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7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread 7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread

07-30-2015 , 08:50 PM
People calling BATM wolf for these reasons is pretty shameful
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Charry




Charry and I are legit masons bros
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:51 PM
Votes from post 5 to post 2902
Night in 0:09:51

19 Quick_Ben Viggorous (134), TehBankertin (139), lenC (93), Stork.. (93), theknightsofneeee (36), TunakShakur (24), Lissa2 (52), mucksandgravs (105), grant2 (39), Namath12 (116), stormslyde (110), Evene (19), No Lynches (93), vixticator (28), OneCrazyDuck (4), Ace of Spaids (31), Charry (75), mexineil (38), iLician (87)
6 mucksandgravs Gamer Dude (75), RAORoman (10), Montecore (185), zdye724 (141), insanity31 (58), baudib1 (172)
4 stormslyde Yawn (12), Effen (60), monstrman (99), Adam33 (99)
3 Lissa2 Gadarene (187), 27ninjabunnies (36), bopolis (45)
2 TheBrokenATM! filthyvermin (5), fraleyight (32)
1 baudib1 Puzzles (12)
1 Stork.. chrja (20)
1 TunakShakur MoViN.tArGeT (7)
1 monstrman Quick_Ben (57)
1 Effen TehVader (10)
1 filthyvermin TheBrokenATM! (76)
1 27ninjabunnies Duckburg (27)
1 Weatherguy Telcontar (26)
3 not voting kordoISback (1), peskypenguin (24), SuqAta8 (3)
1 Error Weatherguy (65)

:00 good :01 bad
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by OneCrazyDuck
Saw this from Charry

So did a quick scan of BATM... saw this just from the last hour in the quick search results

Probably better to not kill a villager. or convince him you're villa too.

Will keep reading...
Nice catch.. Click the next wuote too n see the qb post

Originally Posted by Charry



7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by iLician
Never, vig should be shooting storm/baudi/lizza
I don't think Baudib is evil
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:51 PM
If I am still around tomorrow, AIDS will be unleashed on the wolves.

Good night, and good luck.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:51 PM
quick Ben. nice job trying to pocket me. I'm spewed clear now awesome
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
People calling BATM wolf for these reasons is pretty shameful
You're kidding me..
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:52 PM
gn bros gl
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:53 PM
I will reiterate, i think taht a seer check into ilician, vix, monte, and filithy are great. and a vigi shot on the last three and storm are also very good.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:53 PM
Doesn't seem like there's anything else to do here

Hopefully ben's not vanilla wolf

7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:53 PM
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:54 PM
stormslyde for messy wagon powers i guess
also i don't wanna get 0.2% vigd which is possible given my luck
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:54 PM
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Shoot me tomorrow then br0
Why so ru$tled?

Don't you think it's kinda weird objectively?

Later on he gave some halfass reasoning "blabla around post 500" but it's still kinda weird and I'd expect you to call it out in real time(if you did so I missed it).
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
What is your favorite song? Post before lyncherino
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:54 PM
quick ben
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:55 PM
Reads from Ben early pages:

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I see charry has 7 posts and one of them was voting me with no explanation This is actuLly already more effort than I saw him put into any day in the NBA game he villaged, so I guess being lazy and putting in a Tiny bit of effort (as opposed to nothing) is his wolf game.

Starting read of thread now. Wolfies be very very afraid.
Charry vote seems unlike a bus.

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Posts 0-100
-daily mafia players doing a huge circle jerk. Kinda weird they all showed up start of game like that. If there is anyone's posts I liked the least probably tunak. Opening Seemed forced and stilted.
tunak push too lite to tell.

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Posts 101-200

Tehbanks has really changed his game from first 2. I think he realized his behind the radar approach he was using was wolfy so he is deliberately trying to be villagery. The thing that bothers me a little is he was real deliberate in making reads last game and they were really good and now he is just throwing them out there like everyone else. Slight wolf lean.
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
No limit is just voting everyone randomly. This seems dumb and nonproductive, which is consistent with the villager game I have seen from him.
might be spewing

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Biggs entrance wa soul reading a bunch of people with 1-2 posts. He did this as a wolf in nba and was correct on every one if I remember correctly. This could prove very useful info if vig flips wolf again. Neutral for now.
vigg was probably wrong on at least a decent amount of his reads regardless of vigg's alignmnet.

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Batm villager. This guy is so easy to read.

Monstr trying to pocket bop for no reason. Wolfy. Bop seems assertive. Last game he was just being smooth and lying low and I never caught him. Villagery.
batm feels like spew

The bop read seems even more so using the phrase "pocket" Like that makes me think he knows bop villa. <<<this probably the most useful spew so far.

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Also, haven't read jack **** yet, but Monte probably villager. I am guessing if he was wolf he would be busy in meetings, especially since he went to the trouble to set up his cover before game started.
This is out of order but spews monte villa here to.

reading the rest over night.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law &amp; Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:55 PM
I'm not confident at all on the Ben's spew posts. I'll try to go through them tomorrow with more context.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law &amp; Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
Why so ru$tled?

Don't you think it's kinda weird objectively?

Later on he gave some halfass reasoning "blabla around post 500" but it's still kinda weird and I'd expect you to call it out in real time(if you did so I missed it).
I didn't even notice it until you mentioned it just now.

It's not like wolves don't call obvious villagers villagers ~all the time though.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law &amp; Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:55 PM
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law &amp; Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:56 PM
Votes from post 5 to post 2921
Night in 0:04:53

20 Quick_Ben Viggorous (134), TehBankertin (140), lenC (95), theknightsofneeee (37), TunakShakur (24), Lissa2 (52), mucksandgravs (106), grant2 (39), Namath12 (117), stormslyde (110), Evene (19), No Lynches (93), vixticator (28), OneCrazyDuck (4), Ace of Spaids (32), Charry (77), mexineil (38), iLician (87), TheBrokenATM! (77), kordoISback (2)
7 mucksandgravs Gamer Dude (75), RAORoman (10), Montecore (185), zdye724 (142), insanity31 (58), baudib1 (172), Gadarene (188)
5 stormslyde Yawn (12), Effen (60), monstrman (99), Adam33 (101), Stork.. (95)
2 TheBrokenATM! filthyvermin (5), fraleyight (32)
2 Lissa2 27ninjabunnies (36), bopolis (45)
1 Stork.. chrja (20)
1 baudib1 Puzzles (12)
1 Charry Quick_Ben (58)
1 TunakShakur MoViN.tArGeT (7)
1 Effen TehVader (10)
1 27ninjabunnies Duckburg (27)
1 Weatherguy Telcontar (26)
2 not voting peskypenguin (24), SuqAta8 (3)
1 Error Weatherguy (65)

:00 good :01 bad
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law &amp; Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:56 PM
Like I'm never a wolf here. You fuxking trash players
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law &amp; Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by kordoISback
quick ben
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law &amp; Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2015 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Like I'm never a wolf here. You fuxking trash players
Hi killer
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law &amp; Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
