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5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! 5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!!

05-30-2012 , 05:45 PM
in other words

yes it looks bad at level 1. someone defending someone who dies as a wolf

but too bad the games not that easy
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05-30-2012 , 05:45 PM
no offense to donk but him not being a very good wolf is kinda consistent with his play this game if he's a wolf
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05-30-2012 , 05:49 PM
should i trust you evene?
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05-30-2012 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I'm voting donk. I think he's pretty clearly the wolfiest player in the game. He's done standardly wolfy things AND there isn't anything villagery to compensate for them
I don't believe you believe this.
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
you can see from my read list on this page i have donk as unsure

i dont think itd look bad for me at all. donk is one of the easier people to lynch in this game and hes not a very good wolf

you think if we are wolves together then im gonna put myself so out there for someone who will eventually get lynched?
If he's a PR wolf, then ya, you might be willing to do just that and justify it the next day as you are doing now. The fact of the matter is Donk has staved off elimination 2 days straight now and it's in no way related to him being villagery/clearing himself/doing any kind of work.

Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
in other words

yes it looks bad at level 1. someone defending someone who dies as a wolf

but too bad the games not that easy

I guess my main point isn't just that you defended Donk, but that you came out of left field with this insanity wagon. If donk flips wolf, then we essentially had 3 wolves in the top 3-4 wagons at that point. Getting the ball rolling on the insanity wagon without much of a case just seems like an odd choice for a villager there.
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05-30-2012 , 05:51 PM
I think it would be harder to believe that anyone doesn't believe that, but ymmv
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05-30-2012 , 05:51 PM
also, hi. My parents held me up for 3 hours or so, i hate living at home.
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:52 PM
We are missing some very important stuff from yesterday that I feel like way too many people are clearing magic way too lightly. I think you guys should go read some stuff from when super villas (noah, Jim), myself and vyk pinpointed why telcontar was a wolf and see how that all went down. I think magic looks bad there. Would like some input
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05-30-2012 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by well named
no offense to donk but him not being a very good wolf is kinda consistent with his play this game if he's a wolf
hey! shorty once said me and hoya were about equal if you take what he said out of context
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
We are missing some very important stuff from yesterday that I feel like way too many people are clearing magic way too lightly. I think you guys should go read some stuff from when super villas (noah, Jim), myself and vyk pinpointed why telcontar was a wolf and see how that all went down. I think magic looks bad there. Would like some input
I've got a little time before going to eat, I'll take a quick look.
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05-30-2012 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
also i didnt push insanity over hifi

i dont think i was ever against a hifi or telc lynched. i just thoguht insanity was a wolf

and no i didnt say what i did to noah to manipulate him into voting with me

i just was supicious
The timing of that wagon, and the way you went about are both really dodgy to me. It's so weird to borrow people's votes at EoD like that.

The thing in your favour is that Crossnerd is so mad villagery, and I don't think she'd completely misread you. But now I feel like you both could be wolves.

Were you surprised at Crossnerd going along with your plan when you didn't even have her on your villa list before? Did it change your read of her?
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
We are missing some very important stuff from yesterday that I feel like way too many people are clearing magic way too lightly. I think you guys should go read some stuff from when super villas (noah, Jim), myself and vyk pinpointed why telcontar was a wolf and see how that all went down. I think magic looks bad there. Would like some input
what in particular did you think looks bad?

im not seeing it
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
If he's a PR wolf, then ya, you might be willing to do just that and justify it the next day as you are doing now. The fact of the matter is Donk has staved off elimination 2 days straight now and it's in no way related to him being villagery/clearing himself/doing any kind of work.


I guess my main point isn't just that you defended Donk, but that you came out of left field with this insanity wagon. If donk flips wolf, then we essentially had 3 wolves in the top 3-4 wagons at that point. Getting the ball rolling on the insanity wagon without much of a case just seems like an odd choice for a villager there.
i tried to find a wolf last night. bottom line
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
hey! shorty once said me and hoya were about equal if you take what he said out of context
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Evene
The timing of that wagon, and the way you went about are both really dodgy to me. It's so weird to borrow people's votes at EoD like that.

The thing in your favour is that Crossnerd is so mad villagery, and I don't think she'd completely misread you. But now I feel like you both could be wolves.

