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06-19-2014 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Here's where I stand. On mobile fwiw.


boober - SHC
grant - SHC

Telcontar - villa lean and possible SHC from n1

^^^^ Tier 1 villas


Zyde - he saw what I saw in Derm, and he sees what I see in killer. Also sees what I see in RR.
Xkf - I liked his start but haven't really loved him since. Still thin villa
Rebonk - still think killer flipping wolf spews him v from killers EOD1

Tier 2 villas


J.D. - I still feel like I've seen nothing from him
TheBrokenATM! - He's been awkwardly agreeing with like everything I write. In a different way than Zyde.

Neutral ^^^^^

Top Tier Tom - I think VMF spewed him clear but it's possible VMF sensed his lynch and did that. Plus he's been peeked by a lot of people and hasn't died or been SHC.
Wilverine - haven't really liked anything he has done all game.

Skeptical face^^^^^


Killer - LOCK WOLF
reddington - LOCK WOLF

^^^^ lock wolves.

I have no lock clear villas, only lock wolves, two of them in fact. Feels weird.

Damn this game is easy, you just say lock a bunch of times even when you have no clue what you are talking about.
06-19-2014 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
probably right

he's a villager (peeked)

but if you arent sure/dont want to take my word for it, just go read VMF's posts

Rawrs - definitely spewed villager
TTT - definitely spewed villager
monstr - definitely spewed villager (dead though )

The person I think VMF might have spewed villager:

rebonk - so much so that I dont think I want to lynch him tomorrow.

The people that VMF didnt mention once:

Heard on the grapevine you were a good player, yet this game you are using the strangest things to push lynches.

Why would VMF mention me if he never read the thread and I was not in it when he was?
06-19-2014 , 03:01 AM
Votes from post 1661 to post 1752
Night in 17:59:55

2 Red Reddington grant2 (8), Wilverine (1)
1 zdye724 TheBrokenATM! (10)
1 killer_kill bhuber2010 (23)
1 J.D. Xkf (13)
7 not voting J.D. (0), killer_kill (3), rebonkulous (0), SirRawrsALot (11), Telcontar (0), Top Tier Tom (0), zdye724 (12)
1 Error Red Reddington (9)
06-19-2014 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Killer is a lock wolf now. Look at his EOD1. He jumps n Derm like "**** this guy" then suddenly jumps off.

Also Reddingtons EOD2 looked eerily similar to Killers EOD1. They both went like this;

"hey guys, who are we lunching?"
"Oh, I see Derm/VMF is the lynch"

This means there's about a 100% chance at least a wolf was on Redd. Xreferene people on Redds wagon d1 and VMFs wagon d2. People on both are probably wolves.
If you are me and you enter the thread at that point what do you do?

Derm was the counter wagon on day 1 so some people wanted to resolve him. Sounds like VMF was super wolfy.

Did you expect me to come in and try and get someone else lynched? Wonder what would have happened then? Probably would have called me a wolf for trying to save VMF. Seems that bhuber can get away with that though.
06-19-2014 , 03:02 AM
Screw you vote counter

06-19-2014 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Entirely off memory, the following people have been peeked:

bhuber2010 - SHC
grant2 - SHC

Top Tier Tom - peeked
Wilverine- peeked
Telcontar - peeked
zdye - peeked
Who peeked me??

Man I look terrible right about now. I would totally lynch myself if I didn't know my own role..

[Spoiler]Sorry wolfbros [/spoiler]
06-19-2014 , 03:20 AM
More than happy to lynch you wilv, think you have a good chance at being a wolf.

Lets pretend you are not a wolf for a moment, who do you think is most wolfy?
06-19-2014 , 03:27 AM
Sorry about yesterday guys, it was a right-off for me. Drink food and people over. Going to re-read the thread to try and help win the game.
06-19-2014 , 03:39 AM
06-19-2014 , 03:46 AM
Well no one is here to interact so I will peace out.
06-19-2014 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by Red Reddington
If you are me and you enter the thread at that point what do you do?

Derm was the counter wagon on day 1 so some people wanted to resolve him. Sounds like VMF was super wolfy.

Did you expect me to come in and try and get someone else lynched? Wonder what would have happened then? Probably would have called me a wolf for trying to save VMF. Seems that bhuber can get away with that though.
Not just jump on the "cool" wagon.

