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7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread 7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread

07-31-2015 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
also fun fact Movin also tried to sneak in a shot on Puzzles at the beginning of ITA2

before he knew he only had one shot

This was right after he tells Puzzles to shoot Raro

so LOL trying to get clear for that
Ok i cant ignore this one but ill try after it.

First off puzzles was absolutely the scummiest person of all time when he posted that list. Like i know kruze and I know hes not the best town player so I cut him some slack at first and tried to talk him down. But then he voted my mason partner/peek and completely ignored everyone telling him not too.

Like puzzles is trash that had to be taken out. luckily he was peeked I dont think any disagrees with this. If i didnt kill him 9 other ita shots were coming for him. It was a great ita attempt at the time.

And if im a wolf you dont think we would talk about the fact we only get 1 ita attempt per day in the wolf chat?
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by chrja
i like. he could be my target tomorrow if i last until then.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
tells Puzzles to kill Roman

and than tries to snipe Puzzles at :01

yeah you are def 100% lock cleared

weird how you left this part out ?
but he didnt listen to me? rofl your logic man
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
Ok i cant ignore this one but ill try after it.

First off puzzles was absolutely the scummiest person of all time when he posted that list. Like i know kruze and I know hes not the best town player so I cut him some slack at first and tried to talk him down. But then he voted my mason partner/peek and completely ignored everyone telling him not too.

Like puzzles is trash that had to be taken out. luckily he was peeked I dont think any disagrees with this. If i didnt kill him 9 other ita shots were coming for him. It was a great ita attempt at the time.

And if im a wolf you dont think we would talk about the fact we only get 1 ita attempt per day in the wolf chat?
so if he's so scummy why were you discussing shot targets with him if all you were going to do was try to snipe him at :01

do you normally discuss shots with people you find scummiest of all time ?
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Interesting, I don't remember anything from him today

I thought he was decent yesterday
I just re read his day today.

He isn't trying to solve the game, but seems like he is up to date.

Makes him a good second wagon imo.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
but he didnt listen to me? rofl your logic man
just like you didn't listen to Namath ?
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
so if he's so scummy why were you discussing shot targets with him if all you were going to do was try to snipe him at :01

do you normally discuss shots with people you find scummiest of all time ?
what's he supposed to say "you're probably a wolf so I refuse to offer an opinion on who should die?"

Absent a peek, even scummy people have some villager equity.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by chrja
I just re read his day today.

He isn't trying to solve the game, but seems like he is up to date.

Makes him a good second wagon imo.
That's a pretty accurate description imo

If grant is a villa, and that's certainly possible, mexi's setup and shot on him are pretty damn wolfy
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:30 PM
i thought neil was an obvious villager early yesterday, but his contribution since then leaves much to be desired
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
That's a pretty accurate description imo

If grant is a villa, and that's certainly possible, mexi's setup and shot on him are pretty damn wolfy
Insanity shot at Grant

FWIW, I think Insanity hemming and hawing about the Grant shot was pretty damn wolfy. Although I have Insanity as a villager for other reasons.

Gad wanted Grant dead too though.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
so if he's so scummy why were you discussing shot targets with him if all you were going to do was try to snipe him at :01
Also movin didn't try to "snipe" puzzles, he did a reaction shot.

Puzzles gave a list of 5 targets, and movin essentially said "only 1 of those targets is viable". Just because movin' considered roman viable doesn't necessarily mean he has to be movin's #1 target. ESPECIALLY after puzzles makes such a wolfy snipe attempt.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Insanity shot at Grant

FWIW, I think Insanity hemming and hawing about the Grant shot was pretty damn wolfy. Although I have Insanity as a villager for other reasons.

Gad wanted Grant dead too though.

Grant, you neutralling?
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:32 PM
mexican neil
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by grant2
what's he supposed to say "you're probably a wolf so I refuse to offer an opinion on who should die?"

Absent a peek, even scummy people have some villager equity.
it's more the fact that he's trying to spin the idea that he's lock clear from suggesting roman as a target yet he elects to shoot someone he called "scummy" and not someone he called "wolf"
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:32 PM
so i'm kind of curious how there was so little death last night if vix (apparently) angeled mucks for this ita session

unless the wolves have another day angel mechanic or something, which I suppose isn't impossible
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
i thought neil was an obvious villager early yesterday, but his contribution since then leaves much to be desired
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by grant2
Also movin didn't try to "snipe" puzzles, he did a reaction shot.

Puzzles gave a list of 5 targets, and movin essentially said "only 1 of those targets is viable". Just because movin' considered roman viable doesn't necessarily mean he has to be movin's #1 target. ESPECIALLY after puzzles makes such a wolfy snipe attempt.
I was iso'ing him and only saw the 3:01 shot

my argument still stands
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I think it's in your best interest to give reads and just ignore gamer for a while
My last list was borly written


chrja i think hes mechanicly cleared? not sure
No Lynches n1 and or my mason
OneCrazyDuck n0

People ive been leaning wolf on

fraleyight? something weird from d1 but I forget

Honestly im not confident on my wolf reads theres so many inactives / people I havent read im sure theres many wolves in that group too

Kinda flipped on bunnies think she might be town
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Insanity shot at Grant

FWIW, I think Insanity hemming and hawing about the Grant shot was pretty damn wolfy. Although I have Insanity as a villager for other reasons.

Gad wanted Grant dead too though.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:35 PM
Movin I don't think you hedged quite enough in that last sentence
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:36 PM
for the record, i still think vigg not knowing the name and/or mechanics of what he was claiming was wolfy as ****, and he certainly could have clarified without being modkilled

that and QB was talking about him like he was a wolfbr0
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:36 PM
grants a villager now too
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:36 PM

clear/do not shat/villagers imo

Gamer Dude
No Lynches

Viggorous - claimed redirector (or randomizer?)

Lissa2 - claimed rb

other people
27ninjabunnies - her(?) explanation of her wolf read on me seemed somewhat genuine but that's all i remember
fraleyight - i recall him being on my inital villager list yesterday. don't remember why tbh
grant2 - wolfy
lenC - slight villa lean
mexineil - i remember gad saying he was villagery but i think all of his posts are in the part of the thread i didn't read
OneCrazyDuck - who?
peskypenguin - who?
Weatherguy - down on volume compared to the previous games i've seen and i've only seen him village


don't have reads on a ton of the "other ppl" but it's definitely a me problem
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:36 PM
2291 seems somewhat villagery for bop.

storm's read on banks seems to have a lot of progression though is unwilling to settle on a read. that I'm kinda not sure what to make of, he calls banks villa but keeps mentioning things he seems to be calling wolfy. but I think storm spending a fair bit of time on the banks read is villagery for banks.

2454 feels not w/w though it bugs me because by my current interpretations of things that post wouldn't mention a single wolf in 8 names.

2488 still hedges on banks to the point of possibly negative attention

then interacts with banks a bunch more
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-31-2015 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
FWIW, I think Insanity hemming and hawing about the Grant shot was pretty damn wolfy.
I disagree. His sequence today seemed villagery. A wolf doesn't gain anything by giving me full opportunity to clear myself.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