Were you surprised at Crossnerd going along with your plan when you didn't even have her on your villa list before? Did it change your read of her?
the borrowing vote thing was cause i couldnt get any votes on insanity. thats always fishy and annoying. its important to see how someone reacts to votes not just pressure

nah it doesnt surprise me. why does she need to be on my villager list for her to trust me?

it surprises you that cross went with my plan?
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05-30-2012 , 05:59 PM
I encourage everyone to go back and read the following series of posts and if you need to please click back for context. I have a feeling that this tells us a lot

Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
telcontar is a great vote tomorrow under certain circumstances, not so great vote today. Not willing to elaborate.
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
enlighten me on those circumstances.

I don't think telc is a good vote period

Originally Posted by Vagos

I agree and probably for similar reasons.

Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
I already said that I wouldn't
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
You didn't answer the question

Originally Posted by Telcontar
wow, look at another person hedging their bets on a day2/day3. Careful when I turn up villa
Originally Posted by Noah
You did the same thing with Wahoo though.

Originally Posted by Noah
Am I even still on Telc?

Originally Posted by Telcontar
i did that because someone told me to wait on tweedy for day2/day3. I gave my 'expert' opinion on wahoo.

did someone say tweedy claimed lost wolf again ?

lets all just lynch tweedy and get this over with.
Originally Posted by Noah
Out of the field, do you think that Tweedy is the most likely wolf right now?
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
**** ya, I just figured something out (at least I think I did). Pays dividends to keep notes
Originally Posted by Noah
Sweet, what'd you figure out?
Originally Posted by Telcontar
the most likely lost wolf definitely. Assuming the wolves bit on the blatent signals then yes, the most likely wolf.

and even he's not a wolf, he's so anti-village it's ridiculous. I'm happy to let tweedy get shot by a vig if that's what it takes.
Originally Posted by Noah
Thoughts on Telcontar?
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
none....I'll look at him in a bit.

I've played with him a bunch but my impression of him is that he is usually neither an obvious wolf or villager, but not impossible to read either
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Hey Telc, if I told you that your response to what I said about you scares the bejesus out of me, what would you say?
Originally Posted by Telcontar
scared in what way ? that I'm actually a villager and you made a horrible read on me and you don't know what to do about it ?

I dunno, I'd probably say " good job! "
Originally Posted by JimHalpert

Lock wolf.
Anarchis style.
Originally Posted by Anarchist
telcontar is probably a villager
Originally Posted by Telcontar
a better read on him ?

**** OFF!

he's claimed wolf over and over again!

and everyone's like : " oh yeah, tweedy is a lock villager " I mean, jesusu ****ing christ!

fucming how3 gthoewfjh3wjfjko[jokjfwlmefakopfnokmnqoijfoiwq0
Originally Posted by Telcontar
lol @ jim/anarchist xpost

Actually, if tweedy is trolling us this hard, he's probably the SK cause he's unkillable anyways. I'm just gonna put him on ignore until final 13
Originally Posted by iversonian
U seem mad
Originally Posted by Telcontar
and why should trolling be acceptable ?

God, I remember the good old days where if someone did something, they'd get lynched for it and they wouldnt make the same mistake again. If they repeated to do something stupid, they would get run out of POG.

here we have about 10 people claiming wolf and everyone is appluading them for it. If I'd known werewolf degenerated this far I would have not bothered coming back
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
yeah but claiming wolf is a really easy to thing to do (I can do it in multiple languages even)

being super villagery a little less so

You've been playing this game for how many years now?

How many wolf claims have you seen in your career? It's got to be a lot. Your whole rant here=super fake
Originally Posted by Vagos
Says he's unnightkillable, doesn't say anything in the OP about SK being unlynchable.
Originally Posted by Telcontar
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I can probably find if I looked hard enough multiple games where I've claimed wolf with telcontar and he hasn't reacted like this
Originally Posted by Telcontar
I've seen people claim wolf and I've seen them get lynched for it.

Tweedy is claiming wolf over and over again and everyone is like : " oh that's old tweedy there, he does this all the time! " . Why should a once reliable tell be discarded on a whim.

And I dont mean to be just picking on tweedy here, there's a half dozen people who have also claimed wolf and everyone is like " ho-hum! "
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Ok so im caught up. Im not a big not taker, but here are some things that stuck out to me when reading.

* Luckbox self vote early. This is bad, after someone gets lynched yesterday for doing it why would you open with it the next day. I feel like this guy is a wolf or just playing bad on purpose.

