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5/21 Antarctica Vanilla WW Game 5/21 Antarctica Vanilla WW Game

05-24-2012 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by kleinstein000
Does everyone agree with this? I feel like a tendency like this would be really player specific and not as much of a general read.
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
I like this post and the thought behind it A LOT. Like, a lot a lot. It's thinking on a level that I just don't see a wolf thinking on today, ever really. I'm going to hard clear kleinstein at this point.
Originally Posted by TBobLP
?? How can a wolf not make that statement?
Originally Posted by TBobLP
I explained this. I was grunch commenting as I read the thread rather than reading all of it and then commenting or mqing. If its easier to follow the latter type of posting then I think ill switch to that with the risk of looking like I'm popping in when I do it
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
No, it's fine, I do that too. I think it's honestly better and more villagery to grunch post while catching up. It's slightly more difficult for wolves to do due to extra information.
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
A good question.

It shows that he's:
*Following along well with the game
*Reading bsball's reasoning on HiFi
*Actually internalizing and thinking about said reasoning
*Reacting to the reasoning based on consideration of it

Wolves generally stop at 2. 3 is a sign of a good wolf. But 4 shows a genuine desire to solve the game based on the information available in thread, demonstrates that he wants the lynch to be based on solid reasoning, and informs us that he is unsure about bsball's reasoning being solid.

Altogether a very villagery thought process to arrive at such a short and seemingly meaningless post, which is why I pointed it out.

I'm solidly against lynching Klein today.

I suggest McAvoy instead. Soulread plus a little POE since I've been able to get villa leans on so many people. (POE is useless d1, you say? Nonsense!)
This seems kinda w/w/w but also kinda not

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05-24-2012 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles

I think this points towards Exo or Felix as the third wolf

VMF/Jim/Sun being the 3rd wolf means they're all in the bottom 7, and that's super bussy for early day 1
the bottom 7 out of 12 not listing hifi considering it's here list


I dont really get this logic

not being facetious. don't get it. maybe because it's 5am
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05-24-2012 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
This seems kinda w/w/w but also kinda not

ye sure looks like ww for suresies
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05-24-2012 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
This seems kinda w/w/w but also kinda not

get some sleep
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05-24-2012 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by exoendo
the bottom 7 out of 12 not listing hifi considering it's here list


I dont really get this logic

not being facetious. don't get it. maybe because it's 5am
In my head it was a 17er

I think it still somewhat applies though. It takes balls as a wolf to just post 'good list' to one that would at that moment lock the game if it was followed
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05-24-2012 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by exoendo

get some sleep
Well, to elaborate:

I think w/w/w interactions are really rare and elite. So that makes it tough. Having one wolf hard defend another wolf and then a third one going 'wait wat' in real time takes good wolfing skills.

However the way the Felix/Tbob conversation fizzles out and dies at the end seems kinda w/w to me?
5/21 Antarctica Vanilla WW Game Quote
05-24-2012 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
In my head it was a 17er

I think it still somewhat applies though. It takes balls as a wolf to just post 'good list' to one that would at that moment lock the game if it was followed
how often do very early opening lists stick?

i think this is a reach

doesn't really take any balls imo
5/21 Antarctica Vanilla WW Game Quote
05-24-2012 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Well, to elaborate:

I think w/w/w interactions are really rare and elite. So that makes it tough. Having one wolf hard defend another wolf and then a third one going 'wait wat' in real time takes good wolfing skills.

However the way the Felix/Tbob conversation fizzles out and dies at the end seems kinda w/w to me?

can you give me your thoughts on tbob calling me wolfy early d2?
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05-24-2012 , 05:01 AM
back to the basics binkles
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05-24-2012 , 05:11 AM
I'm planning on rereading the thread tonight, so I'll get to that exo
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05-24-2012 , 05:16 AM
casts doubts on both myself and felix

Originally Posted by TBobLP
this was a strange post from felix during eod. starting to say bitchi is going to flip villa...bsball is prob a wolf but unsure too. id like to see felix more sure and then fight to lynch bsball but he backs off and throws out that the main wagon is villa
Originally Posted by TBobLP
more hedging on a wolf read
Originally Posted by TBobLP
just want to point out that exo had two awkwards eods in a row. last night he spend eod defending his d1 eod. this should have been resolved and dropped much earlier in the day
his post here is completely not elaborated on or specific or anything. just a nice shot at me and then moving on. He's clearly sponging what other villas have said, if we were w/w I think he would be putting more effort into his "read" in this spot

Originally Posted by TBobLP

can i have your thoughts on exo when you get in here?
Originally Posted by TBobLP

i may not be around for eod. i have a recording session that starts at 1.5 hours til eod...will have my phone and do my best to update.
this was the very extent of his posting about me basically.

