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7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread 7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread

07-12-2015 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
so 17 players, 13/4

1 peek originator
1 peek receiver
1 day vig
1 night vig
1 decoy
1 back up vig
1 angel
6 vanillas


1 angel
1 night vig
1 rber
1 claim assassin

I think we are looking good
we have 4 claimable roles and a bunch of peeks around
there you have it
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:23 PM
worst case scenario is uaw was the peek originator and his peek is dead
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:31 PM
And btm should be overwritten to booktmarket. I think all 3 errors are votes for him
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:35 PM
wouldnt majing be bad for our day actions and we should hold off votes?

or am i mistaken
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:37 PM
no maj
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:40 PM
I been claimed my character. That why I know wves are shook.
I know they haven't even tried to kill anyone.
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:40 PM
Yea big games with day actions don't have MAJ
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:43 PM
will even if they think they might have a solid enough read on a players role if the assassin is clear its prob not worth it at this point
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:45 PM
Not sure I'll be abck before eod.
I have inventory tomorrow and I'm running around stressing and getting the store in top shape.
GG kruze.
Btm posting better in a tone kinda way but killing him is ok also.
I think kruze gives us info and btm doesn't gives us much other than to lock clear me even more or CT.
If btm is a villa them CT needs to die or stop leading. I feel he's leading Us Wrong
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:46 PM
All times give are server time, which is also Eastern Standard Time.

I will open the thread every morning by posting "It is day." You may not post in the thread until I have made the morning post. Day will usually start around 7:00 AM.

Day lasts until 8:00 PM. Posting at 8 PM is acceptable, and votes with that time stamp will be counted. Posting after that, even just a minute after, is not acceptable, even if I have not yet declared it night by posting "It is night." Do not post in the thread at any time, for any reason, between the end of the day and the opening of the thread the next morning.

Weekends are different: There is not "night" Saturday night -- the thread remains open from Saturday morning until Sunday evening. There is no scheduled Saturday night lynch.

If any player reaches majority and is lynched before 2 pm, the moderator may, at his discretion, reopen the thread for a second game day that same day. He will do so only if it seems clear that this will not unduly disadvantage either side.

this is fromthe op, last paragraph mentions maj so thatswhy i mentioned it
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
will even if they think they might have a solid enough read on a players role if the assassin is clear its prob not worth it at this point
Nvm then. That makes sense plus if I was a wolf I wouldn't believe me either .

I'm really just a vanilla with zero powers:
My only power is my vote
I didn't even angel anyone, but I can brag about knowing who the wilves will target one way or another.
I also have a secret but I can't tell u guys and I'm not gonna die so I'll reveal in a day or two once is solidified my read.
Sick sick tinfoil
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:49 PM
Mod note: the game features majority lynch at must lynch.

There is no majority lynch on any other day.
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:50 PM
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:50 PM
Oh wow idk then. It's not clear IMO
Ask Te mod
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
Mod note: the game features majority lynch at must lynch.

There is no majority lynch on any other day.
Yea I figured. Thanks wolf mod
(Wolfy avatar)
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:52 PM
Bopolis you are such a puzz.
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Nvm then. That makes sense plus if I was a wolf I wouldn't believe me either .

I'm really just a vanilla with zero powers:
My only power is my vote
I didn't even angel anyone, but I can brag about knowing who the wilves will target one way or another.
I also have a secret but I can't tell u guys and I'm not gonna die so I'll reveal in a day or two once is solidified my read.
Sick sick tinfoil
is your tinfoil about weatherguy or allin and the permarb stuff
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:54 PM
If puzzles is wolf he's no wolf VIG.
I might rethink this. I really want to dead the wolf VIG.
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Not sure I'll be abck before eod.
I have inventory tomorrow and I'm running around stressing and getting the store in top shape.
GG kruze.
Btm posting better in a tone kinda way but killing him is ok also.
I think kruze gives us info and btm doesn't gives us much other than to lock clear me even more or CT.
If btm is a villa them CT needs to die or stop leading. I feel he's leading Us Wrong
so btm is a villa you dont need to die but I do; and if he is a wolf you get to be lock clear

stop your delusions bro
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
is your tinfoil about weatherguy or allin and the permarb stuff
I have two.
One is that weatherguy is wolf VIG and lock himself into clear villa status by that silly claim.
Specially since he chose a dead villa and now his other clear villa died.

His wim is unprecedented and I think that a wolf that's happy to blend in with the Sheeps.

The other one is too crazy I won't let it out yet. But involves one wolf and a possible other wolf. I need to make sure is w/w and I'm watching them and takin notes
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 03:00 PM
also it's a really subtle softpush that you never do as the typical clown villager that you always are since you always insist for being the epic batman leader of the village failboat

here you have this very revealing sentence:
CT needs to die or stop leading. I feel he's leading Us Wrong
in which game have you ever accepted to be led as a villager? i have never ever seen you say that as a villager and you cannot tell me its not true.

also who am I leading really? you think BTM is a wolf, yes? if no just say it clearly, I dont really want to hold your hand in this sis
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
so btm is a villa you dont need to die but I do; and if he is a wolf you get to be lock clear

stop your delusions bro
I said it will lock clear u too. Learn to read.
If he is not I'm still clear and you won't. You lead a mislynch on a villa already
I tried to move u guys from uaw.
Me and him wreck last game
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 03:01 PM
Votes from post 3106 to post 3822
Night in 4:59:54

8 Puzzles Gadarene (23), Weatherguy (128), AllInBluff (86), Xkf (30), BookToMarket (24), Evene (27), TheBrokenATM! (60), bopolis (55)
1 bopolis Puzzles (21)
1 Charry Mor_Tilt4mePls (49)
1 BookToMarket Quick_Ben (11)
1 Quick_Ben Sun Tzu (12)
1 unvote Charry (19)
2 not voting BustoRhymes (58), StuckinARutt (17)
2 Error Amy1970 (24), confirmedtroll (57)
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 03:01 PM
what's weatherguy claim?
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
07-12-2015 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
I said it will lock clear u too. Learn to read.
If he is not I'm still clear and you won't. You lead a mislynch on a villa already
I tried to move u guys from uaw.
Me and him wreck last game
i never voted once for UAW

ive no idea what you are talking about

who did you vote day 1
7/9 NBA vs San Antonio Spurs vanilla+ werewolf gamethread Quote