* Just my opinion, but I didnt have Aksdal as a lock villager and I dont think many people did. This means that the NK was probably a seer hunt and not a SPK. The only way this is probably wrong is if Aksdal was spot on with a lot of his reads.

* Im lock clearing Vagos, he could be leveling but some of his questions and post came of very genuine.

* In post 2004, Luckbox is calling me villageriest person again. I think I have been villagery, but not enough to warrent this. It makes me suspicious.

* 2008 + 2014 bad posts from Mac. After the last game where Mac played terrible and anti villager and was one of the lovers I dont know what to make of this. Im thinking he is a wolf though.

* In post 2140 Noah nails bsball for having a villa lean on luckbox despite him self voting today. Noah is correct this makes no sense based on bsballs views on self voters.

* In post 2145 bsball gives, in my opinion a ****ty answer. He has made a huge deal of self voting and cant pick and choose when is villagery now.

* Post 2190 is a good reason why Iversonian is a villa, no reason for him to say this as a wolf.

* In post 2308, Vagos catches tweedy sending ANOTHER lost wolf signal. Not only that he sends more after this. If he isnt some kind of wolf then he is just being an anti villge troll. There is playing badly and there is doing it on purpose and one is much worse than the other.

Last thing is, wtf is contact your bank? Have seen this a few times now.
Originally Posted by Telcontar
anyways, I'm just gonna ignore tweedy from now on.

Vagos - unlynchable/unkillable - I'm just not thinking all that straight. I'm just gonna go back to playing old fashioned werewolf and find some wolves who are playing like wolves and see how that plays out.
Originally Posted by vyk07
magic just pinged my radar

hi magic!
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Originally Posted by vyk07
steve if I sponged you right now, how freaked out would you be?
Originally Posted by Telcontar
Wolf number 1 :: Hifi

A low posting hifi is a wolf hifi. This is lower posting than I remember, but an entrance post, a fluff post and a vote on the wolf claimer, the easiest vote in the game and then a disappearing act.

vote long and vote hard!
Originally Posted by Telcontar
magic has made a couple of good posts this game. He made a great post yesterday that was right on the money as far as I was concerned.
Originally Posted by Noah
Originally Posted by Noah
Telc, can I just get a current reads list from you?
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
haha I would love it because part of it involves me clearing you as well
Originally Posted by Anarchist
telcontar, how can you possibly tell if hifi is a wolf?

Originally Posted by Telcontar
so tweedy is the serial killer ? cool.

I cant relate to how I felt two years ago, but It's something myself and Mets and others have felt strongly against for I dont know how long now. wolf claimers and self-voters.
Originally Posted by Evene
Haven't read much yet this morning, but good to see Telcontar getting heat this page.
Originally Posted by Telcontar
It's a volume read from memory. Hifi posts more as a villager, less as a wolf.

Either way, if we get some votes on, it might encourage her to get in here and we'll get some action out of her
Originally Posted by vyk07
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Originally Posted by tweedy

but tunneling on a villager isn't anti-village?

the red is horrible

blatant hedging
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Sup br0 you a villger in this game?
Originally Posted by vyk07
Originally Posted by tweedy
telco I'm not sure if you've read more than like 3 of my posts

Originally Posted by Telcontar
It's bringing out the best in me

@noah - reads list



Hifi - low posting wolfy hifi
donk ( is he still seriously talking about the sex change ? )
Supine - low posting wolfy supine. supine spams it up as a villa.

Originally Posted by Telcontar
you've made plenty of reads. but I'm in full on blinders mode cause I just cant believe the plays you've made can ever be beneficial to us.
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Guys, im not sure about this Telcontar heat thats appearing.

He isnt in my village yet, but im not sure he is a wolf.
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
tweedy confirmed lost wolf
Originally Posted by Vagos
Hmm, the fact that Telcontar and I have similar wolf suspects gives me great pause.

Also, how could Tweedy ever be the SK? lol. Being lynched is his only weakness right now, so he invites a lynch but claiming lost wolf twice? How does that make sense??
Originally Posted by vyk07
noah, explain to me again what makes you conclude that magic is a villager here?
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Like I pointed out yesterday, the speed of the Tbob wagon was bad.

Tweedy/Bsball/Donk for lynch today.
Originally Posted by Telcontar
cool, how about a vote ? we can totally make it happen!

