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7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing 7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing

09-01-2011 , 01:40 PM
Acid Mary actually being seer would make me question life
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by ascetic acid
I re-read Sue and it makes perfect sense. If that is wolf fake seer cover, that is pretty goddamn impressive.

I didn't bother to re-read shiitake since he said that he didn't leave any peeks, but ofc there's still value in checking to see if he lied about this and have left contradicting peeks.
Exactly. As soon as I'm done eating I'm going to go through and see if anything is contradictory. I'll also reread Sue to make sure I missed nothing when I thought she was seer yesterday. Then I'll reread Beyonce for spew.

Idk exactly which of You, Khan, YR are villagers with me, but we should be able to take this down.
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:44 PM
Plus your answer was wolfy fo the reasoning used doesn't even matter who is seet
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:47 PM
don't have muchtime atm but will be back before eod

I tend to believe mary b/c I came to the conclusion that YR/shiitake were the most likely wolves over night.

has anyone looked for arya's peeks yet?

if not I'll do that when I get back.

but yeah, lynch YR today seems to be a safe bet, so just in case I don't get back...

Yellow Ranger
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Shere Khan
Plus your answer was wolfy fo the reasoning used doesn't even matter who is seet
I see. How so?
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:50 PM
i have reread beyonce last night, and I have read today's posts if anyone wants to discuss anything before I have to go
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Sleipnir
i have reread beyonce last night, and I have read today's posts if anyone wants to discuss anything before I have to go
Given the Beyonce d1 EOD snipe on Khan which I would give Khan villa pts for as well (assuming that a drafted wolf wouldn't be lousy enough to angleshoot), I am just curious as to who you'd vote between me/Khan if rly YR is not a wolf?
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:53 PM
Why do u think Mary withheld her last peek
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Shere Khan
Why do u think Mary withheld her last peek

She thought that it was a smart move information-wise, is my guess.
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:55 PM
Shiitake Claim:

Day 1 - Anders = villager

Originally Posted by shiitake

I am a mushroom cloud laying mother****er, mother****ers!

also James Rockford is a badass. Serious

Arya did something on the last page that I thought was mildly wolfy, but then said something on this page that makes her 88% pure villager. And that thing is:

disagreeing with the anders vote:

here's the thing. Anders is definitely a little bit wolfy. I mean as "little bit" as you can get 5 minutes into the game. If anders/arya were w/w, she wouldn't defend him because that feels scary so early. If arya were a wolf and anders a villager, she wouldn't defend him because hey, early momentum on a mislynch is good and while wolves do defend villagers fairly often, I don't think it happens as much this early.

Therefore, anders may be a wolf, but arya probably isn't
Removed spoil from it. "Anders may be a wolf but Arya isn't" doesn't seem right if he's seer with Anders=villa.

Originally Posted by shiitake
If I had to pick a wagon right now I sort of want to vote ascetic just for the way he explained his vote, but it's kind of a cop-out. On the other hand anders is also a bit of a cop-out, although perhaps not terribly so.

There is also something bothering me about prince phillip but I think it should wait.
Discussing Anders as a copout wagon but not terribly so. Still not believing it.

Originally Posted by shiitake
ascetic acid
Originally Posted by shiitake
anders has several posts I think are tonewise pretty villagery. Especially questioning whoever it was about voting for "too serious" as a tell, pointing out that he had been serious from the beginning

villagers are certainly more likely than wolves to point out these kinds of inconsistencies, and the way he does it feels good to me.
Defending anders, though uses "villagery"

Originally Posted by shiitake
I haven't seen anything wolfy from beyonce to make me want to vote her, and there's no incentive from a wagon standpoint either, I don't think. I'd rather lynch ascetic
Defend beyonce, more pressure on ascetic
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:56 PM
Please don't maj though

If were going outside the claims today that means YR or acid

I just don't think we should rush the decision though.

Yellow ranger hasn't done anything this game. But that also doesn't seem like the play of a drafted wolf. real life happens though...

unvote for now
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by ascetic acid
Given the Beyonce d1 EOD snipe on Khan which I would give Khan villa pts for as well (assuming that a drafted wolf wouldn't be lousy enough to angleshoot), I am just curious as to who you'd vote between me/Khan if rly YR is not a wolf?
probably you.

khan's claim/quick unclaim yesterday was villagery, especially b/c he pushed beyonce d2, claimed w/ her as a wolf, and still pushed her after unclaiming.

I would take my time rereading before making that decision, though
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by ascetic acid

She thought that it was a smart move information-wise, is my guess.
Then why did she reveal before anyone posted but me
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Sleipnir
probably you.

khan's claim/quick unclaim yesterday was villagery, especially b/c he pushed beyonce d2, claimed w/ her as a wolf, and still pushed her after unclaiming.

