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04-21-2012 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by LastManStanding
LOL ok.

You have your idea of wolf hunting I have mine.

Im not sure how its terrible that I predicted exactly what you would say.
yeah except im a villager and i did get no result and when i flip village tracker u wont care.

you dont care.

you read my interactions with squirtle and think thats w/w? then you are an idiot

why did i try to stop derwi from getting lynched? a known good villager that had me near the top of his villa list?

arent you the one who tried to say aksdal fake peeked me?

did you ever read his posts?

"Vmfs first post easy actually villagery btw. Thought about it more when I was going to sleep"

you didnt even bother reading all of his posts and then claimed he fakepeeked me wolf
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04-21-2012 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Also, ITT, LMS finds me wolfy, yet refuses to vote me
You are quite the ******.

Voting 1 wolf over another makes no difference.

I have my vote on a wolf already, if it doesnt take off and a wagon comes up on you I will obviously be on it.
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04-21-2012 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by LastManStanding
Me? Perhaps you can explain what you mean by that. Im here trying to get information and find wolves.

Im not having to claim roles and crap like that to stop myself being lynched.
I don't know what durdler means but I think you are one.
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04-21-2012 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by LastManStanding
You are quite the ******.

Voting 1 wolf over another makes no difference.

I have my vote on a wolf already, if it doesnt take off and a wagon comes up on you I will obviously be on it.
This coming from the guy that thinks that killing a wolf was a bad idea lololol
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04-21-2012 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
yeah except im a villager and i did get no result and when i flip village tracker u wont care.

you dont care.

you read my interactions with squirtle and think thats w/w? then you are an idiot

why did i try to stop derwi from getting lynched? a known good villager that had me near the top of his villa list?

arent you the one who tried to say aksdal fake peeked me?

did you ever read his posts?

"Vmfs first post easy actually villagery btw. Thought about it more when I was going to sleep"

you didnt even bother reading all of his posts and then claimed he fakepeeked me wolf
I like that you and nofear keep trying to claim im not reading.

I read all of aksdal. If I was seer I would say my wolf peek was villagery too, dont want to get NK'ed.
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04-21-2012 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
I don't know what durdler means but I think you are one.

Whats next, your mum jokes?
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04-21-2012 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by LastManStanding
I like that you and nofear keep trying to claim im not reading.

I read all of aksdal. If I was seer I would say my wolf peek was villagery too, dont want to get NK'ed.

I think you fail to understand the concept of leaving fakepeeks. When a person says "I peeked x villager" that means they're the peek. Period. End of discussion.
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04-21-2012 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by LastManStanding
I like that you and nofear keep trying to claim im not reading.

I read all of aksdal. If I was seer I would say my wolf peek was villagery too, dont want to get NK'ed.
yup im a peeked outed wolf man

aksdal got night killed because i am a wolf. the strength of that possible seer hunt kill is so damning to me

me and squirtle tried to bus each other at end of day 1

you are a genius
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04-21-2012 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
yup im a peeked outed wolf man

aksdal got night killed because i am a wolf. the strength of that possible seer hunt kill is so damning to me

me and squirtle tried to bus each other at end of day 1

you are a genius
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04-21-2012 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838

I think you fail to understand the concept of leaving fakepeeks. When a person says "I peeked x villager" that means they're the peek. Period. End of discussion.
So because you dissagree im a wolf?

Look how quick you jumped on me as soon as I said something about you. Look how you want to thunderdome with me.

If you were a villager, shouldnt you be more intereted in finding out my role rather than just try to cast doubt on me?
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04-21-2012 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
yup im a peeked outed wolf man

aksdal got night killed because i am a wolf. the strength of that possible seer hunt kill is so damning to me

me and squirtle tried to bus each other at end of day 1

you are a genius
Wasn't the whole reason you voted SS d1 because you misread a post that wasn't actually about SS? Then you switched your vote off him within, I don't know the exact number, but maybe 20 posts?
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04-21-2012 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
yup im a peeked outed wolf man

aksdal got night killed because i am a wolf. the strength of that possible seer hunt kill is so damning to me

me and squirtle tried to bus each other at end of day 1

you are a genius
There is no point me wasting my time talking to you.

Good day.
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04-21-2012 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Jerry Yang McGuire
Wasn't the whole reason you voted SS d1 because you misread a post that wasn't actually about SS? Then you switched your vote off him within, I don't know the exact number, but maybe 20 posts?