You seem kinda mad that I've caught you.
06-19-2014 , 04:05 AM
Ghana re-read EOD2 and SOD3 since I was on my mobile at first. Now I'm home and can read it easier.
06-19-2014 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by Red Reddington
Who has VMF subbed in for? Seems he has all the votes.
3 minutes later....

Originally Posted by Red Reddington
Ok looks like he subbed in for Derm and has been wolfy.
This is awful.

You come in asked who VMF subbed in for and wondering why he has all the votes, and it takes you THREE minutes to figure out why?

That's bussing if I've ever seen it.
06-19-2014 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by monstrman
This reads like a wolf bro giving his wolf friend wolf cliffs for wolf strategies to not mislynch obvious villager monstrman
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
If I'm a wolf or not I wish to kill you tonight. U acting stupid now. Settle down and think straight.

Wolves have chat 24/7

Why are u so sure VMF is a wolf?? Lol
lol that monstr turns up dead after this. Not saying BATM is a wolf but it's just funny.

Originally Posted by Red Reddington
Seems like we are better off with me not being around.
No, no. I need you to spew people clear. Lynching wolves is more fun when they are present. VMF took all the fun out of it.

Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom

Originally Posted by Red Reddington
According to Leo, this vote formation NEVER finds a wolf.

Know how much people love to say that now.

lol u
Originally Posted by J.D.
oh, and I dont bus. at all. ever.
your wolf game has some hole then.

Originally Posted by killer_kill
I've been pushing Derm/VMF this whole time yet I'm w/w with him, that's cute guys.
again, this is a lie. You popped in randomly EOD1 like "Sup with this derm wagon?"

Originally Posted by Telcontar
Killer never wolf imo
False. Killer is always a wolf.

Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Wow 8-2 feels wrong...
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Dear god, thats 11.
lol u guys "but this formation never lynches a wolf hur dur dur"

Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
At this point I don't see how Reddington is not a wolf. He's in like every single POE?
Ding. He's a wolf.

Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Haha just realized VMF votes sirraws lol wow

Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Votes from post 965 to post 1657
It is night

10 VarianceMinefield zdye724 (44), SirRawrsALot (58), monstrman (79), grant2 (35), TheBrokenATM! (61), Xkf (35), Top Tier Tom (112), Red Reddington (21), killer_kill (25), J.D. (24)
1 killer_kill bhuber2010 (88)
1 bhuber2010 Telcontar (6)
1 monstrman rebonkulous (14)
1 SirRawrsALot VarianceMinefield (55)
1 rebonkulous Wilverine (33)
But this formatoin never lynches a wolf, right?

Originally Posted by CPHoya
VarianceMinefield was lynched. He was a cat with feline AIDS (a wolf).

Night actions please.

Originally Posted by CPHoya
monstrman was euthanized. He was a healthy cat (a villager).

lol WILves
06-19-2014 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Yo, sup killer

Originally Posted by zdye724
Red is also highly likely to be wolfing here

Originally Posted by Xkf
In b4 massive fps
doubt it, would be a bad time since the wolves would obviously know they are hitting the seer and they risk the seer getting their 3rd live peek.

Originally Posted by Xkf
Jd bhuber zdye wolf team

How crazy is that
super crazy. 1/3 at best.

Originally Posted by Wilverine
Now is the time... to be upset >: )

Anyways LolWolves. Reddington
I like this vote

but it's odd coming from you.

Why Redd?

Originally Posted by zdye724
You think he lists four villagers there?

Or are we dealing with an evil Xkf meebe?
Part of me thinks VMF knew he was gtting lunched so a lot of his posts could be levels of spew/antispew. He could put 4 villagers thinking that we would all think there has to be a wolf there.

Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Read j.d. but I am way too tired to really analyze anything right now, off to bed, night babes.
I'll reread EOD1 of JD.
06-19-2014 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by J.D.
ok, i am back!

i see people want to lynch low posters, IMO this is a bad idea on D1

it may be because this is my second post though
Originally Posted by Telcontar
Bhuber is leading and he has 70+ posts.
Originally Posted by J.D.
well i see that now...but i saw someone , sirs maybe talking about how derm was a better vote than me...because even though we both havent posted much, at least he gave reads
Originally Posted by rebonkulous
monstr trying to dip out at right than was really bad after what rawrs just pointed out. Only after a little extra prompting did Monstr post this:

and what kind of background is this lol

I was under the impression you haven't played much ww
Originally Posted by J.D.
pretty sure he ended up here because of a recent champions game rebonk
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Thought I'm still kinda neutral on boober I think lynching him would be a mistake. It he is a villager, he's one of the best ITG. Lynching him d1 probably bad. Same goes for TTT to be honest.
Originally Posted by J.D.
i agree with this sentiment completely
Originally Posted by monstrman
I agree, and if bhuber is a villager then it looks super bad for redd
Originally Posted by J.D.
for the record, is this boiler or reddington?
Originally Posted by J.D.
why is it bad for him?

the last game we played..i believe you were in it as well...huber got peeked N0 and I am pretty sure that Redd bussed the hell out of him, then called himself lock clear because of that.

and note that the two lines above arent meant to be related at all
Originally Posted by J.D.
derm to make it closer
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
The time to lynch Bhuber is now

Reddington ur next clown
Originally Posted by J.D.
Redd, what is he doing that is similar to last game?
Originally Posted by J.D.
not sure what this voting means, but hopefully it will provide some good info at some point
Originally Posted by J.D.

really? in one post you say huber is howling, then you jump off of him and onto derm, the second wagon?

and I still havent seen you give a real reason to my question
Originally Posted by rebonkulous
xkf's read on me kind of surprised me but it's not far from the truth.

typicaly J.D. Tuesday, See you tomorrow J.D.
Originally Posted by J.D.
dont go out Tuesdays anymore, but a hell of a memory sir.

06-19-2014 , 04:37 AM
It's not great but it's not awful. If I had to giess I'd say he's a villa. It looks like a villagery who missed the first ~18 hours and is quickly trying to catch up.

His reason for voting Redd is kinda lol but it could be just a very wrong villager.
06-19-2014 , 04:38 AM
Ok, that's it for me. See you guys when I wake up.
06-19-2014 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Yeah I dont disagree. He might be the wolfiest villager ITT too. Whatever, I really dont care if he dies
I'm still aiming to get eaten

06-19-2014 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
3 minutes later....

This is awful.

You come in asked who VMF subbed in for and wondering why he has all the votes, and it takes you THREE minutes to figure out why?

That's bussing if I've ever seen it.
That's a really good case too, well played!
06-19-2014 , 05:01 AM
Votes from post 1661 to post 1770
Night in 15:59:56

2 J.D. Xkf (13), Telcontar (3)
2 Red Reddington grant2 (8), Wilverine (2)
1 zdye724 TheBrokenATM! (10)
1 Top Tier Tom Red Reddington (14)
1 killer_kill bhuber2010 (23)
6 not voting J.D. (0), killer_kill (3), rebonkulous (0), SirRawrsALot (19), Top Tier Tom (0), zdye724 (12)
06-19-2014 , 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
It's not great but it's not awful. If I had to giess I'd say he's a villa. It looks like a villagery who missed the first ~18 hours and is quickly trying to catch up.

His reason for voting Redd is kinda lol but it could be just a very wrong villager.
So his first post is about lynching low posters being awful, defends derm in his next post and then when its obvious derm isn't going to get lynched he votes him " to make it closer "

That's. Just. Awful!

And that's coming from me
06-19-2014 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Funniest moment in WW :
Imagine TTT is a wolf and has been making weird ****ing kills just to clear himself? While peeking wolves left and right. Maybe one of his peeks is actually a wolf
So he's a wolf who's peeking wolves and one or all of his peeks is a wolf.... Maybe!
06-19-2014 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Not just jump on the "cool" wagon.

You seem kinda mad that I've caught you.
Sounds like you do not know the meaning of the word "mad" or "caught".
06-19-2014 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
3 minutes later....

This is awful.

You come in asked who VMF subbed in for and wondering why he has all the votes, and it takes you THREE minutes to figure out why?

That's bussing if I've ever seen it.
How about you stop being an arrogant prick and look at the thread.

There was a vote count above that. Does not take a genius to look at the vote count and see there is no Derm. Therefore obvious who he subbed in for.

You want to call me a wolf because you do not like gimmicks and you are looking for any piss poor excuse.
