Going to put my thoughts on certain posts as I re-read:
Stuck's entrance was pretty MEH for me. Talked a lot about mechanics that I felt were pretty obvious. Entrances don't mean much though, imo. Just starting on bad side of fence.
as i read along...
Originally Posted by mutigers
in before the calvacade of derp comes along and calls everyone wolfy for talking about mechanics
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Ya obviously our suicide seer shouldn't try to trade 1 for 1. If anything peek people you have slight v leans on or people you're not certain of but you feel needs a mechanical clearing
Good post, villa lean for Viggo. Stuck is also more null at this point.
Disappointed in muti's play at this point. Don't know if it's wolfy, but I recall him being better than this. Still early game so will see how it develops.
I would like everyone who reads this to go back and look at post 67 by Sun Tzu. It's a pretty short post, but it feels extremely villagery to me. I want to hear other's opinions on it. Sun Tzu my only town read at this point.
Amy's short entrance, for her first game, seemed innocent enough.
Originally Posted by bopolis
I hate the talk about leaving peeks. Wolves have to nail the suicide seer so why make that easier for them with everyone openly leaving their peeks?
I hate pointing out that a peek is bad even more.
Pretty ****post, but seems to come from a villa mindset, as well as his next post.
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
Mucks you are
1) saying im villagery and hence wolfy
2) saying you are not paying attentoon to my posts
This is mutually exclusive.
Plus the wolfy soft push
Very wolfy
Good post by CT. Thought his posts were pretty crap up to this point/not helping, but this is a good one.
By post 150 I realize that a couple players, Sun and Viggo iirc, have given Monte a villa lean. I'm not sure why. Nothing he has said up to this point has been particularly great, unless being rude gets you villa read. FU banks if that's the case btw.
Mucks voices that opinion for me on post 156. +points for Mucks. Pissed that I don't have any strong scum at this point.
At post 164, Xkf votes mucks, w/o reasoning. Second post of Xkf's that I've noticed, the first was his entrance, which was the typical, "hey guys i'm happy i rolled villa
" Don't care for him at this point.
post 178 by stuck is good, +points for stuck.
Xkf still not making any good posts by post 199.
viggo very very slightly wolfy
****, by post 202 I realize that I've made a mistake. Xkf is making short, **** posts as he catches up and reads through the thread. I thought it was pretty obvious on post 202, as viggo had not made any postings between this post and Xkf's last couple posts. Reverse from scum lean to slight villa lean.
Originally Posted by Montecore
if only we had a physicist to determine the odds of that happening
but i'm reasonably comfortable that mucks is a villager for now in italics
and apropos of nothing, banks was kind of going in 35 different directions this morning, but i'm confident he's a villager
MONTE, could you please substantiate why you are confident of Bank's alignment. Thanks dawg.
Don't care for this post by Gad. He is trying way too hard to APPEAR villagery.
Originally Posted by Gadarene
i'm also personally going to distinguish between my peek-i-sent-in-as-vanillager and my peek-that-i-made-as-suicide-affiliation-seer to the extent they might be different; i don't think it really matters and they would probably be the same but just in case there are future contingencies i haven't thought of and to make it harder on the wolves
if i'm "vanilla" i peeked mutigers
if i'm suicide affiliation seer i was randed a peek of Telcontar
Montecore brand tank tops: When you want to make it really ****ing obvious
BustoRhymes posts have been solid. Haven't seen him play so I don't have any sort of meta to work with.
Reading Xkf posts is frustrating af. I have a villa-lean on him, but I believe all his reads are ass-backwards compared to mine.
Looking back, I find myself agreeing with Mucks/Monte that AiB has been pretty lackluster/wolfy so far. I remember he also played poorly at the beginning of the Futurama game, but got a bit better as the game progressed.
A better post by Gad. Sliding him over to the null column.
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Your point (b) is perfectly valid, and I suggest that people so inclined should take care to leave only obvious vanillager cover and should make their suicide affiliation seer peeks a little more cryptic if they want -- with the important caveat that since the suicide affiliation seer could well be dying unexpectedly on any given night from peeking a wolf, they would be well-behooved to leave each night's peeks MORE CLEARLY THAN THEY MIGHT OTHERWISE DO, since there's a decent chance they won't be around to claim them
but sure, leaving them separately from the vanillager peek is fine, as long as it's clear which is which and as long as the whole thing isn't too confusing and burdensom
but I don't really get the point you're making with (a); could you clarify?
it would probably also help if i read more than the first couple dozen posts probably
Hurray, passed by intro post.
Gad's slight trolliness is pretty annoying. I want him to catch up on the thread and give one of his good analysis posts. Even as wolf, they can be a bit telling lategame.
Xkf finally posting a thought, neat. Again, don't think it's a good/serious read here. I do like that he voted AiB.
here's a crazy read: gad's depression is more likely to have him focus on the roleset than the actual posts as a villager, therefore highly likely villager
Post 306 by Busto, another solid post. More +points.
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Why wolfy?
Why not?
Do you notice any differences in Vigg's game ITT compared to his H&F game? IIRC he slanked pretty ****ing hard in the H&F game, but it's hard to tell since I think he was a D3 sub. How does he normally play on D1?
My head hurts trying to decipher what level this post is on.
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
So banks has fell off the face of the earth...
He said he was going to sleep. Can a guy get more than 5 hours of sleep?
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Read first 100 posts. Based on playing 1 game with each Stuck has same tone as when he was villager, but Evene just seems off IMO.
Also, I peeked Broken ATM N0.
Going to gym now. Back in a couple hours.
Interesting intro by Ben. I like it. I don't recall anything Evene said from earlier pages, so I will definitely need to revisit.
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
the wolves can kill him for free though
and the clearance isn't useful if he isn't in danger of getting lynched
that's why it's premature
claiming later may or may not be necessary but if you leave the peeks, you no longer have the choice
I don't think the PO should claim unless the role-hunting shot has gone off or the villa is nearly lynched. I still think we need to leave seer cover though. The likelihood of several of us giving a n0 villapeek on a mafia isn't high, so I don't think it would instantly out the seer. I may be wrong, but I WILL be leaving my n0 peek at the bottom of this post.
Was planning on voting AiB at the end of this post until I read this post.
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
Mucks has been throwing mud at a wall and seeing what sticks thats how I read his play so far
An Omgus reacion to me
A CT is villagery so that means he is wolf vote
A Joke vote on BtM
Calling Amy wolfy for no raisins
Saying banker disappeared even tho banker stated he was going to be for X hours
Good progression/neat.
Town: (in order of strength of read)
Monte (n0 peek, suck it)
Wolfiest players are Mucks and Viggo, not very strong leans though.
Will be LIVE posting now boys!