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4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread 4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread

04-03-2017 , 04:57 PM
Trying to read CDL from mech posts are stupid

As well named put it, the way you know he's a wolf if he's trying to be nice and not annoy everyone like he usually does
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
only villagers are voting LKJ right now

food for thought
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:57 PM
I'm also way too young and pretty to die
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
I guess we should let the record show that I t0an read 27ninja villager earlier today (lest we waste hours on that in subsequent days)
I'm reading tea leaves suggesting this to be the case.
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
LKJ does indeed seem like a fine wagon
just atrocious

it begins!

4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Reaperlicious
I trimmed some for me not having an actual solid read on them, or there not being enough to support it.

it also felt like I was sheeping the thoughts of ones I trusted.

Like Marko or Knights. kinda null at the moment of both.

Benneh was there too, but it's just because I like benneh.

and dwetzel, man I have not quoted/responded at all to him, so I couldn't trust myself to invite him again to the villa circle.
thank you i'll leave it to others to comment cause i'm not about to backhand the dude who was nice enough to reply with a wolf read #mostpeoplearevillagers
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33

you're limp

i did
if you can't see how town I am, you must be mafia
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Random musing that's probably not legit enough to bother substantiating with quotes but which I like enough to turn into a soft push:

Villager CDL annoys people, and has kind of a unique style. He pushes on CDL-things, in a CDL-way. By contrast, wolf-CDL (imo) is like generic villager. He doesn't post badly exactly, but he's more agreeable, has less of an edge, is less memorable and CDL-like. This game, so far, feels like wolf-CDL to me in exactly that way.
somewhat reasonable characterization. bad conclusion.
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

Much like your head would be doing if I suggested a Tim Horton's run right about now
I'm pretty hungry right now

low blow imo
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I peeked you n0, tough luck man.
Wn might actually be wolfing
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
Current Music: Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time
Current Mood: Bouncy

Dear LiveJournal,

The last four hours I've spent in thread in Anniverasry XI have been great! I've had such a wonderful time reconnecting with old friends like Batman, Bopolis, Benneh, Montecore, surprisingly 27ninjabunnies (!), and maybe xkf, though he seems a little preoccupied elsewhere. I've also made some new friends in Hallia, champ, Reaperlicious, FrogSC2, and Panther!

There's this w00derson guy, much like Taylor Swift, he don't know about me! But I bet he wants to....

Unfortunately, there's some spoil sports, but I have a great feeling that we'll root them out. I'm hoping IANAWW, vagos, mor_tilt, foopme, and Needmoremanasi aren't who they seem to be, because I'd love to be friends forever!

But if they are what I think I'm going to skin them alive, pour salt all over their bodies, immolate what's left, and use the remains as charcoal for a BBQ for all my friends!

Oh and I think T likes S but shhh don't tell M about that!

this post is quality
very quality
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
The frog thing is definitely weird with the donatello shot, I just got to a point way back itt where he's pretty suspicious of panther, and from what I can tell that's who he sponged to take the shot - guessing it has already been covered somewhere though

Heya mucks and GOATS, how are ya going? Good to see you
Originally Posted by Bloobird
he's very likely villa and also a good player

you kill him, you die next

All right, that's fair. I felt like a wolfy entry, I guess I need to get good
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Maybe if you'd included more people in your null list, this wouldn't be happening

A lesson for next time

And that's putting aside the fact that yg hasn't been wolfy, and that quote that you pulled wouldn't buttress your argument even had he been
what are your thoughts on his Monte read?

Because his read on me was hot garbage and there's no way he believes it
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
ah, but is it more awkward than my stellar read on foopme is villagery
I'm still not sure I fully understand your empoof read. Run it by me again. Also, he's not new to ww so that shouldn't be a factor in your reads
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
sup bankles
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Is there a case on LKJ beyond he's not trying and being kinda sarcastic, or something?
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
his early interactions with whom and what made them good
with me bud.

they felt genuine.

I poked fun at xkf claiming he'll say "i posted a lot so I'm villa"

he had only posted 2 times so far at the moment, put forth 3 or 4 posts as a response, explaining boring irl reasons, but later came back stronger, and now the prophecy is true. this is villa xkf.
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
spicy hot takes

wolfy post

wolves love to vote seemingly at random and preface it with something like "hot take" or "actually..." because it makes them look like theyre really thinking outside the box guys !!!
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by TehVader
Trying to read CDL from mech posts are stupid

As well named put it, the way you know he's a wolf if he's trying to be nice and not annoy everyone like he usually does

Trying to read CDL in general is stupid.
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:59 PM
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
The frog thing is definitely weird with the donatello shot, I just got to a point way back itt where he's pretty suspicious of panther, and from what I can tell that's who he sponged to take the shot - guessing it has already been covered somewhere though

Heya mucks and GOATS, how are ya going? Good to see you
Going well, haven't played this game in a while. This is one of the first times in my life where I can say I feel like an old fart. But my body is ready.

Anyway, good talk. See ya out there
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:59 PM
Are you smart? This EVENT might be for you.

There is no risk of death, but phoneposters and people that cannot use Skype will be at a very significant disadvantage.

The event will last about 1 hour, but all non-winners should be free after about 30 minutes.

Looking for 8, 9 or 12 players.
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:59 PM
I feel like fawning over Effen's lj update is wolfy

Not like he likes to do that kind of stuff as a wolf or anything
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
atta boy
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
04-03-2017 , 04:59 PM
4/3 Anniversary XI Werewolf Mishmash Game Thread Quote