If he wanted to get cred for pushing my wagon don't you think he would try to make a better case then the things he said? it was all very ho-hum, nothing of substance, nothing stand-outish, no effort. just blah. Then he leaves and doesn't even come back.
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05-24-2012 , 05:28 AM
That's a nice post exo

I'm sure you must be kinda frustrated right now with me quoting things from page 3 and commenting, especially when the chances of you being a wolf based on wagonomics yesterday don't seem to be too high. I'm just trying to work the game out from a blank slate though, so basically from the beginning with much more perfect information.
5/21 Antarctica Vanilla WW Game Quote
05-24-2012 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
TBob, IIRC you said pregame that you'd be changing it up this game.

How have you changed your approach?
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
Sure, I can live with that even if I don't really agree (at least not with the seeming strength of the read).

I mean, I think clearing somebody for not doing anything is usually a sub-optimal play.

On another note I thin TBob is a decent enough 2nd wagon. Can't get too thrilled about it but it works. /inb4 "omg felix is hedging"

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Jim, you're starting to worry me. I think wolf Jim causes me to make a bunch of "oh Jim" comments in my mind. I'm going to run with a 3 strikes and you're out policy. Right now you're at 1.6 "Oh you's"
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
5/21 Antarctica Vanilla WW Game Quote
05-24-2012 , 05:35 AM
i need sleep. peace out cubscout

var/felix, prepare to be exoendo'd.
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05-24-2012 , 05:35 AM


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05-24-2012 , 05:38 AM

i know i am biased but I dont think this interaction reads as particularly w/w

now sleep for reals
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05-24-2012 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by exoendo

i know i am biased but I dont think this interaction reads as particularly w/w

now sleep for reals
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05-24-2012 , 06:31 AM
Are you guys ready for a sick 'tone' read?

Originally Posted by exoendo
Ok these are very raw/unrefined reads...

(I have not read page 3 yet much so this is based on the first 2 pages. things may change once im done with page 3:

Villagery (in no order)
bitchibee - nice effort post at #150. bitchi is lazy as **** the times I've played him. that's role neutral i think… but more work probably = villagery? I guess? I don't think BB would give a **** that early as a wolf Could be wrong.

tbop is getting very stream of consciousy/free flowing with his 6 posts in a row 180-185. The posts themselves are rather meaningless, but I think it looks like he's posting as the thoughts come to him… less planned. Which gives him a good village lean in my eyes. I think a wolf if he wanted to have a retort would be more likely to do it in one big post than spread out over 6.

klien . . seems genuine enough. a bit woe is me vibe coming off of him. i have zero history with this guy but I think I can give him a villa lean for now

mcavoy - mainly for hanging back early and not posting much while still being in the thread

uaw - he's kind of creeping me out, I can't put my finger on it just yet. I notice he had some very thin, not very detailed reads at #129

bsball - I just don't know what to make of him yet. I think I may retract some of the stuff I said earlier about the "compare and contrast" stuff, because he made that post about me before hifi already posted. His logic flowed pretty consistently and he obviously couldn't predict he'd have a spot to call hifi a wolf when he posted what he did. Stil don't want to clear him yet though

hifi ... I don't like her read at #66. It's one of those rando reads with little to no justification, but she just wants to put herself on record without having to explain why. I don't like it. But I obviously can't just use that alone to make a concrete opinion about her. Maybe I just can't read hifi. who knows. Or maybe every game ive ever played with her she's been a villa I think O_o

who am i missing?
Exowolf wouldn't put Tbobwolf and Kleinwolf next to each other at the bottom of a villa reads list
5/21 Antarctica Vanilla WW Game Quote
05-24-2012 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
I mean I guess I am getting heat. I guess I'm just frustrated in myself. I had to work all day so I was hoping something would blow up in the thread more than anything has so I could easily read for a good vote candidate. It hasn't, I'm overlooking things as Binkles pointed out and I have no idea who I want to vote. I liked Klein but am unsure on that as he's new and all new players look wolfy imo.
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Well then, let's discuss a couple people:

