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6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! 6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread!

06-18-2020 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
I don’t even think I was upset at the time (but I don’t remember). I don’t have to be emotional to tell people that I hate them.

Also, why do you care whether I like you or not. I am literally a stranger from the internet.

OK, so you remembered that I got mad at Frozen Angel for accusing me of riggage and are trying to use this to get a rise out of me, but it does not work if I know you are doing it on purpose. Find something else IMO.
It's not the fact that you dislike her as much as the fact that you constantly express it at every opportunity. You do exactly what you did with me in this thread, you try to vilify the people who cross you, whether truthful or not, whenever you can. Because that's just the kind of person you are.
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27
not talking about you, talking about these players in the game who **** talk me

like, i come to play hard, some people cant handle being wolf hunted, it doesnt make me insufferable, it means they dont understand the game, and maybe WW isnt for them
So I might be talking out of my arse here (disclaimer!) because I don’t typically read gamethreads when I mod or co-mod a game so I cannot know if my hunch is correct, but

If so many people keep shittalking you and complaining about you, maybe you are doing smth wrong? Again, I might be talking out of my arse here.
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
It's not the fact that you dislike her as much as the fact that you constantly express it at every opportunity. You do exactly what you did with me in this thread, you try to vilify the people who cross you, whether truthful or not, whenever you can. Because that's just the kind of person you are.
Ya, I feel that bro. Everyone knew UDs opinion on this would be "kawamii bad, probably true"

if everyone already knows what your thoughts are on the situation, you dont need to be coming in and piling on with it (especially if its a negative view)
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
So I might be talking out of my arse here (disclaimer!) because I don’t typically read gamethreads when I mod or co-mod a game so I cannot know if my hunch is correct, but

If so many people keep shittalking you and complaining about you, maybe you are doing smth wrong? Again, I might be talking out of my arse here.
its like i want to play grandmaster level WW games, and the only games around are bronze

its really not my fault if players take my wolf hunting as "insufferable"
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:27 PM
really i respect vagos and had a really good idea he was a wolf because i knew i was roleblocker and his claim was even more fishy

so a reason i really tilted off, is cause he was outted at the point he was insulting me and i had laid back on really applying pressure on him, cause i thought other players kind of had him
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
What? Are you, the person who raged at confirmedtroll for hours in wolfchat and whined like a 10 year old kid about wanting to sub out, complaining about "bullying"? Are my eyes deceiving me?
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
When you are talking **** to such an extent about a game, you are talking **** about the designer as well.

You probably think I am backpedaling, but you don’t realize how right I actually am. I have been designing games for 7 years and I have become much better at controlling my emotions with time, but let me assure you: every time a player of yours trashtalks your design as violently as you did, it ****ing hurts. I am speaking from direct experience here.
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
What does this matter if ct can and will read it? You knew he was in wolfchat when you posted this.

And you are completely correct that there will be no apology, I did not lie about anything.
Where did I talk to or about CT for hours? You can lie about a lot of things UD but you can't lie about time. Find the time stamps and prove me wrong.

The words you used are the reason it matters, the fact that you accused me of something I didn't do is what matters. You could have said I was being disrespectful, wouldn't have taken any issue with that it's your opinion. But you had to lie to try to vilify me to and to belittle and shame me. You did this only because I said you were bullying her and by doing so, I became the new target. You are a sad person with an ego so fragile that the slightest perceived slight leads you to lie about people on the internet and not apologize.
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:29 PM
its the same thing that happened with sun tzu, i told him i had been nice to him for 10 years and only treated him with respect, whats the issue

and he responded "you are a despicable human and a liar"

so i had a short tolerance for insults from people i only act polite towards
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
It's not the fact that you dislike her as much as the fact that you constantly express it at every opportunity.
She did not cross me at all (if you don’t count 0-posting) before I told her what I thought of her, so you are not completely correct in her case, so you are partially incorrect her.

You do exactly what you did with me in this thread, you try to vilify the people who cross you
You are partially incorrect here as well. Before you started trashtalking ct in wolfchat (my wording is intentional) I was always EXTREMELY polite with you.

whether truthful or not, whenever you can. Because that's just the kind of person you are.
But generally speaking, you are completely correct - that is the kind if person I am. I own it completely. Which does not mean, of course, that I am wrong about you. I do not make stuff up. That is Kawamii’s department, or course.
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:32 PM
like i dont give a **** when someone like master3004 is insulting me, cause i have 0 respect for him or his intelligence

but it can annoy me when someone like vagos, i think is smart, is treating me with disrespect
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:33 PM
i really dont get the crap kawamii gets, she always plays hard

i think maybe thats what upsets people?

obviously cheating is wrong, but i really doubt she cheated here, even though CT is smart and has reasons to suspect. she clearly watched the show and proved it. i dont really remembered anything about the show, but i saw it 10 years ago
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
She did not cross me at all (if you don’t count 0-posting) before I told her what I thought of her, so you are not completely correct in her case, so you are partially incorrect her.

You are partially incorrect here as well. Before you started trashtalking ct in wolfchat (my wording is intentional) I was always EXTREMELY polite with you.

But generally speaking, you are completely correct - that is the kind if person I am. I own it completely. Which does not mean, of course, that I am wrong about you. I do not make stuff up. That is Kawamii’s department, or course.
Bruh I didn't make up **** LOL
1.I showed you I watched the show
2. I showed you I researched in the thread when I wasn't sure during the exact thread we were on.
3.Tug a war is an incorrect name and came from pure memory of the what I thought the game was called.
4.You guys literally lied about the scene and about my answer and about the wikia your claiming I stole from LOL
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27
i really dont get the crap kawamii gets, she always plays hard

i think maybe thats what upsets people?
I don't really personally insult people or hold grudges, but I do call people bad and some people get personally upset by it.
Way less than I used to like 3 years ago though.
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
She did not cross me at all (if you don’t count 0-posting) before I told her what I thought of her, so you are not completely correct in her case, so you are partially incorrect her.

