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4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread 4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread

04-25-2016 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
because when someone is pushing you it makes them >rand to be a wolf ducy?
If a villager is legitimately wolfy, the wolves are less likely to be pushing them. ducy?
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
I ask this every game and rarely get a reasonable answer, but does anyone know how to read BATM?

Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
I don't think it's wrong due to a few factors, the most important being how that person reacts when you start pushing back at them.
I agree that the reactions are critical information.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
it looks like the only wolf game I can be thinking of is Super Smash Bros on MU
You just saw me wolf in Anniversary

Maybe you can twist that to fit the narrative you've already decided is true
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Haven't really paid much attention to Ace's posts but his tone seems villagery. Especially that post towards Monte just a minute ago. I don't particularly remember Ace being aggressive like that as a wolf.
Maybe he's just emboldened by our resident ginzer negging me earlier

Or perhaps he received an attaboy in wolf chat

Who can say
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
can someone comment on my post, am I thinking it too hard?
I'm not sure about rawrs. I was leaning villa earlier in the day, but then he switched his tune on me in a somewhat wolfy way. He tried to say I "cleared" him too lightly when in reality I just gave him a villager lean for one post that he made. Idk, it just felt made up that he would flip flop like that bc I gave him a villager lean.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
Wrong. Xander called out weatherguy correctly for jumping to an 80% conclusion about me and xander that was poorly supported and just plain wrong besides. He said both so I dont even need to know xander's alignment to know it's just plain wrong. And if anyone tells me that xander's posting today is wolfy I will just laugh in their face and ask forgiveness when xander flips wolf, which he almost certainly won't.

I think that's fair, though I am happy to already have voted him; I don't need to wait til 5 to do that.
The post talked about 80% that Zork and JP are wolves, not me.

Also many other people have questioned the exact same thing as I have, yet I'm getting the hate. Someone said that WG was clearly joking and I shouldn't have brought it up. A little bit later WG comes in thread and says he was not joking and gave some reasons (answering my question). I agreed with him and gave him a villa lean because of it.

I don't see any of those things brought up though. Why bother reading all posts and giving a fair and balanced assessment when you can just jump on the first thing that supports your agenda.

AIB is over in the wolf camp if you ask me. Don't think you're this sloppy, so this has to be done intentionally
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
because when someone is pushing you it makes them >rand to be a wolf ducy?
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
Wrong. Xander called out weatherguy correctly for jumping to an 80% conclusion about me and xander that was poorly supported and just plain wrong besides. He said both so I dont even need to know xander's alignment to know it's just plain wrong. And if anyone tells me that xander's posting today is wolfy I will just laugh in their face and ask forgiveness when xander flips wolf, which he almost certainly won't.
he didn't call him out tho he just softpushed him for making wolf reads, witout actually calling him wolfy.
Xander has been very non committal so far (Page 3 100ppp)
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
I ask this every game and rarely get a reasonable answer, but does anyone know how to read BATM?
zaids claimed to be an expert in the all PR game and ended up getting cucked, so I think the answer is "no", at least of the people in this game
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:41 PM
I'm gonna go ahead and demand that Zork is lynched today
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by grant2
If a villager is legitimately wolfy, the wolves are less likely to be pushing them. ducy?
I get what you're saying, but I have been accused in several games of posting wolfy and guess what I flip every single time? Yah, villager. So you are discounting the mislynchability angle. I have to fight to keep from being mislynched a lot because I come across as TMI because I am just trying to be brave and read folks and inevitably a lot of mistakes get made when you do that and it may rustle people a bit when that happens.

I think you underestimate how much wolves seize upon this seeming wolfiness to drive a mislynch.

