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6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! 6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread!

06-02-2015 , 05:52 PM
like seriously Movin, shoot TN.

if you're a wolf go ahead and shoot me if you think you'll get away with it (you won't)

if you're a villager you'll kill us both.
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:52 PM
also gonna point out (ALWAYS WITH THE BEAR POKING) that a miller claim is conveniently self-vitiating, if that's the word i'm looking for?
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:53 PM
I'm wondering if Movin' just basically claimed neutral there.
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by stormslyde
thats completely different from waht you said before, this is an actually decent point. that said, banks claiming his bid was that high is super irrelevant because he could easily be lying
yes, of course

that's why the probing question
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
Can i shoot baudib? im just gonna flaunt my gun around and scare people
if you arent gonna shoot TN then stop playing games. it isnt entertaining or helpful in the slightest
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:53 PM
movin, TN simply has to be the shot. It'll certainly buy you some time at the very least
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:53 PM
banks like lolcatted and everyone is just ignoring it lol

if i wasn't amusing myself i'd be pretty mad at the fail
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:53 PM
it wasn't the word i was looking for
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:54 PM
I mean if I come out with my full thought process of why I'm asking the question, it's much easier to craft a bs reply

if I just ask a question about the pressure point, the answer is worth more
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:54 PM
Tom let's get it going for wagonomics
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
movin, TN simply has to be the shot. It'll certainly buy you some time at the very least
i mean this isn't really true but we can say so if you think it'll get us to the right place
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
or im a non miller villager and i know your lying?
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
I won the vig. im a miller type role so i yoloed. I asume everyone wants me to shoot tning? only if you guys agree to never lynch me if not ima yolo and find a mafia so im confirmed town
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:54 PM
I just feel like me killing tn is just gonna not clear me in the slightest because hes too easy a bus. Ill probably shoot him but ima think it over
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:54 PM
gad and weather got one of the following last night, no dupes, each one can only be used once, what my targets get is rand

night affiliation peek
night vig
night angel
night roleblock
night track
night watch
next day vig
next day affiliation peek
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:54 PM
Gad, you hard-claimed miller in your first post of a mash before. what do you think here
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:54 PM
You've already won some villa points by outing the fact you won, so win some more by shooting TN
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:55 PM
conveniently self-something

6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:55 PM
movin you want to clear yourself with a yolo shoot banks
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
you could shoot banks or storm lol
you dont even have a peek, stop trying to get town shot. you refuse to hard claim the banks peek and include me in your shat pushes? wtf is wrong with you. either hard claim so we can kill banks or keep ****ing around and let him live or alternatively rescind your likely false claim
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by phialpha1856
nobody else concerned with this?
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
if that's you in your avatar, then you could be my precocious cousin or, y'know, younger brother
It's not me. Though by strange coincidence he does look like I did about 10 years ago... well except for the glasses
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:56 PM
who are the two i should select to get presents tonight?
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:56 PM
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:56 PM
I can't be having a game where we have a decided wagon both n1 and n2, shoot TN and let's play some god damn werewolf.
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-02-2015 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by SGT ARRR JAY
gad and weather got one of the following last night, no dupes, each one can only be used once, what my targets get is rand

night affiliation peek
night vig
night angel
night roleblock
night track
night watch
next day vig
next day affiliation peek
i ran like nut bad there, jesus

Originally Posted by baudib1
Gad, you hard-claimed miller in your first post of a mash before. what do you think here
i was actually going to mention that. short answer: hard-claiming miller in your first post is waaaaaaaaaaaay more plausible and +EV than claiming miller at any other point in the game. like, say, when you've been getting a lot of heat and you're thinking of shooting someone other than the outed wolf
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
