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4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread 4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread

04-27-2016 , 06:31 AM
Assumption 1

grant is a wolf and wolves were either on Lord EOD1 or afk
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:41 AM
By axiom: Grant = w

People voting Lord EOD1 that are still alive:


4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:44 AM
8 suspects

6 wolves
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:46 AM
I don't have enough coffee to process much except gjge roman.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:46 AM

Seem wolfy

Have pinged me

Has seemed really village

Can't remember
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:47 AM
I would be really surprised is WG is a wolf

less so with Apoc
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:49 AM
Don't get me wrong, I think that if Apoc is a wolf he's done an excellent job of mimicking a village leader. But a village leader with no results isn't what I imagine from his village game.

He'd either be right about stuff or he wouldn't act as a village leader.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:49 AM
Fraleys handling of killers claim seems...not villagery.

But I dont think ive ever seen him post this much as a wolf...anr his giant walls with viggo....can he do that as a wolf?
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
okay Roman

but again

lynch any of Shoving/Roman/dice/grant and I'll be happy

nighty nighty
We aren't getting anything from aos.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by Jon Paul
The Vigs stacked on Shoving, pretty obvious, Knife and bullet both me him..

What are you trying to say Viggo? Becaus I don't get what you mean?
I was considering an angel, I hadn't read the flavor
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by Jon Paul
Out of the four wagons mine is the only one I am against killing today. I think kill is very town, if he says the peek is real I believe him and want to kill dice.
Originally Posted by ApocPS
I agree with this. JOAT just shoots Dice on N2 and goes on with his life.
Originally Posted by Jon Paul
Very good point, back to lynching shoving?

This progression seems like opportubistic wolf...

Another random thought. Wolves think shoving is a seer. I expect them to be voting shoving. WG looks good for swapping to roman
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
are you being willfully obtuse?

you think the top wagon was killed by wolves?

**** you if you're a villager, you're better than this
I didn't think it until I read the flavor bromigo, it's pretty clear iyam
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:53 AM gonna need you to read the thread before posting any more...

I am shc.

Dice is a peeked wolf.

Grant is not wolfy imo
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
I didn't think it until I read the flavor bromigo, it's pretty clear iyam
Ya sorry the obtuse one this game
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
So Village roleblocker gj, you either hit the wolf RB or the vig since I'm alive and a kill is missing.
Originally Posted by killer_kill
If I had an angel I used it on myself

If I had a rb I used it on Dice
Originally Posted by killer_kill
The wolves didn't kill me cause Dice is a PR obviously.
I don't think we are in a position for you to be wishy washy anymore. Hard claim plz.
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:55 AM

I'll be ITT in real time, sort of, for a while, but I have a project I have to do some serious work on + lunch and gym, so chances are I wont be rereading what I missed yesterday until this evening, DWI
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:56 AM
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:56 AM
Dice, jp, batm,

I think all my villas are still villas...
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:57 AM
Ducks hasn't posted much at all, he posted 33 posts towards the start of the day, left for an age and then came back to post 4 more posts without anything useful

colour me suspicious
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:58 AM
also consider that the wolves went so far to use KP on the counter wagon, they must've felt strongly about shoving being the seer, i.e. it's probably worth looking at who pushed hard for his lynch iyam
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by ApocPS gonna need you to read the thread before posting any more...

I am shc.

Dice is a peeked wolf.

Grant is not wolfy imo
SHC is easy to fake

Who peeked dice a wolf? I mean we don't know any seers for certain, it could easily be wolf games. Also I put dice down as a potential wolf so this doesn't conflict with anything I've said

Grant is wolfy imo. His wolf game and villa game were clearly outlined by Ace (who was a villager that was killed last night)
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 07:00 AM
Votes from post 3578 to post 3671
Night in 13:59:57

2 thediceman ApocPS (22), Viggorous (17)
14 not voting AllInBluff (0), Duckburg (6), fraleyight (0), grant2 (0), Jon Paul (10), killer_kill (6), Montecore (0), mucksandgravs (0), TheBrokenATM! (0), thediceman (0), theknightsofneeee (0), Weatherguy (16), xander biscuits (10), Zorkman (0)
1 Error biggerboat (4)
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by Shoving
Just managed to delete some lenghty post.



Tons of neutrals

Duck for reasons I do not know yet
Fraley because sponging all your points pro-fraley-w make sense.
Originally Posted by Shoving
Monte, I had you in the wolf trio earlier on, you just got 1 or 2 village points because of a few of yours posts.

JP FRALEY MONTE WOLF TRIO. KILL ME, I FLIP VILLO AND U KEEL THESE 3, then it should be even <3 Heading out now, will in later to drop my vote on a wolf.
Originally Posted by Shoving
JP not enough attention.
can we lynch jp now?
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Move to shoving.. Everyone!
2 mins from EoD. Thisan is opebly keeping track of peeks and such.

Wolves seer hunted shoving
4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-27-2016 , 07:04 AM
Sheep shoving ftw?

4/25 - Die Hard with a Vengeance V+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
