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6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! 6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread!

06-01-2015 , 07:02 PM
A vanilla villager could volunteer to be peeked, then wolves would have to choose between killing a peeked vanilla or going for a PR. Is that crazy?
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:02 PM
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by phialpha1856
are you really that naive right now to think the daypeek isn't going to die tonight if it's a villager?
if we make the wolves kill someone who they wouldn't otherwise have been inclined to kill, and that person is a good wolf who we wouldn't otherwise have been inclined to clear, that's a huge win for us
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
true, though (1) wolves care less about peeked/confirmed villas in mishmashes if they don't otherwise add significant value or aren't otherwise seen as a significant threat, and (2) the EV of targeting someone who is a great wolf and who isn't typically an early wolf kill target seems super-high

and if people think DWetz doesn't fit into the second part of that second part, then i still say tappo does to a T
I would argue DWetz doesnt fit in to that category but tappo almost certainly does
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
i get killed early a lot

not insanity-levels, but a lot

no, but i'm ghana put one together shortly

agree with Effen on a peek being loads better than a vig

yeah, though i don't think a lot of people on your list qualify for that
I pretty clearly just picked a group from the amount that people have posted in thread. You can adjust the parameters but the idea is the same.
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
Ooo ooo peek me peek me
How are you still alive ?
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Effen

thats why you peek someone in the median 40% of the playerbase, so presumably SPKs get more time if wolves decide to make that choice
so just to be clear you're preferring a middle of the pack not strong player? so someone who would probably be a ****ty wolf and a ****ty villager?
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
A vanilla villager could volunteer to be peeked, then wolves would have to choose between killing a peeked vanilla or going for a PR. Is that crazy?
this may be too fancy imo
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
A vanilla villager could volunteer to be peeked, then wolves would have to choose between killing a peeked vanilla or going for a PR. Is that crazy?

then the wolves can ignore this vanilla villager for 3 days while they PR hunt

6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
if we make the wolves kill someone who they wouldn't otherwise have been inclined to kill, and that person is a good wolf who we wouldn't otherwise have been inclined to clear, that's a huge win for us
so who currently qualifies as middling player who is a good wolf and useless villager? would love to see a list.
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
How are you still alive ?
Why wouldn't I be?
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
peek should be in this group IMO:

Namath12 64
AllInBluff 63
mucksandgravs 62
mexineil 59
Adam33 59
Viggorous 58
mutigers 55
Charry 50
bright_sensor 46
Klingbard 44
which of these people do you see as being sufficiently engaged and active for the rest of their time alive if they're peeked villa? muti laid serious slank cover, a bunch of the others can't necessarily be relied on for >rand leadership and captaincy

i really think tappo is a good choice here
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:04 PM
wow at the last GoT
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by phialpha1856
so just to be clear you're preferring a middle of the pack not strong player? so someone who would probably be a ****ty wolf and a ****ty villager?
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
I've never been in a game where you tried or a game you wolfed. do you think that you're better at wolf or villager?
probably somewhat better as a wolf overall; my village game d1 is somewhere between mediocre and AIDS, I think I'm excellent from about late d2 onwards when there's enough actual data to look at

not really fair to say you haven't been in a game where I've tried; I always try, it's just a matter of how much time I actually have to post and read
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:05 PM
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
which of these people do you see as being sufficiently engaged and active for the rest of their time alive if they're peeked villa? muti laid serious slank cover, a bunch of the others can't necessarily be relied on for >rand leadership and captaincy

i really think tappo is a good choice here
umm, sure, choose your own adventure

they're less rules, and more guidelines, like the pirates code
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:05 PM
ok, I'm still not convinced on viggo, and so here's my read on this

he comes in the thread, and is coming across as objectively villagery. he's making reads that I agree with, and that seem to be reasonably consensus. he's interacting with people and responding quite well to the questions and comments he's receiving.

I just don't see a wolf here.

also, coordi seems convinced of viggo being a wolf based on meta... and yet says that he hasn't seen viggo play a long game as a wolf. at the very least that should discount any meta expectations of how someone is going to play.

overall, I just see a villager here -- any reason to think otherwise is based on meta that I'm not aware of


Originally Posted by Viggorous
Weatherman looks pure imo
Originally Posted by Viggorous
First 100 pages Adam top wilf lean
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Monte villaish too
Originally Posted by Viggorous
yeah, posted like an hour ago from the bed, fell asleep again, reading up aorn
Originally Posted by Viggorous
sgt rj villaish
weatherman less villaish at p2, back to neutral
Originally Posted by Viggorous
storm wolfy af unless he has a troll role, leaning wilf
reads seem reasonable

Originally Posted by GGTeMpLaR
Just skimmed this last page and Viggo throwing out spam-reads all over the place seems scummy to me. He's trying to comment on too many things at once it seems like.

