 PM
good job mets, just completely make up quotes of me
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08-04-2010 , 05:50 PM
I say we go no lynch and give mets someone to peek in case he mysteriously doesn't die again tonight.

no lynch

and I'd say peek xxsooted.
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08-04-2010 , 05:50 PM
nvm just read the whole post.
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08-04-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
i voted him, i said gogogo. and i wanted to wait until he posted. if i posted that at 10 am it changes nothing.

like you said, wolves were afraid to interact because i didnt give my peek. i dont understand how that wasted the day or was a bad thing

im being serious aao. what did i do wrong
If you were trying to coax bitchi so you could freeroll a peek, doing what you did doesn't achieve what you wanted any more than just outright posting "bitchi is a wolf".

Exactly, my point is why didn't you then?
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by aao
I say we go no lynch and give mets someone to peek in case he mysteriously doesn't die again tonight.

no lynch

and I'd say peek xxsooted.
i purposely didnt peek ibav or cardage cause i was afraid if the wolves kept me alive and one of them was vil they would kill him. so i peeked someone i knew wouldnt get nightkilled and who's role i wasnt confident in (cause im not as awesome as soah).

im not sure giving me 1 name to peek is 100% the best plan

but i cant see myself being alive tomorrow anyway, so i'll prob agree to it
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08-04-2010 , 05:52 PM
Hopefully at some point you're planning to elaborate on your statement that your n1 peek was NKed.
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08-04-2010 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by aao
If you were trying to coax bitchi so you could freeroll a peek, doing what you did doesn't achieve what you wanted any more than just outright posting "bitchi is a wolf".

Exactly, my point is why didn't you then?
cause i wasnt sure whether to fake bitchi or sooted so i wanted to see if either of them would post first

and i was at work from 930-3 sans a 1 hour break
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:54 PM
Syous was spewed villager by both known wolves, but yeah you gotta be awesome like me and actually go back and read old posts every now and then to pick up on things like that.
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08-04-2010 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Hopefully at some point you're planning to elaborate on your statement that your n1 peek was NKed.
my night 0 peek

omg i must be a wolf for that faux paus
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:57 PM
no lynch, tentatively.

I'm not up on ww theory, but don't we gain a tiny bit by waiting to no-lynch until the cleared villagers are dead? When the kill will be claimed seer or village peek, we gain no info and lose a villager, whereas using it right after last clear villa dies gains a little info from the nk for the next day.

I dunno. Never mind.
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Syous was spewed villager by both known wolves, but yeah you gotta be awesome like me and actually go back and read old posts every now and then to pick up on things like that.
almost everybody was spewed villager by both known wolves, so that cant all be right. and the way fly got lynched, i dont consider syous spewed from him.

i also didnt give the peek a lot of thought cause i expected to be dead. it was sent immediately after the reveal
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Senor Cardgage
no lynch, tentatively.

I'm not up on ww theory, but don't we gain a tiny bit by waiting to no-lynch until the cleared villagers are dead? When the kill will be claimed seer or village peek, we gain no info and lose a villager, whereas using it right after last clear villa dies gains a little info from the nk for the next day.

I dunno. Never mind.

8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 06:02 PM
but before we have a confirmed seer the advantage of no lynch goes up
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08-04-2010 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by ibavly
but before we have a confirmed seer the advantage of no lynch goes up

I'm cool with whatever tonight, tbh. The amount gained by waiting on no lynch is minimal unless you get to f6 or whatever and there's not a super-clear non-peeked villager, which isn't gonna happen often.
8/2 Burn Notice Vanilla WW Game Quote
08-04-2010 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Senor Cardgage
no lynch, tentatively.

I'm not up on ww theory, but don't we gain a tiny bit by waiting to no-lynch until the cleared villagers are dead? When the kill will be claimed seer or village peek, we gain no info and lose a villager, whereas using it right after last clear villa dies gains a little info from the nk for the next day.

I dunno. Never mind.
The whole odd-even thing isn't really that big of a deal until you get down to must-lynch, especially final 4. Making sure we know for sure who the seer is has a lot more valuable than having one more villager voting right now.
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08-04-2010 , 06:09 PM

How anyone can think I am a wolf after bsball flipped wolf is beyond me. I would say bogan and sooted are both wolves.
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08-04-2010 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687

How anyone can think I am a wolf after bsball flipped wolf is beyond me. I would say bogan and sooted are both wolves.
then vote sooted
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