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06-07-2018 , 06:23 PM
Incoming long quote post mostly revolving around me, lissa, and ianaww interactions for the peanut gallery
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:23 PM
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:24 PM
I don't really see Fable being a wolf.
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by carolinacoder
Incoming long quote post mostly revolving around me, lissa, and ianaww interactions for the peanut gallery
I'm biting my tongue reading this post

Better be good
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:24 PM
i can prove mathematically that i could not have afforded a spell.

i had 0 EOD2,

got 10 from the medic.
60 from wages.

that's 70.

If i bought a license to kill i would be down 10 to 60, but i didn't do that I did paper work. I bought a drink to help get night actions and was sent to jail.

Ended the day with 80, woke up with another 10 at 90. I have not moved to collect my wages yet, I could only have afforded a silent stinky finger and not be able to kill someone.

move to seven suns
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:24 PM
VR to me as I had just come into the thread:
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
I invite you to read IANAWW and kindly consider whether you would like to lynch him.
Originally Posted by No Lynches
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
Actually I'm not just going to you. I'm going to go on record. I despise this vote, regardless of cc's alignment, which is basically random at this moment.


1) always gets called wolfy day 1
2) has just gotten into the thread and barely posted

In short, wtf NL?

Originally Posted by No Lynches
She always gets called wolfy sure but not by me.

And I want to see how she reacts
Originally Posted by carolinacoder
Lolol not sure if this is a record or not, but glad to see I get called a wolf no matter what I do. Maybe one day I'll pull a suga and just post gifs all game long 6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+
Originally Posted by carolinacoder
So I don't love ianaww's posts either. He basically voted VR for "fluff posting" early on, cool, vaguely mentions a few people with no real substance other than calling bops posts hot garbage lol. Votes apoc based on vote count which seems a bit random at that particular time of day, but doesn't really back up either vote and then dips...not solidly a wolf, but definitely a hard wolf lean in my book

Originally Posted by carolinacoder
OK, so villa leaning:

montecore - for derping and calling himself out and overall post content
nolynches - for reacting well in the thread
voraciousreader - for being self aware in a villagery sort of way
irtm - for reading well and not sounding like he's trying too hard to push people d1

wolf leaning:
hardcoreufo - for a weird entrance - like trying too hard to be nonchalant about not reading a mech heavy game and getting annoyed about it
ianaww - for bouncing around with no real substance and pushing VR for posting about pea soup (kinda funny though tbh)
wiggles - for meh posting in general
champ - for not trolling

Me to Ianaww talking about VR:

Originally Posted by carolinacoder
true, but you voted her after one post about pea soup, and a bunch of random posts about bread early on in d1 when people are typically not the most serious...what's your point?

Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
she was posting nothing but fluff, posted some hedge, continued posting fluff, then posted more hedge

she had 0 wolf reads until I came back into the thread and she realized I was pushing her for realz, and then I was a lock wolf to her and every one of her wolf reads is now "conditioned on me"...

so when I flip villa, she will conveniently have no idea where to go next

Originally Posted by carolinacoder
Lissa what are your thoughts? you've been relatively quiet from what I've seen so far
Random quote, but I had literally no idea what this meant when I read it:

Originally Posted by Fable
Carolina if I told you you were branded a heretic by RNGesus how would you plead?

Originally Posted by carolinacoder
I'd be highly confused because I don't understand the words you've said in the particular order you've said them. Also hi, don't think we've played together before

Originally Posted by Montecore
Sup coder

What's the good word/any hot takes, etc

Originally Posted by Fable
This is a more villagery response than I was expecting.

Originally Posted by ApocPS
jay wants ianaww to live

do any of my other villagers feel this way?

Originally Posted by Lissa2
i just realized the full extent of what ufo's nl read was for


Originally Posted by carolinacoder
whatcha mean?

Originally Posted by Lissa2
the reasons

Originally Posted by carolinacoder
which are?

Originally Posted by carolinacoder
dang it...wth is the votecount? ianaww

Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
have you even said three words to me?