Why does Klein come off as wolfy to you?
Originally Posted by TBobLP
He seems to be focusing too much on mention of his own name itt and responding to that. His questions are basic and too many. Continues to not provide information regarding reads or why they were made
Originally Posted by TBobLP
It reads as inexperience more than anything but are no doubt basic wolfy tells as well
Originally Posted by TBobLP
Wow I think Jim actually pressured Tbob into voting Klein here

5/21 Antarctica Vanilla WW Game Quote
05-24-2012 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by Evene
Votes as of post 393
Night in 00:02

5 McAvoy bsball8806 (55), Felix the Cat (38), Hifi (29), kleinstein000 (15), McAvoy (21)
3 UAW710 captain binkles (76), BitchiBee (8), exoendo (29)
2 kleinstein000 TBobLP (39), UAW710 (8)
1 JimHalpert VarianceMinefield (14)
2 not voting JimHalpert (53), Telcontar (0)

:00 good :01 bad
Originally Posted by TBobLP
Ugh these wagons suck. Binkles if we are alive tomorrow ill meet you in the thread at open and we will talk
I'm pretty sure Tbob/Exo aren't w/w. Exo switched onto UAW when I did, and Tbob has a really good chance to do so, but he didn't switch to UAW until a few minutes later (when he was then forced to switch back). I feel like if Exo was a wolf they'd be more coordinated there.
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05-24-2012 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Binkles, the way I see it, you wanted a TBob wagon, a Mac wagon, a UAW wagon, and finally a Klein wagon was fine with you too.. Lot of people you find wolfy as opposed to someone like Felix who said he was struggling with so many villager leans. Just noting the dichotomy of player experiences going on here that aren't usually so separate
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Throughout the day, yes.

It wouldn't surprise me if there are 2 wolves in that list of 4.
Boom, ship it.

Also I think this exchange looks good for TelCrossTzu (there are other quotes worth clicking back for if you're interested). The way she's grilling me about my vote on Klein, if she were a wolf she'd know that I was voting a wolf in Tbob near the end of day 1 and it might make her hesitate a little bit/approach the whole thing differently I think.
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05-24-2012 , 07:01 AM
Nobody is allowed to mention this post though


Originally Posted by captain binkles
And yeah, Tbob's vote on Klein is 1000x more important than UAW's, looking at the posts VMF quoted there

happy to say UAW is more likely to be a wolf than Tbob
5/21 Antarctica Vanilla WW Game Quote
05-24-2012 , 07:08 AM
argh somebody please please please do the thing about felix and his seer cover before I wake up tomorrow

I would really appreciate it

and it may be important

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05-24-2012 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
sure. for one, i am going to say i dont think you will find any w/w interactions in kleins spew.

I want to put Jim as one of my top villa leans. He talked about changing his game early on, and I can notice differences. He made a good point that he wasnt choosing to provide less content, just not to lead as directly as he had recently. I still see very villa things and no reason to think that he made comments about changing his game so he could post less content in a wolf role.

Binkles always looks like a villa to me, but it looked like he got a quicker start in this game than usual. he got out of the fluff quicker. I think its odd that he is making a weak case on me after saying that some of my responses to direct questions were weak cases when they were merely responses to questions. there were also other more obvious shows of similar things with other players that went unmentioned by him. I want to give him a wolfy lean for this, but Id rather hear his response because a clear binkles pwns games. ill reserve judgement for now
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Thanks, I agree wrt doubting we'll find w/w interactions from Klein. I definitely don't think he bussed anyone so having Jim as a villa lean is also prob good thinking.

I didn't follow binkles case on you, hopefully he elaborates more when you two interact today (you guys better interact). I still think he is sketchy but alas shc, so **** it for now.
Don't think Tbobw/Crossw agree with each other that Kleinw spews erryone villa
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05-24-2012 , 09:16 AM
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