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5/22 D&D Game Thread - Siege of Dambrath I 5/22 D&D Game Thread - Siege of Dambrath I

05-26-2014 , 06:24 PM
Out of fnord and insanity and myself which seems to be the consensus list i think Insanity is most likely.
Fnord has seemed fairly Villagery but i haven't really looked at him much so whatever. But insanity has been slanking hard. Master Legend and Gad are all suspicious to me, especially Gad who i feel could be a PR wolf who has got in a position to go deep.
And my thoughts on Well Named being wolfy have been said many times, and him not posting anything i recall all day has increased that read slightly.

So i suppose if we have to lynch of "the list" i will go with Insanity
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05-26-2014 , 06:25 PM
dont know why you think someone has to be an "old timer" to read digger

he's been active over the last year
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05-26-2014 , 06:26 PM

I have a note here about you and your interactions with VMF. I need your thoughts, and I welcome third party commentary as well.

Here's your read on VMF from VERY early in the game:

Originally Posted by fnord_too

Here's my read on you (I don't really mind sharing it because several people have already pointed it out):
When you are town you go ham and pressure everyone.
When you are scum you don't go nearly as hard.

Maybe you are wasting your vim and vinegar in the NSA thread, I think you are belligerent town there.

Last night? The cell mafia game where Chaz pwned banks (and because I was also town me by extension)? That kind of sucked because I had all 3 mafia and banks had all 3 mafia and we still lost. Not salty though because that format is hella fun and I read nydus and banks correctly before they were resolved.
I totally agree with the thought BEHIND this post. I note that this is more-or-less how my read on him works. You know this because I articulated that read here (GOATish explanation btw):

Originally Posted by CPHoya
On page 10 we've got VMF and confirmed troll going at each other pretty hard. CT says VMF is lying at least three separate times, regarding WW stuff. He thinks VMF is a wolf.

VMF responds with the inane argument that CT is the one who is lying, because almost no one ever catches him / binkles never caught him / he wasn't caught in Disney / etc.

This is the point where, if VMF believes in what he's saying, he goes HAM about how he's right and CT is lying. Having been in this position numerous times where I accuse VMF of something and he goes HAM at me about being a liar and a scumbag and various other things, I am overly familiar with his levels of MAD as a villager.

It is my conclusion that VMF is not even CLOSE to an authentic level of MAD about the LYING people are doing ABOUT HIM. Therefore he is probably a wolf.


Nearly caught up.
What's weird is how he handled each of us, and how we handled him.

Here's how he responded to you when you made that read:

Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield

it is disruptive to go HAM at the beginning of day 1. ive adjusted my game and i go more with the flow. like mucks is tilting because of some votes, i dont think it makes any sense to go hard on him.

i actually nmissed the recent games. i meant more the games i watched a couple months ago. i still learned a lot
This is pretty weirdly friendly and dismissive, and cooperative. It doesn't feel like he's worried about you at all. You also never responded to this post, which to be clear is not a good post and sort of demanded a response if you were prepared to go at him about being NOT HAM (that post was NOT HAM).

Meanwhile, here's what he had to say to me after I went at him for being NOT HAM (he was never HAM):

Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
i think ct is a wolf lying. not a villager lying

that is why im not going to flip out

you are always a villager who is slandering my name
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
i think i pretty clearly show CT is lying too, but no one wants to read that stuff

hoya, why no read on CT?
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I think CT is a pretty strong villager read, and also because that post was about you.
So note that he's down to engage with villagers about his reads / prerogative.

So I thought this was weird.

Anyway, here's where the CASE really starts:

I can't find you ever actually going at him for being NOT HAM, even though he was certifiably NOT HAM to the point that I became convinced that I should just pop him in the dome. This concerns me deeply; you should have been after him like I was.

Here's your EOD1 read on him:

VarianceMinefield - Did not like his early day kinder gentler VMF. I would feel a lot more comfortable about him if he were going HAM on anyone and everyone. Can probably give him a day since in Star Wars (or was it anniversary) when we were wolfing together he trailed off a lot as the game went on.
Then you suggested a CFD on him but didn't vote him. Instead you "reread" Hax and "didn't find much there," and voted him, while also defending cjk.