Originally Posted by Elminster Aumar
Votes from post 10 to post 1371
Night in 0:59:48

6 iamnotawerewolf VoraciousReader (111), Zaccino (84), dyachei (56), Fable (25), KingWiggles (52), carolinacoder (43)
5 aaronk56 Gabethebabe (43), JMurder3 (43), Ace of Spaids (22), No Lynches (79), iamnotawerewolf (62)
2 carolinacoder hardcoreUFO (76), iraisetoomuch (33)
2 Ace of Spaids ApocPS (126), ihcjay (78)
1 ApocPS killer_kill (32)
1 Champ2947 bopolis (45)
1 Viggorous Champ2947 (80)
1 dyachei Montecore (92)
1 Zaccino Viggorous (53)
1 unvote aaronk56 (25)
1 not voting Lissa2 (60)
1 Error gder (21)

Originally Posted by carolinacoder
oh totally thought eod was 9. And you're right jmurder, monte asked for hot takes and you jumped to mind. and ianaww, I haven't particularly liked your play so far wrt you/VR interactions and I postulated that you were a wolf earlier in the day. But no, haven't talked to you directly. How are you and if not you, who do you think is a wolf?

Originally Posted by ihcjay

Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
I'll try to be back to vote my counter at EOD...

so tilted right now

In response to Zaccacino
Originally Posted by carolinacoder
here's a hot take, they're both wolves. Lissa, who are the wolves as I assume you missed me asking earlier?

Originally Posted by carolinacoder
seconded. ianaww...any reasons you're not a wolf and any reasons anyone else could be?
Mostly in order, all from d1 before I defended ianaww wagon from viggo jumpers
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:25 PM
wiggles which of the wolves have you destroyed/burried/voted this game

save me some time and just tell me why you're always a villa

(I know this can be an annoying question)
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:25 PM
oh she was critically wounded, i guess it could have been me.
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
VR was critically wounded.

I'm just going to die tonight
you could always request angelling

crazy i know
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
I'm biting my tongue reading this post

Better be good
Should be...I took enough time copypastaing on my phone...about to catch up on the last 100 posts since I've been oot
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
i can prove mathematically that i could not have afforded a spell.

i had 0 EOD2,

got 10 from the medic.
60 from wages.

that's 70.

If i bought a license to kill i would be down 10 to 60, but i didn't do that I did paper work. I bought a drink to help get night actions and was sent to jail.

Ended the day with 80, woke up with another 10 at 90. I have not moved to collect my wages yet, I could only have afforded a silent stinky finger and not be able to kill someone.

move to seven suns
good ****
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
I don't really see Fable being a wolf.
im struggling to get 3 myself rn
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
you could always request angelling

crazy i know
Would that save you if you're already hurt? I would think that would only protect you from nk?
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:29 PM
This is why we should've left lissa alive to spew the team
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:29 PM
good post carolina

i kinda never want to kill you, quite incredible tbh
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
I'm biting my tongue reading this post

Better be good
Also if I'm a wolf after a d1 like that, I am goat. Just saying
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:30 PM
I have faith in the village. Look I moved to the inn to buy bread. If I thought I was dying I would move to seven suns to buy a spell and try to take someone out.

I worked in the mines 3 days, the Hall of Wonders 1 day. I earned a total of 320 GPs, bought a day's worth of bread each day and bought a couple of drinks day 1 and seven yesterday, so I have 150 GPs.
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
good post carolina

i kinda never want to kill you, quite incredible tbh
Thanks. Ive been telling people all game, but I figured at this point I needed to back myself up with some quotes :shrug:
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:30 PM
we can afford fable to starve if he's a villager now...?

I guess it totally depends on how many peeps die, we might end up back in a place where him dieing is good for numbers
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
wiggles which of the wolves have you destroyed/burried/voted this game

save me some time and just tell me why you're always a villa

(I know this can be an annoying question)
Bopolis, i frequently voted for him and called him mafia and said he wasn't even try to solve the game his wincon had changed to killing Champ which he failed at.

I even started getting stupid paranoid in a way that would be really stupid if mafia and you steered me back to realise his reads were dog**** and he was trying to kill carolina and I.
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
I have faith in the village. Look I moved to the inn to buy bread. If I thought I was dying I would move to seven suns to buy a spell and try to take someone out.

I worked in the mines 3 days, the Hall of Wonders 1 day. I earned a total of 320 GPs, bought a day's worth of bread each day and bought a couple of drinks day 1 and seven yesterday, so I have 150 GPs.
so you've never been to the Seven Suns, and you cannot purchase spells?
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:31 PM
Question, what does critically wounded do
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:31 PM
I'm going to the movies, so gg all go village. Just remember King wiggles tomorrow if you lynch me today.
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:32 PM
Who could have taken that VR shot?

why is it we believe Fable when he says he's poor?

Has he worked at all? Or just hung out in the shrine?
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
06-07-2018 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
I'm going to the movies, so gg all go village. Just remember King wiggles tomorrow if you lynch me today.

have you ever been to the Seven Suns?

Is that last post everything you've ever done this game? all moves? all days?
6/4 Once Upon in Baldur's Gate vanilla+ Quote
