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4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread 4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread

04-05-2017 , 04:26 PM
you are a joyful monster, consuming the souls of your vanquished wolf-foes, increasing your formidable powers. Go forth in great gladness to the hunt, young monsterman
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:26 PM
The lacklusterness is a minor part of the read in itself just the former wouldn't be so much an issue if it wasn't the case
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Lissa2
Wanna say you but need to double check something

ur lacking wolfreads, idt you've talked about nofear yday, and they're poisoned though idk why you're voting them?
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
this is true.

to be fair idk what a BATM villager non-modkilled by d3 game looks like
I just played one with involved a lot more claims of how lock clear he was & all the awesome stuff he had done...

Could just be muted because he was away most of d1 & hasn't actually done things he can pretend are lock clearing, but who knows?
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Ace seemed wolfy to me yesterday...random pop-ins to do charts & say he scoured an old thread for something, but no actual interaction or thoughtfulness regarding this thread.

But that felt like a dirty dirty wagon, that ended up with 5 people, 2 of whom are dead wolves.
related: wolves LOVE to kill the ppl organizing the information bc it's quite pro-v

related: ppl who organize the information are more likely to be villagers
(unless it's a role neutral kind of thing e.g. TN)
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:27 PM
So I should go read the thing where ace defended mor_tilt?
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:27 PM
ok i'm heading out, will be back to rail ita2.

stick to the lists boys. I believe in you. glgl
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:27 PM
Yo brosephs we can't kill batm before rollwave is confirmed seer, right?
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:27 PM
I have no read on batm
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by well named
you are a joyful monster, consuming the souls of your vanquished wolf-foes, increasing your formidable powers. Go forth in great gladness to the hunt, young monsterman
but lazy tho

it means getting out of bed again and that just can't happen this second
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Klingbard
Yo brosephs we can't kill batm before rollwave is confirmed seer, right?
good point. killing in the claim would be bad lol
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:28 PM
im gonna yolo a shot at 5 and then go for a run
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Klingbard
Yo brosephs we can't kill batm before rollwave is confirmed seer, right?
we shoudnt, no
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
im gonna yolo a shot at 5 and then go for a run
i am excite
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Klingbard
Yo brosephs we can't kill batm before rollwave is confirmed seer, right?
i think you mean confirmed not-seer, but yeah we're not shooting him now
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:28 PM

batman claimed miller because he thought someone wolf peeked him
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Elminster Aumar
Unless I'm missing something, this is the live playerlist:
  1. 72off
  2. aaronk56
  3. Beck Novo
  4. Booker Wolfbox
  5. Cannon Fodder
  6. DWetzel
  7. Eurotrash
  8. Forsythio
  9. JMurder3
  10. Jon Paul
  11. jonnyd
  12. Kaze13
  13. Klingbard
  14. kokiri
  15. Luckbox Inc
  16. RollWave
  17. SpankGangsta
  18. SuqAta8
  19. TehVader
  20. TheBrokenATM!
  21. Vagos

oh I forgot shoving villa
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:29 PM
I would like to throw a grenade in the following and then re-evaluate the game:

4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by bopolis
I would like to throw a grenade in the following and then re-evaluate the game:

add nofear and you have yourself a deal.
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:30 PM
how many wolves are left do you think?

no idea how many are dead
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by bopolis
bunnies where's your head at

Confirmed Town



Everyone else not in my mafia leans

Leaning Mafia

Kaze (if dwetz is mafia)

If i missed someone on confirmed town, its because i forgot why they are confirmed town.

Here's some expansion on my mafia reads.

Rollwave- has basically done nothing this game. Comes in thread with a claim of 2 peeks, and is basically dropped from suspicion. Not to mention, in his previous posts, he doesnt at all mention his peeks.

Posts like this doesn't help.

Originally Posted by RollWave
would vote to save adam and mortilt.

would switch to mucks if it comes down to that.
Originally Posted by RollWave
i find myself trusting baudib. tone read i guess.
I don't like JP for these reasons.

I feel JP is a confident town player. When he has mafia reads, he tends to express them (atleast in video mafia).

In forum here, he's had maybe 2 mafia reads the whole game. Me/ Rollwave.

I truly think he was upset that banks got lynched d1, but i think its mostly because he likes playing with banks, not that he legit thought banks was town.

His read on rollwave is just salt from last anniv game where rollwave caused town to lose. He does mention today about the whole not having checks breadcrumbs, but thats only today. anything before that isn't substantiated other than he should get shot.

Examples: day one: multiple posts of pictures and filler posts. (look at iso)

This post after Effen shot where he called adam and yg town, and the other two (one confirmed town, one basically confirmed town) that he didnt like

Originally Posted by Jon Paul
I think Adam is the most town of the four, I like YGs, bop I don't like CDL is non read for me.

I think the way the group has fractured into pointing at each other, is really odd.

I mean they came to terms of the shot with out being torn by it, but the blow out is causing them to fracture, I find that more likely that one wolf is in there, otherwise they would try to unite if there were two or more, I mean effens role isn't that strong, but the distancing from the shot and calling the others mafia is kinda really an over reaction IMO.

They are all really worried about blowback now......

Dwetz because his role is toooo much like Gabe's and mine, and i don't think there would be 3 roles that act as a backup. (hi. yes claiming here)

And the peek on kaze comes at an opportune moment in which he was getting heat from people, and then bam, now he has to be town.
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
add nofear and you have yourself a deal.
he's poisoned or a wolf

im not even worrying about him,
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:31 PM
and (my personal preference) would be to strike off lissa and luckbox (for now) but idrgaf.
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:31 PM
you guys think wolves be ok trading deaths at this point in the game?
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-05-2017 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
how many wolves are left do you think?

no idea how many are dead
7 ish maybe
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