Then on day 2 you just completely failed to pressure him or anything. It looks for all he world like you just forgot that your read on him was dependent on him being NOT HAM. And, as noted, he was NOT HAM.

Talk about this. Other people too.
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05-26-2014 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
legend, why are you a villager?
Did you read my posts this weekend? I'm trying to solve the game. I asked Hoya for one name to ride his heater in ITAs, he gave me killer. Right before I took the shot, he said cjk is okay too. I shot at the wolf. When the wagons were 8-8 or whatever, I voted the PR wolf.

One more little thing that I *think* I would never do as wolf is come up with that tinhat about cjk's slip about peeking Leo being a wolf plan. I would know it's never gonna get Leo killed. I was just putting it out there in case I died and he went deep and won as wolf, which is almost what happened in Anniversary.

I'm glad he's clear.

Now why don't you tell me what happened to you at eod2?
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05-26-2014 , 06:28 PM
mucks/master prlly has a wolf in it
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05-26-2014 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
hoyawilvhit, vanilla wolf
wnvaderhit, vote mover wolf
vaderwnlol, dead
gadarenehappyhit, vanillager
vmfbiggerhit, vanilla wolf
telcosuqhit, vanillager
cdlcthit, villa rb

dont like to give points for shooting near-consensus wolves but i do think there is something to be said for shooting first, so points go to fnord and master here.
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05-26-2014 , 06:29 PM
And also there's a lot of soft pushing of now-dead villagers interspersed in there when it seems to me that you should have, on day 2, had a pretty STRONG and MANLY read that VMF was probably a wolf.
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05-26-2014 , 06:29 PM
Also, I was pretty forceful about killer over chuck yesterday, even though I thought they were both wolves. People should see that as villagery without me having to point it out.
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05-26-2014 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
dont know why you think someone has to be an "old timer" to read digger

he's been active over the last year
Yes, but I don't remember him ever being a good wolf over the last year

Was wondering if his glory days were different

In terms of capability
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05-26-2014 , 06:29 PM
I demand that legend and leo read my posts about fnord and say things about them.
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05-26-2014 , 06:30 PM
I also demand that disko read them and say things about them.
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05-26-2014 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
Did you read my posts this weekend? I'm trying to solve the game. I asked Hoya for one name to ride his heater in ITAs, he gave me killer. Right before I took the shot, he said cjk is okay too. I shot at the wolf. When the wagons were 8-8 or whatever, I voted the PR wolf.

One more little thing that I *think* I would never do as wolf is come up with that tinhat about cjk's slip about peeking Leo being a wolf plan. I would know it's never gonna get Leo killed. I was just putting it out there in case I died and he went deep and won as wolf, which is almost what happened in Anniversary.

I'm glad he's clear.

Now why don't you tell me what happened to you at eod2?
White knighting legend
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05-26-2014 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
Did you read my posts this weekend? I'm trying to solve the game. I asked Hoya for one name to ride his heater in ITAs, he gave me killer. Right before I took the shot, he said cjk is okay too. I shot at the wolf. When the wagons were 8-8 or whatever, I voted the PR wolf.

One more little thing that I *think* I would never do as wolf is come up with that tinhat about cjk's slip about peeking Leo being a wolf plan. I would know it's never gonna get Leo killed. I was just putting it out there in case I died and he went deep and won as wolf, which is almost what happened in Anniversary.

I'm glad he's clear.

Now why don't you tell me what happened to you at eod2?
first paragraph is whatever, second paragraph is good stuff. tbh i havent really been paying attention to you this game and i think this is the first time we've interacted. i am just sort of weirded out by the fact that ive noticed villagery/wolfy stuff from just about eveyrone else other than you. and your play style usually sticks out to me.

what night was EoD2? iirc i was pushing VMF, tried to CFD, nobody listened and i left to eat dinner?
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05-26-2014 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I demand that legend and leo read my posts about fnord and say things about them.
you're talking to the wrong person. fnord was going to be my YOLO today. i thought shark had good posts re fnord earlier today too.
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05-26-2014 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
And I've been thinking about that. Assuming the wolves were given fake claim roles and the mod mentioned that there were no masons in the game, that's the kind of fake claim CDL would fall completely in love with because it would preserve his "right" to never have to bus because he'd be LOCK CLEAR for a long time and be under no obligation to do anything helpful, and he could even hard defend another wolf as well, brazenly and blatantly at no cost.

