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4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread 4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread

04-29-2016 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
tell me more about Monte being peeked.

If monte isnt peeked, then you are peeked wolf.

please rectify these competing worlds in a PoE where you are a villager and Monte is a wolf.

Its clear.

I am not peeked and monte isn't peeked. I know I am not peeked because I am a villager. I know monte isn't peeked because of jp post I quoted.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
How is he in what world does the wolf team holster to bus here Im gonna go out on a limb here and say that the villa rb wont be claiming today
You know why because it ****in looks like zork holstered and that he wasnt roleblocked
Till that happens I shouldnt be in the poe it is that god damn simple
the wolf team never holsters when Apoc puts Zork at the very bottom of the PoE

WG's fake seer claim was obviously enough to remove him from Vigilante contention.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
I was pretty sure Mucks was the third wolf, but then you and Fraley took this weird line, so I have no choice but to consider the world you just described
so let me get this straight just so I'm clear?
The wolves didn't bother using a vig last night... so they could frame their wolf bro for the lynch ?
and they would probably still be in the poe as I would be the "outted" wolf vig?
Like what was the point holstering last night so?
I don't see any one claiming a block on zork here it was obviously a set up why are you being so obtuse?
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
ok never mind
but this is bad if zork did indeed holster f the village rb blocked any one but zork xander is TMI'ing
yep.. Could be that mucks is the rber and they tried to rb wg.

4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:12 PM
AIB, Xander is a villager.

you might still be a villager.

I need you to accept that Fraley is an outted wolf who spent all day yesterday defending zork and monte.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
the wolf team never holsters when Apoc puts Zork at the very bottom of the PoE

WG's fake seer claim was obviously enough to remove him from Vigilante contention.
why would't they just kill a clear villager anyway? like it makes no sense to holster if I'm a wolf
They can just bus me and shoot killer/you/wg anyway
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:13 PM
Its also obvious zork wasn't roleblocked based on zorks post asking people to out their roleblocks.

Why would he ask the roleblocker to out themselves if it outs him in the process?
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:13 PM
let me do some numbers

has anyone actually done numbers? You claim the game is solved fraley, gimme some numbers
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:13 PM
For the record I believe RB always claims.

If there is a CC then we lynch outside of those today.

If we hit wolf rber outside of competing claims then I get my shot off.

If we don't then villa roleblocker roleblocks his CC and chances are that I can get the shot off.

RB claiming can ONLY help the village. RBer is essentially useless after tonight and will just be another confirmed. Wolves can't kill our rber before tonight so Fk off.

I'm not outting my shot today, just that it WONT be Apoc or Grant.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
AIB, Xander is a villager.

you might still be a villager.

I need you to accept that Fraley is an outted wolf who spent all day yesterday defending zork and monte.
Quit arguing tone you imbecile. The game is mechanically solved.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:13 PM
xander came in pushing the wolf agenda here today specifically to lynch me a the outted vig before zork flipped he has tried to keep me in the poe
He obviously isnt the /rber/vig grant and fraly are making sense from a villa pov
I ain't wanting them lynched over xander
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:16 PM
There's exactly 2 possibilities here:

1. AIB = V. Wolves holster to frame him.
2. AIB = W. Village RBer hit zork.



We consider AIB -clear villa- for today.
We lynch someone else who deserves to be lynched. There are options.

If we are close to lynching the villa-RB'er, then the RB'er claims and we deal with it then.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:16 PM
I did the numbers we have 2 lynches and 1 vig (hopefully)

So what's happening ITT is that Fraley is setting up AIB to win the game at final 5.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:16 PM
I need to marinate on the correct kill order, but it always includes Fraley and Monte.

will report back later.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:17 PM

But -IF- I were the RB'er, I did NOT block zork last night.

If I flip RB'er, AIB is clear.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Its clear.

I am not peeked and monte isn't peeked. I know I am not peeked because I am a villager. I know monte isn't peeked because of jp post I quoted.
which post did you quote it?

can you link me to that?
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:19 PM
If I'm the rber obviously I'm not a wolf and if I die thank feck for showing me mercy
I think every one should make a post like this
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Its also obvious zork wasn't roleblocked based on zorks post asking people to out their roleblocks.

Why would he ask the roleblocker to out themselves if it outs him in the process?
because it's what a villager would do

you understand how WW works right? Wolves try to say villagery things
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Weatherguy
For the record I believe RB always claims.
I trust you on this WG, so I support the RB'er claiming.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Quit arguing tone you imbecile. The game is mechanically solved.
1) the game is not mechanically solved

2) If the game is mechanically solved, why are you so mad?
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by grant2

But -IF- I were the RB'er, I did NOT block zork last night.

If I flip RB'er, AIB is clear.
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
If I'm the rber obviously I'm not a wolf and if I die thank feck for showing me mercy
I think every one should make a post like this
these posts are decidedly "not good"
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:23 PM

I cannot stress how important it is to me that Fraley and Monte die asap.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:24 PM
Sup bros
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
let me do some numbers

has anyone actually done numbers? You claim the game is solved fraley, gimme some numbers
numbers? what are you talking about.. What numbers?

Wolf vs villas? There are currently 6 villagers and 3 wolves..

killer (joat)
wg (vig) [if someone cc wg, the real vig shoots his counter]

logically clear unless someone claims they rb'ed stork

That leaves:

Apoc: pushed zork yesterday who flipped vig, zork also pushed you ( you are a wolf almost never)
Grant (was sent to tie on eod 1, lots of villagy posts, aib can't be a wolf, zork voted off wagon to force a tie, he is a wolf almost never)
Me: I know I am a villager, also pushed by zork for two days, and viggo for two days

No matter what happens the poe should be the 4 I listed for everyone.

Why the **** is xander not in your poe??
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-29-2016 , 12:24 PM

I think the villa RB'er is pretty much polarized to one of these 3. (unless Fraley is FPS'ing but i don't think he rides a seer claim that hard as a RB'er)

If it's Mucks or Monte, they should probably claim ASAP anyways in the interest of looking villagery.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