I had to claim bodyguard to keep from getting shot last game and even then there were a lot of villagers grumbling about shooting me even though I was on thingy's do not shoot list, so I definitely wouldnt have been able to save a villager if I hadn't claimed, and in the other games I didnt have anything to claim or the wagon developed cfd style so fast I didnt have time to claim when I was neutral survivor with no powers that was essentially a villager role.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:42 PM

Opted to keep vigg/WG on there from earlier.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
I ask this every game and rarely get a reasonable answer, but does anyone know how to read BATM?
Zdye claims he can
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
okay Montecore it looks like you are correct

I will take a look at a Town game or two from you to be sure

but yes, it seems my impression of you was backwards

your posts in SSB were very very very trolly the whole time, not much exception like on your p4 of this game
This post is the WW equivalent of a unicorn pooping gold bullion onto my lawn

Whether or not it's a genuine villagery walkback or a wolf with his hand in the cookie jar backing slowly away is something upon which I'll ruminate
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
I ask this every game and rarely get a reasonable answer, but does anyone know how to read BATM?
I don't think BATM knows how to read BATM
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
When your opening post is a huge multi quote I'm less of a fan of it than usual.

The content of it is fine, nothing to pick you up on from that but really straight into that? No hello?

Seems like a bit of a wolfy open, but I don't know you from Adam so :shrug:
Lol please explain how that is wolfy at all are you struggling to make up reads or something?
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
I like your top two villager leans how is bigger making a couple of posts and a vote wolfy for him askin for a friend
tbh, i kinda just changed it back to null later, i just didnt like it in the moment. I have been paying attention to bigger, but He hasnt really done too much since either. leaves a little to be desired, but he's null for me atm.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:45 PM
People I like:

Monte: When he wolfs he is far less likely to be nice to me

Outed wolves:

Grant seems wolfy but everyone is pushing on him, which always makes me not want to lynch them. Rarely wolf unless the bus is out of control.

Shoving seems genuinely floundering, and to busy trying to find the "reasons" people are calling him mafia.

@Zork, I don't explain my reads half the time, I kinda have a flow of reads going at all times

There also very Meta based

@WG, who we killing today?
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
I don't think BATM knows how to read
hurtful, but likely accurate
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
You just saw me wolf in Anniversary

Maybe you can twist that to fit the narrative you've already decided is true
Oh I actually forgot all about Anniversary! LOL. I just loaded the WW Database and looked at the most recent games. Appears Anniversary has not been uploaded yet

TY I will look at Anniversary too
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:47 PM
I would say that all of the townspeakers using @replies are doing so ironically, but that would require assuming a level of mental activity that precludes the townspeaking
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
zaids' "thin" reason for calling me a villager is also totally bull****, btw

there is literally no way he would believe that I'd be concerned with calling out townspeaking slappies for being townspeaking slappies in either role

so I'm going to treat that as a pocket attempt and react accordingly
I'd like to read monte villager for this but it is too early an I agree it is role neutral but a slight lean for him,for him being the one to point it out
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Jon Paul
People I like:

Monte: When he wolfs he is far less likely to be nice to me

Outed wolves:

Grant seems wolfy but everyone is pushing on him, which always makes me not want to lynch them. Rarely wolf unless the bus is out of control.

Shoving seems genuinely floundering, and to busy trying to find the "reasons" people are calling him mafia.

@Zork, I don't explain my reads half the time, I kinda have a flow of reads going at all times

There also very Meta based

@WG, who we killing today?
This reminds me a lot of how jp talks in video mafia when he is town. I hope I'm right.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
The post talked about 80% that Zork and JP are wolves, not me.

Also many other people have questioned the exact same thing as I have, yet I'm getting the hate. Someone said that WG was clearly joking and I shouldn't have brought it up. A little bit later WG comes in thread and says he was not joking and gave some reasons (answering my question). I agreed with him and gave him a villa lean because of it.

I don't see any of those things brought up though. Why bother reading all posts and giving a fair and balanced assessment when you can just jump on the first thing that supports your agenda.

AIB is over in the wolf camp if you ask me. Don't think you're this sloppy, so this has to be done intentionally
My brain short circuited when I said you instead of JP, what I said about you still stands and as for JP I didn't overanalyze that side of it because he said 80% both and I know I'm a villager.

Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
I'm gonna go ahead and demand that Zork is lynched today
You will not mislynch me today, Sir. I ask that you stop trying.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
sup vigg

i'm leading the charge for either xander or zork

and i need a co-leader

would you like to join?
xander today count me on board
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