You are partially incorrect here as well. Before you started trashtalking ct in wolfchat (my wording is intentional) I was always EXTREMELY polite with you.

But generally speaking, you are completely correct - that is the kind if person I am. I own it completely. Which does not mean, of course, that I am wrong about you. I do not make stuff up. That is Kawamii’s department, or course.
You said I raged at CT FOR HOURS in wolf chat. There is no way you could have conceivably believed that if you were actually reading it. You clearly and intentionally lied about it and are now doubling down.

I'm done speaking to you, don't bother responding to this. I've never spoken to you about Kami before despite her talking to me multiple times about your disrespectful behavior, but it's just too much at this point. I had to call you out on your bullshit, that's all.
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:37 PM
Ok, so I see that the link to wolfchat has been shared.

i dont
i can win this
i just dont care too
because its bullshit

this was posted at 17:47 CET (my time) so US people can make their timezone adjustments. So anyone can feel free to join wolfchat and draw their own conclusions. I posted some of SIU's messages above.
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Kawamii
I don't really personally insult people or hold grudges, but I do call people bad and some people get personally upset by it.
Way less than I used to like 3 years ago though.
your interactions with amrock were easily one of the funniest things about the game... dont change imo...

people are just way too over sensitive

like me an vagos ont give a ****

some people can go at it for 10 mins and then just move on

other people hold things in too much
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27
your interactions with amrock were easily one of the funniest things about the game... dont change imo...

people are just way too over sensitive

like me an vagos ont give a ****

some people can go at it for 10 mins and then just move on

other people hold things in too much
I don't actually think amrock is bad and I tried to message him after the game to tell him it was just me being a wolf trying to discredit him/make content but he hasn't accepted messages from me yet lol
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
Ok, so I see that the link to wolfchat has been shared.

i dont
i can win this
i just dont care too
because its bullshit

this was posted at 17:47 CET (my time) so US people can make their timezone adjustments. So anyone can feel free to join wolfchat and draw their own conclusions. I posted some of SIU's messages above.
PryYesterday at 8:47 AM
if siu wants to play I think we stay in

shipitupYesterday at 8:47 AM
i dont
[8:47 AM]
i can win this
[8:47 AM]
i just dont care too
[8:47 AM]
because its bullshit

That was to someone asking me if I wanted to continue playing. Please don't take the things I said out of context to attempt to make me look bad, I said I would stop replying to you, and I will stop replying when you stop lying
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Where did I talk to or about CT for hours? You can lie about a lot of things UD but you can't lie about time. Find the time stamps and prove me wrong.

The words you used are the reason it matters, the fact that you accused me of something I didn't do is what matters. You could have said I was being disrespectful, wouldn't have taken any issue with that it's your opinion. But you had to lie to try to vilify me to and to belittle and shame me. You did this only because I said you were bullying her and by doing so, I became the new target. You are a sad person with an ego so fragile that the slightest perceived slight leads you to lie about people on the internet and not apologize.
Again, the link is now public so people can take a look.

Also, I literally could have said that you berated CT for 5 minutes (or 3. Or 1) and it would not have made your hypocrisy any less blatant.

You did not become my "new target" when you accused me of bullying, I was ****ing pissed at you the moment you started trashtalking CT (there are witnesses).
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:43 PM
Also UD I literally tried to be nice to you last game and said thank you after every action you did for me because I had no reason to dislike you and I don't know why you did for me either. All I got in return was you calling me annoying and to stfu and telling people in deadchat that you hate me and other **** behind my back like a baby.

So you shouldn't go around calling people insufferable when you're super ****ing rude to people for no reason when they try to be friendly for you
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Kawamii
I don't actually think amrock is bad and I tried to message him after the game to tell him it was just me being a wolf trying to discredit him/make content but he hasn't accepted messages from me yet lol

its ok amrock, i think you are good too.. and was surprised to see you cast as a LHF.. but might want to look at the game tape and see what happened with that apoc push.
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:44 PM
POG ww is back baby!
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
PryYesterday at 8:47 AM
if siu wants to play I think we stay in

shipitupYesterday at 8:47 AM
i dont
[8:47 AM]
i can win this
[8:47 AM]
i just dont care too
[8:47 AM]
because its bullshit

That was to someone asking me if I wanted to continue playing. Please don't take the things I said out of context, I said I would stop replying to you, and I will stop replying when you stop lying
I posted the timestamp bc this is when the trashtalking started (so people can keep track of time, which was the issue).

I am not accentuating the content of this message, but I recognize that my post made it seem that I had issues with the content of your quote, and I apologize for that (see? I can apologize when I am wrong).

Also, I don't mind if you keep talking or replying to me, so, uh, keep it on if you want to?
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Stork..
POG ww is back baby!
narrator "it wasnt"
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
Again, the link is now public so people can take a look.

Also, I literally could have said that you berated CT for 5 minutes (or 3. Or 1) and it would not have made your hypocrisy any less blatant.

You did not become my "new target" when you accused me of bullying, I was ****ing pissed at you the moment you started trashtalking CT (there are witnesses).
"You did not become my "new target" when you accused me of bullying, I was ****ing pissed at you the moment you started trashtalking CT (there are witnesses)"

So he became your new target because you thought he trashtalked his design???

6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:47 PM
Also LOL CT gets disproven and then runs with his tail between his legs.
Super uncool to lie about stuff to make me look bad and then just run off.
6/15 Arrested Development Mishmash: Game Thread! Quote