Originally Posted by Noah
Oh my
Originally Posted by Telcontar
I agree with this.

the last line I mean

4 wagons of Donk/Hifi/Supine/Tweedy would make me so moist!
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
That's very bad
Originally Posted by Telcontar
I presume the post 431 comment has absolutely nothing to do with your reads ?

also hifi - afk ? tmi more like ?
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Why magic so high?
Originally Posted by Telcontar
The sudden realisation that noah realises he's voting a villager.
Originally Posted by magic_gazz

I have to go, too much work to do.

If sokmeone not in the 3 I said gets lynched today people had better have a damn good reason.
Originally Posted by tweedy
high level of AIDS is a villa tell for him

super emotional too, another villa tell
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
I wonder how mad magic will be if I vote him
Originally Posted by Telcontar
so you think donk/hifi/supine are villagers

and you, steve and the other people voting me are all wolves.

Oh my!
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Thoughts on telcontar?
Originally Posted by vyk07
^ wolf alert
Originally Posted by bsball8806
You chose someone I don't read very well, but I shall go and look at his posts.
Originally Posted by Telcontar
definitely not foregone. I will defend you to my death if needs be. which may or may not be a good thing for you. Half the vocal portion of this thread has me down for a wolf.
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Except there has been no AIDS from me and I havent got emotional.

There seems to be a big miscategorisation of my game on here and I am not a fan of it.
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
noah and I are voting the same person but it isn't tweedy
Originally Posted by Noah
Why do you trust me? I think you're a wolf. Currently on Telc.
Originally Posted by bsball8806
wtf what?
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
I wont be mad, you will however be showing that you are voting for a villager, so people may read something into that

Also voting me is fine as long as at the end of the day one of those guys gets lynched.

Hmmm, really?


Ok im out for real this time.
Originally Posted by Telcontar

why not, you're making a habit of voting villagers in this game.
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan

Because I wanted to lynch wahoo yesterday and tried to get that wagon going. My vote settled on donk who is unknown at this point.

Also, what makes you so sure magic is villa?
Originally Posted by Anarchist
his villagery posting
Originally Posted by Telcontar
his tone is awesome - Noah quoted one post today, I quoted another yesterday. I;m not entirely sure of his current reads, but tone beats all when it comes to magic.
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
telcontar: "magic is such an obvious villa lol"

others: "ldo"

that's as far as I ever got yesterday
I thought the way telc picked up on magic_gazz's push of bsball at EoD1 spews them both villa.

He was totally pandering to gazz, to use your word, then smudged bsball with it.
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 06:01 PM
I think crossnerd made a good case on anarchist, which is far better than the case on me which is mainly based on my laziness (which isn't a wolf tell, it's a donk tell) and the fact that I've had to be afk for several hours including each eod. I've fought to get hifi lynched from day one.
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 06:02 PM
Magic and Telcontar are both pushing a tweedy wagon, they are both defending each other in some pretty heavy heat. I personally don't think that's a coincidence, seriously, people should read that because I think there is valuable information there and need someone to talk to me about my thoughts on it and see their interpretations.
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 06:02 PM
Gonna be really interesting to see who gets nked by the wolves tonight. Should open things up considerably.
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05-30-2012 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
should i trust you evene?
what, should I promise you?

yes, you should trust me
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 06:03 PM
I think hifi's and ship/anarchist's roles have been shown to be clearly linked, while anarchist has taken several seemingly random u-turns in his reads, including on me today and is clearly just jumping on any wagon he can, with careless abandon to get villagers lynched.
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Evene
what, should I promise you?

yes, you should trust me
na i dont need a promise.

what do you think on magic_gazz and anarchist?
5/28 WW Poker Vanilla+ GAME THREAD!!! Quote
05-30-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Magic and Telcontar are both pushing a tweedy wagon, they are both defending each other in some pretty heavy heat. I personally don't think that's a coincidence, seriously, people should read that because I think there is valuable information there and need someone to talk to me about my thoughts on it and see their interpretations.
wrt defending telc, the way magic did it, is why I am less suspicious.

For instance, McAvoy and Annie defended telc by pushing for a Hifi lynch, hard.

Magic possibly just thought that telc was a villager, which I thought at the time, as well. I only switched to telc because I was following Jim, so I can't really fault Magic there.
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05-30-2012 , 06:11 PM
Notice how they also have the EXACT same wolf leans and what not
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