I would take my time rereading before making that decision, though
yeah, I understand, I'd vote myself too

if YR is REALLY not the wolf, then you can factor in shiitake wolf spew on me though fwiw

Man. YR needs to flip wolf here so bad :P
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Shere Khan
Why do u think Mary withheld her last peek
she probably wanted shiitake/the final wolf to spew a bit more

but then decided her claim would be weakened if she waited for a counterclaim and then had to say, "no u"

although I guess if the wrong wolf had claimed...

gotta go

7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Shere Khan
Then why did she reveal before anyone posted but me
Because she decided that it wasn't worth the risk of discrediting her claim.
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:02 PM
@ Khan

If you're a wolf, I hate you. I really really hate you. And Beyonce too.

7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:02 PM
@ Khan

Why are you not considering YR over me btw? I don't get that.
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:04 PM
Shiitake Claim:

Day 1 has - Anders = villager
Day 2 has - Khan = villager

Originally Posted by shiitake
I'm late for work so I have to make this quick for right now, but I'll have more to say in a bit.

Re: shere khan, I feel pretty good about khan being a villager. One thing is just the volume and intensity of reads and the comfortability he has in making them. This is good. Actually I guess this is really the ONLY thing, but here is a concrete example thereof:

To get the complete feel you really have to read all of his posts in context probably, but what I like here is that him calling me a wolf flows from his other read on simo. Yes it's objectively bad. Simo was a villager, I'm a villager, whoops etc etc, but what is villagery is that the timing and the tone and the way the read on me flows from his previous posting seems very genuine to me. I was defending simo, I think I was one of only a couple people doing so directly. Villagers feel strongly about their reads. Wolves don't. Villagers are more likely to make snap judgements about other people based on their present unconfirmed reads. Sometimes that's not actually that great because their present reads are not necessarily correct, but it's still villagery. Wolves don't feel as committed to their reads because they can't help but KNOW they are fake.

The other thing I want to write about is Yellow Ranger but it might have to wait a bit.

The main thing is his entrance yesterday. Especially "I disagree with everything that's been said". So this is a weird thing to say anyway, but it's weirder not to follow it up at all. I was puzzled by this yesterday but I decided that the provocation was probably more villagery than the oddness was wolfy. But re-reading a little bit of it what strikes me is that it wasn't a serious comment at all. Not only isn't there a follow-up but there's a post where he declines to mason with phillip by referring to that statement in a jokey way. The un-genuineness of it seems kind of wolfy. It doesn't make a ton of sense for a wolf really, to draw attention that way, but it doesn't make sense for a villager to joke in that way either. I think it warrants pressure.

The fact other people are pointing out he hasn't made a lot of reads is further reason to pursue it
Originally Posted by shiitake
Mary Sue saying that wolves would purposefully misrepresent the meaning of a post in order to fake being confused is definitely ridiculously thin as an argument.

Arguing that him not reading the post well enough to really get it is evidence of wolfiness is better, but it is interesting that mary is sort of post-hoc rationalizing reasons for the vote. I doubt she had those reasons in mind before voting shere khan. It was obviously a snap reaction

I don't think khan is a wolf anyway and I don't think misunderstanding a post is wolfy or villagery either way. Mary jumping on Khan for it doesn't really make a ton of sense and in some ways that seems wolfy, along with the reasoning after the fact

On the other hand, and this is something I was thinking about with beyonce actually, it doesn't make a ton of sense, if the lead wagons were villagers, to be so impulsively looking for a CFD as a wolf. That is it's not obvious why wolf-mary would be in a state of mind where she would reflexively latch onto that post as a reason to vote khan, if wolf-mary was already more or less satisfied with the wagons. Wolves don't generally make super thin unexpected provocative votes late in the day for no reason.

So I guess I'm more or less meh about all of that :P

Khan peeked villa makes sense day 2 tho

I removed a fair amount of Beyonce defending though
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:09 PM
If YR flips wolf, we will be the first village to win (as it's a lock thereafter).

*crossing fingers*
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:11 PM
Don't give me that the seer isn't worried about her claim getting discredited
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:12 PM
I am not considering yr bc he's been villagery and you're wolfy
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Shere Khan
Don't give me that the seer isn't worried about her claim getting discredited

Can't wait to find out who you are :P
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:13 PM
My actual choice was pp/acid but I've made up my mind now
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:14 PM
The seer knows she's telling the truth why would she be worried about getting lynched. That makes zero sense
7:30 Draft Game: The West Wing Quote
