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7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread 7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread

08-02-2015 , 03:10 AM
that was cute as heck btw knights, i found it hilarious.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by insanity31
basically boils down to it would be just a ****ing ****ton of village angels. which i really don't think is possible since i've never seen anything like it in any game i've played/read, which is ~150+ im guessing
Except it's not an additional angel like we originally thought, it's just someone who gets to fill out the JOAT.

Still very wolfy in theory, yes, but I think she would have presented it all in a different manner as a wolf.

If it's possible to 100% verify her then we can do that instead of taking shots.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:12 AM
but len, i def think there's been a contrast between bop's posts d1 where i threw him on my village list (may have been in my head, not noted ITT) and the posts i remember from him today

let's see who he shats tomorrow i guess
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by lenC
Except it's not an additional angel like we originally thought, it's just someone who gets to fill out the JOAT.
true, true

maybe i just should have said "her poasts and build-up to her final claim were lol-worthy"
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by insanity31
true, true

maybe i just should have said "her poasts and build-up to her final claim were lol-worthy"
Her and I were both pretty lol-worthy in the hydra game. We aren't very good at forum games, and she's quick to insult people.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by insanity31
true, true

maybe i just should have said "her poasts and build-up to her final claim were lol-worthy"
i am comfortable leaving bunnies overnight to attempt to prove herself
i am close to comfortable leaving her forever also.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:17 AM
Improving mashes again:

Raise the amount of wolves by 5 percentage points but give the chance to maj people d1-d3. That would fix lynches that are set in stone 10h ahead of time which are incredibly boring.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:18 AM
but seriously, if anyone can boost my ita that would put lead in my pencil
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:18 AM
weather, who are you voting?

i don't feel like looking for a vote count and i want to know who your only wolf is
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by lenC
Improving mashes again:

Raise the amount of wolves by 5 percentage points but give the chance to maj people d1-d3. That would fix lynches that are set in stone 10h ahead of time which are incredibly boring.
sounds wolf sided
village needs all the time in the day to discuss things/gather reads, if it went straight to night as soon as someone was modpeeked/outted, that would be lame.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Stork..
sounds wolf sided
village needs all the time in the day to discuss things/gather reads, if it went straight to night as soon as someone was modpeeked/outted, that would be lame.
I mean maj a person, reveal him and day carries on and someone else gets lynched.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by insanity31
weather, who are you voting?

i don't feel like looking for a vote count and i want to know who your only wolf is
Yawn for the hardcore slanking even though I knew he was awake and not doing anything. His posts were pretty solid day one, except for the opener, but I think after he saw all of the wolves dying he got disheartened.

Grant/Zdye I would also like to look at.

Mexineil flip could help clear movin/gamer if he flips wolf.

Charry is very interesting. Charry has legitimate beef with BATM, and I think that was the main reason why he shot him. I think a wolf would make a more calculated shot than that, even if it did happen to be a good one for the wolves.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:25 AM
I'd hate for my ramblings to kill the thread.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by lenC
I mean maj a person, reveal him and day carries on and someone else gets lynched.
more than one lynch a day?

7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:26 AM
alright i think i'm down with immediate yawn shats/lynch and see where that brings us. maybe (hopefully) he's powerful or something (if he's a wolf obv)
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by insanity31
alright i think i'm down with immediate yawn shats/lynch and see where that brings us. maybe (hopefully) he's powerful or something (if he's a wolf obv)
Why are you sheeping one of your wolf reads and wanting to kill someone who wasn't in your top 3 half an hour ago?
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:27 AM
Asking for a friend.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:28 AM
I wish for a quiz to be run in a subject of my choice that will boost my ita hit percentage by a significant amount
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
would you be as kind as too elaborate on why?
You are tunnelling me so I could have overreacted, but I get the feeling that you're trying to line me up for a mislynch.

Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
like.. i don't know wtf else you guys want from me, also did anyone look at who told me not to shoot vix? pretty sure there's at least 2 wolves in those 4-6 people who told me not to shoot.
At first you thought it was "4-6" and you are hoping others will fish out 2 wolf suspects

Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
i'm not sure how to feel about this from grant. he was the only person other than effen and adam to tell me not to shoot vix yesterday.
Nope, only 3.

Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
i just didnt like grant's defending of vix during ita's
It was NOT "defending Vix". it was "let's wait for the 0 poster to arrive and explain himself before shooting him"

You seemed pretty OK with Effen & Adam saying exactly the same thing as I said though... You could be giving them a pass because they're not viable mislynch targets.

Originally Posted by grant2
chrja = pimp. Knights too.
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
also what he said about me and chrja seemed a little forced? also lenC insta voting chrja for shooting before the result is odd?
Looks like you're trying to test if other people will find essentially innocent posts as suspicious.

Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
i think that either pesky is wolf night vig and hard bussed early day 1 for town cred, or she's pretty town from this read because i think its a pretty solid read imo. but the wolf tmi is very possible.
"she's either villa or wolf" setting yourself up to push on either side of a pesky debate, should it come up. Fine for now but will look really bad if she's W.

Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
Also, i would like to point out that i was the one who wanted to vote yawn day 1, after much of the wagon on him had sailed, because i thought it would bring good information. and now he's still on the chopping block, and he is a pretty close to consensus wolf?
You're trying to take credit for Yawn before he's flipped, which is irritating but not automatically wolfy.

The problem is you neglect to offer me the same villa credit that you are claiming, even though I voted yawn for the entire D1.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:30 AM
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by grant2
You are tunnelling me so I could have overreacted, but I get the feeling that you're trying to line me up for a mislynch.

At first you thought it was "4-6" and you are hoping others will fish out 2 wolf suspects

Nope, only 3.

It was NOT "defending Vix". it was "let's wait for the 0 poster to arrive and explain himself before shooting him"

You seemed pretty OK with Effen & Adam saying exactly the same thing as I said though... You could be giving them a pass because they're not viable mislynch targets.

Looks like you're trying to test if other people will find essentially innocent posts as suspicious.

"she's either villa or wolf" setting yourself up to push on either side of a pesky debate, should it come up. Fine for now but will look really bad if she's W.

You're trying to take credit for Yawn before he's flipped, which is irritating but not automatically wolfy.

The problem is you neglect to offer me the same villa credit that you are claiming, even though I voted yawn for the entire D1.
I like this post.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by Weatherguy
Why are you sheeping one of your wolf reads and wanting to kill someone who wasn't in your top 3 half an hour ago?
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by grant2
I can't tell if sarcasm, but thanks anyway haha.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:36 AM
Grant going hard and defining the court. Enjoyable to read
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-02-2015 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Weatherguy
Why are you sheeping one of your wolf reads and wanting to kill someone who wasn't in your top 3 half an hour ago?

there's lots of people that want yawn dead and he may be the highest leverage kill in the game at the moment depending on what he flips

and there's like very little difference between 1st and ~6th on my personal list at the moment. i'd suicide bomb all of you right now if i could
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