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7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread 7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread

07-10-2015 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Stuck is my n0
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Confirmed v Lean
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Evene seems villagery as well
Originally Posted by Viggorous
This post is good. Too bad you're already lock v lols
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Mucks seems like a villager I guess
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Bop seems more aggressive than last game
Originally Posted by Viggorous
But I agree with stuck, the opening seems over the top
some good stuff in here

he called bank, monte and me villagery so we know he likes calling villagers villagers
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:26 AM
aib, this is a 28er mash. he just doesn't do this. he spent all morning what looks like calling villagers villagers. except for light pushes on bop and muti
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:27 AM
I'd say from spew bop/muti look a bit worse. evene looks pretty good

will still need to read the rest of him tho

g2g to work
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
Lol at peeking viggo n0 when he outs his role every day 1
I told you so
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:28 AM
AIB here's another reason why wolves will not fakepeek wolfbros n0 this game

later on they can't claim 'oh my peek must have been wrong' if the SS is still alive because n0 peeks are all villager peeks
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:28 AM
pretty epic read by CT there i'll give ya that
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:31 AM
The fact that he called me a v after i had said that was a ded giveaway in retrospect
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:32 AM
yea that was a pretty sick night for us. free wolf kill basically and should give us a lot of spew

wolves prob confirmed rustled

k i'm out now
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:32 AM
There is no way that villa list you supplied is all villa viggo like to sneak a wolf through he tried it with tappo in the last game he wolfed with me so yes he does Villa read wolf bro trying to make out that every1 he called villa is spewed clear is quite lazy thinking
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:35 AM
god AIB you're killing me

i didn't give you a list

he called me, monte and banks villagers and we ARE 100% VILLAGERS. I know what I am and did you even read death reveals? the only unknown is evene and thats less known

what would you rather do, tunnel someone who's spewed villager and was on 75% of the field's villager list yesterday? or go after someone actually wolfy?

your choice
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
god AIB you're killing me

i didn't give you a list

he called me, monte and banks villagers and we ARE 100% VILLAGERS. I know what I am and did you even read death reveals? the only unknown is evene and thats less known

what would you rather do, tunnel someone who's spewed villager and was on 75% of the field's villager list yesterday? or go after someone actually wolfy?

your choice
Just because he listed some correct villas does not auto mean every one else he listed is also villa that is poor reasoning and bad deduction
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:46 AM
I'll just place my vote here for now
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:48 AM
Lol Viggo. Today is the day we kill telcontar
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:52 AM
We dont kill me CDL?
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:56 AM
I'm not too confident reading Viggo for spew. He is pretty bussy as a wolf, but he can still put a wolf on his villager list.

I thought what he said about Amy looked good for her. Don't think he would call out a new wolf for her first posts in the game.

There was a soft defense of xkf that pinged me as w/w.

That's about all I got.
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 08:00 AM
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 08:01 AM
Votes from post 1594 to post 1616
Night in 11:59:49

2 Xkf AllInBluff (6), confirmedtroll (4)
26 not voting Amy1970 (0), BookToMarket (0), bopolis (0), BustoRhymes (0), CalledDownLight (1), Charry (0), Evene (1), Gadarene (0), gambit8888 (0), jcohen (0), Montecore (0), Mor_Tilt4mePls (0), MoViN.tArGeT (0), mucksandgravs (0), mutigers (0), Puzzles (0), Quick_Ben (0), StuckinARutt (10), Sun Tzu (0), TehBankertin (0), Telcontar (0), TheBrokenATM! (0), UAW710 (0), Viggorous (0), Weatherguy (0), Xkf (0)
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 08:02 AM
Ha viggo that's funny
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 08:02 AM
Boy am I glad I'm not dead
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 08:02 AM
I can clear myself today, no worries, snoozing with my kitty cats now though
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 08:03 AM
Also lol viggo
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 08:03 AM
Dayvig if u are considering shooting me please wait until 5pm cst and if u still think I'm a wolf then go for it
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 08:04 AM

Since I "forgot" to leave my cover yesterday

Amy n0 villa
mortilt n1 villa
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 08:06 AM
Day vig, if you're considering shooting me, then I am okay with it now since I have left my "peeks".

but obviously dont shoot me
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-10-2015 , 08:08 AM
I peeked telc last night

(almost forgot this morning, almost sent it in late, so don't hate me if bad peek)

i'm not dead so he's village
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