So that concerns me but I don't want to try to act on it yet, which means I'm not gonna shoot either of them tonight either.
I had that same process, but found him going at Vader after they'd both dropped mason code, so that's a good sign for him
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05-26-2014 , 06:34 PM
almost seems too good that fnord voted 3 wolves d1 ;p
5/22 D&D Game Thread - Siege of Dambrath I Quote
05-26-2014 , 06:34 PM
PlayerCause of DeathTime of DeathRole
ZomgHaxLynchDay 1Vanilla Villager
Top Tier TomNight KillNight 1Vanilla Villager
WilverineITA (CPHoya)Day 2Vanilla Wolf
TehVaderITA (well named)Day 2Wolf Vote Mover
Happy_FishITA (Gadarene, semi-consensus)Day 2Vanilla Villager
biggerboatITA (VMF, complete consensus)Day 2Vanilla Wolf
SuqAta8ITA (Telcontar, semi-consensus)Day 2Vanilla Villager
confirmedtrollITA (CDL, not consensus, was told not to, CDLOL, etc.)Day 2Village Roleblocker
cjkaltLynchDay 2Wolf Seer (lol)
pryWoundsNight 2Vanilla Villager
necroNight KillNight 2Village Healer
VarianceMinefieldVig (CPHoya)Night 2Vanilla Wolf
killer_killLynchDay 3Vanilla Villager
lilrascalVig (CPHoya)Night 3Vanilla Villager
chuckleslovakianVig (Grant)Night 3VIllage Poisoner
TelcontarNight KillNight 3Odd Night Seer
mexineilNight KillNight 3Vanilla Villager
grant2WoundsNight 3JOAT
metsandfinsfanWoundsNight 3Vanilla Villager
BloobirdOpening a door.Day 4Vanilla Villager (?)
TheBrokenATM!Failing to not fall off a cliff.Day 4Vanilla Villager

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05-26-2014 , 06:35 PM
We ****ing suck at WW bros, that chart is terrible.
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05-26-2014 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I demand that legend and leo read my posts about fnord and say things about them.
i was skimming his posts from day 1

i agree with the points you made in your analysis

maybe i'm biased on him because he was the only one who realized how obvious it was that cj spewed me villager

but i guess it would be more obvious to a wolf than a villager
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05-26-2014 , 06:35 PM
also just want to get it out now so i look somewhat less clueless in DVC:

everything about gadarene has been skeeving me out over the last couple of days. i dont know why and i cant explain it, but i feel it in my bones.
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05-26-2014 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Yes, but I don't remember him ever being a good wolf over the last year

Was wondering if his glory days were different

In terms of capability
It took a long time for me to win as a wolf - maybe 7 games.

I think I have won 3 for 3 or 4 for 4 in my latest wolf games.

One was a multi-player game - game of thrones outted myself to swing in ITAs and change the mindset that villa = good
One was with insanity and domer - lived to the end of game

Another one I forget was this year.

To be fair - I think this is still within my wolf range but I doubt many others would agree. For all I know they might be right and I might be wrong.
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05-26-2014 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
FNORD WAIT, I have questions for you pertaining to VMF.

Did you ever go hard at VMF, and if so when and why?
No I didn't. I had him on my wolf list d1, then d2 wilv flipped wolf (and he had voted him), and he shot bigger when it was not clear anyone else would be around to shoot bigger. Also he was more belligerent d2. I actually thought he was pretty clear from his anti bussing meta when he piled on cj at a critical juncture and cj flipped wolf seer.

I'm not leaving the house or anything, I just got family stuff. I am sneaking back to the computer when I can
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05-26-2014 , 06:38 PM
disko that post reeks of trying to look like a villager
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05-26-2014 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
also just want to get it out now so i look somewhat less clueless in DVC:

everything about gadarene has been skeeving me out over the last couple of days. i dont know why and i cant explain it, but i feel it in my bones.
Ur bones are wrong
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05-26-2014 , 06:40 PM
i'm sketched out about gad too

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