Vote: Viggorous
this is weird, as throwing out reads seems inherently villagery to me -- especially in this way (getting caught up on the thread)

Originally Posted by coordi
ive literally never seen viggo do this, and i've never seen him not villager so def seems off to me
meta read -- however, this game is fundamentally different than other ones. so like, yeah, consider him to be a wolf for playing differently, but also consider that this is a different game format.

Originally Posted by Viggorous
im usually here for SOD, in which case I participate in getting the thread going, this isnt the case, im 500 pages behind so Im just trying to get up to pace

coordi villa pts for that comment though
seems like a reasonable explanation as to why he's coming across differently

Originally Posted by Viggorous
soulreading off single posts is what I do, smh
as long as u dont get people to believe ur bad read, u can have it
Originally Posted by Viggorous
BATMAN is a wolf I believe for reasons I cannot elaborate on
Originally Posted by Viggorous
seems like a reasonable read

Originally Posted by Viggorous
wtf batman talks about how I havent posted yet either, it was friggin 10 am here, fell asleep at 4 lol
he's getting heat that doesn't seem to make sense, and he explains himself well

Originally Posted by Viggorous
and refrain from doing like on page 8, gifspamming 800 pages into the game is a waste and more annoying than funny
Originally Posted by Viggorous
yeah, thats not what I mean, im talking about I find it weird that several people point me out speicifically as "why isnt he here" when nobody talks about anyone else in the same way. I mean, I get that im usually active, but lots of people are, and this EU masterrace needs to sleep too
Originally Posted by Viggorous
you dont wanna know how many times I've died because I've entered games late. when I do that, this is how I post, I skim and post reads, people call me out on being so far from my usual approach that I often get mislynched like that.
i usually spam a lot in the start so its possible for me to get reads - I could do that as well in a game like this when there's 800 pages, but Id rather just skim and give reads from what Ive already got
apparently he has mislynch equity for those "meta" reasons

Originally Posted by Viggorous
hard soul read coordi v btw

a pocket if u will, but the dudes a villa
Originally Posted by coordi
them defending you made you seem more villagery to me but I realized that neither one of them could actually have a great read on you. I guess storm being w would make you a lot less likely to be w from my perspective
storm being wolf looks quite likely to me

Originally Posted by Viggorous
i feel decent about coordi

seen him wolf 3 times I believe, soul read him early on in 2 of em, the last he did trick me though, but he's still looking fairly villaish

(i'd still like to to see u explain that thing about reads on me though)
Originally Posted by coordi
fair enough.

viggo has never wolfed before in a long game fwiw
the admission that coordi hasn't seen viggo play in a game like this

Originally Posted by coordi
I guess you could out your alt

Originally Posted by Viggorous
I dont have an alt, games just arent always recorded

was peeked n1 tho
pretty good response
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:06 PM
klingbard is a wolf still

and not only because he is voting me
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by phialpha1856
so who currently qualifies as middling player who is a good wolf and useless villager? would love to see a list.
not a useless villager

i don't think there are that many great wolves who are useless villagers anyway, almost by definition (though that may be a theory point we can get into some other time)

i'd go for a great wolf who is a good-to-great villager, but not one of the good-to-great villagers who we can typically rely on wolf teams to have on their shortlist of early-stage nks
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
which of these people do you see as being sufficiently engaged and active for the rest of their time alive if they're peeked villa? muti laid serious slank cover, a bunch of the others can't necessarily be relied on for >rand leadership and captaincy

i really think tappo is a good choice here
Ahem. But I'd say peeking me would be a waste as I'm pretty sure of clearing myself if I haven't already.

Go for it if there's no better option though.
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:07 PM
Monte - hero gutshot :x
Phial - for 2nd wagon info??

I'm going to it with some weights toward certain players. If you guys object to any of these immensely LMK asap

I'll come back with my peek when the POR is over unless you guys think its worth outing before 8pm depending on village/wolf
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:08 PM
need to go meet my gf and will likely be on phone for the rest of the day, so let me put together a reads list right now
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:08 PM
I personally think tappo is an obvious villager and a bad peek.
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
06-01-2015 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
Ahem. But I'd say peeking me would be a waste as I'm pretty sure of clearing myself if I haven't already.

Go for it if there's no better option though.
agree; you're a good choice too (though probably not quite the threat as a wolf that tappo is)
6/1 Futurama Mishmash Game Thread! Quote
