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6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread 6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread

06-30-2014 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
i went back and reworded them for you

it took a while and made it all unnecessarily long
maybe if im not feeling lazy i will compare your language from villa games to that

and if i see you uses choices like for now and mention that reads arent locked in

ill rescind what ive said
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:28 PM
seriously, this is basically an opportunity to ~lock clear someone unless the wolves are thinking ~eighteen levels ahead


Despite not claiming beforehand for whatever reason, the person who shot Nike was not a wolf.


Whoever shot Nike should claim at their earliest convenience, UNLESS YOU ARE THE VILLAGE DAYVIG IN WHICH CASE OBVIOUSLY KEEP SHTUM

Wolves will risk a counterclaim if they claim and risk outing themselves if they counterclaim. If there are any claims at all, we lock clear one person at minimum and potentially bad a wolf or wolves as well.

You did it? You're not the dayvig? Cop to it and earn an easy lock clear for the good of the village!
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:28 PM
gonna need a biggerboat
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
Yeah, I'm sure I'm missing something. Anyone want to fill me in.
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
he did a couple things before the posts that is tarted noticing wolfy language

kaze posted that he wanted to call someone a wolf, but didnt have anyone as wolfy

then followed it up by making a read on how people play the event(which wolves have an easy time doing)
and then made a bunch of reads on peoples posts and tone and all that fun stuff that wolves have a difficult time doing
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
he did a couple things before the posts that is tarted noticing wolfy language

kaze posted that he wanted to call someone a wolf, but didnt have anyone as wolfy

then followed it up by making a read on how people play the event(which wolves have an easy time doing)
Well it seems like you are genuinely sure, so I'll check him out in my re-read also and tell you what I think.

6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:28 PM
alright I'm home time to catch up
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
this reads like wolf chat clutching at straws.
man im villa this game. i know ive been evil vs u recently

but u can trust me for sure
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:28 PM
lol bigger
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:28 PM
On phone/gone through eod
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:29 PM
so bigger is allllllllllllllllllllmost always a villager here, right?
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
seriously, this is basically an opportunity to ~lock clear someone unless the wolves are thinking ~eighteen levels ahead


Despite not claiming beforehand for whatever reason, the person who shot Nike was not a wolf.


Whoever shot Nike should claim at their earliest convenience, UNLESS YOU ARE THE VILLAGE DAYVIG IN WHICH CASE OBVIOUSLY KEEP SHTUM

Wolves will risk a counterclaim if they claim and risk outing themselves if they counterclaim. If there are any claims at all, we lock clear one person at minimum and potentially bad a wolf or wolves as well.

You did it? You're not the dayvig? Cop to it and earn an easy lock clear for the good of the village!
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
hey rawrs

how goes it?
It goes. I'm kinda of disappointed by the lack of shats. I was promised carnage.
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
gonna need a biggerboat
this seems like almost exactly the opposite conclusion to draw here

mind sketching out your thoughts on it?
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:30 PM
But for realz pry/mortilt/rebonk are the sketchiest from the nike wagon imo.
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
man im villa this game. i know ive been evil vs u recently

but u can trust me for sure
yeah but I really cant
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
and then made a bunch of reads on peoples posts and tone and all that fun stuff that wolves have a difficult time doing
maybe. ill catch up soon. going to watch the rest of the germany game now

im not prepared to shoot you if i won a kick this second. you and zdye would be the top of my discussion list

also dont like how insantiy is pushing me just cause i wasnt around

(note we were posting together last night and he never called me wolfy)

that normally wouldnt be that bad

BUT, it was the only time ive been around to post, sooooo

then he gets claled out on it, and just says he doesnt have really wolfy people atm

not giving any reasons for why someone should kill me
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
this seems like almost exactly the opposite conclusion to draw here

mind sketching out your thoughts on it?
jopke vote for him being clueless.
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
It goes. I'm kinda of disappointed by the lack of shats. I was promised carnage.
five deaths so far ain't potatoes
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
so bigger is allllllllllllllllllllmost always a villager here, right?
three options

1) villager

2) wolf going for derp clear

3) wolf who isnt in wolf chat and is actually derping

the weights on them are something like this though:

1) 85%

2) 10%

3) 5%
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:31 PM
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
jopke vote for him being clueless.
oh, got it

why are you still voting him, then?
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:32 PM
gab, there might be a reason why someone wouldn't out it

like i can think of at least a couple
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
so bigger is allllllllllllllllllllmost always a villager here, right?

bigger is a tricksy hobbit and hes never clear till hes clear.

unless hes drunk right now in which case he's almost always a villager here
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-30-2014 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
five deaths so far ain't potatoes
I demand like 9 more deaths to reach "carnage"

And I want a shat
6/30 World Cup Mishmash Game Thread Quote