Thats exactly true. He quoted a post and voted SS even though the quoted post had nothing to do with SS if I remember correctly.
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04-21-2012 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Jerry Yang McGuire
Wasn't the whole reason you voted SS d1 because you misread a post that wasn't actually about SS? Then you switched your vote off him within, I don't know the exact number, but maybe 20 posts?
no i thought a squirtle post was wolfy

and chilltown was talking about someone else i guess? im still not even convinced

squirtle said why do people have dye as a wolf?

nearing eod and i thought it was a weird thing to choose to comment on then.

i thought chill called him out on his line of questioning
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04-21-2012 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by LastManStanding
So because you dissagree im a wolf?

Look how quick you jumped on me as soon as I said something about you. Look how you want to thunderdome with me.

If you were a villager, shouldnt you be more intereted in finding out my role rather than just try to cast doubt on me?
I don't think a villager would say anything so stupid.

Casting doubt on a fakepeek is incredibly anti-village.

I've cleared 5 players and found possibly 4 wolves

What exactly have you done? Oh, right, only cast doubt on the most obvious fakepeek ever and vote completely offwagon yesterday (and I don't think you've even bothered to mention Dye again today.
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04-21-2012 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by LastManStanding
There is no point me wasting my time talking to you.

Good day.
Why not? You wanted to keep roo alive to "spew." Why do you not want to talk to a person you consider an outed wolf?
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04-21-2012 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Squirtle Squad
Can someone tell me why they think dye is wolfy? I don't see it at all.
Originally Posted by Chilltown
Don't like his line of questioning posts, didn't like his awful deflect everything defense (super weak, would expect him to fire back at me 100% of the time as a villa), questioning a villager in me, not appearing in the thread now, you defending him.

So yeah I think he's a wolf.
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
saw that and agree

big villa points for chilltown here

Squirtle Squad
ya i guess chill was talking about dye.

so i misunderstood that but squirtles post was wolfy
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04-21-2012 , 08:28 PM
Also, LMS, still waiting on hearing why SS was the most obvious wolf ever, yet you failed to mention that on d1
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04-21-2012 , 08:29 PM
Sup br0s

Originally Posted by Chilltown
Interactions can be faked, I think any high lvl WW player could fake it. I don't like how you're clearing people, can't shake that feeling. If Dye flips villa then I will leave you alone.
Do you think that Squirtle Squad is a high lvl ww player? I think right now you're taking a lot of evidence and then twisting it to suit your theories or shrugging it off with a post like this if it doesn't fit. It's something I used to do a lot too (and I still do, just hopefully to a lesser extent).

Originally Posted by Chilltown
It's cool. Whatever happens in WW stays in WW for me.

Tweedy was a lost wolf last game so it's unlikely he's the lost wolf again. He's just trolling, which is wolfy Tweedy style though.
What do you think of LMS coming in, saying that this was Tweedy's trolling style (like you did) but concluding that he was villagery for it?

Originally Posted by Jerry Yang McGuire
No, what I said (in my mind and I thought it was conveyed) was that VMF switching his vote appeared wolfy to me. He changed his vote fairly quickly (or at least with very few posts between and without justification) from SS to BJL, who at the time was the 2nd wagon, instead of the first wagon which was derwi.

I then said if derwi flipped wolf, VMF would look even more wolfy because he piled on the second wagon, instead of derwi's wagon. Since derwi flipped villa, I think it helps to clear VMF, since he likely would have voted derwi instead of BJL if he was a wolf.

Looking back I should have just explained this without changing my vote, like binkles did by pointing out that I should be looked at, which I'm fine with.

I didn't know that changing a vote with reasoning looks wolfy, and actually assumed changing my vote without a reason looked wolfy.
It's one of those backwards things that pervades POG. Like, the way I (and a lot of other people) read these things is that a villager will normally be so confident in their read, or in how much of an obvious villager they are, that they don't need to explain their vote. Particularly at End of Day when time can be of the essence. Whereas wolves are worried so much about appearing villagery and showing their thought processes all the time that they force explanations.

The way I try to interpret it when making my own reads is that explanations themselves aren't inherently wolfy. But the type and timing of the explanation can be very telling, and yours was mad wolfy and stuff.

Originally Posted by Jerry Yang McGuire
Some opinions after reading some of SS (will continue doing so):
1. Has a decent amount of interaction early on with vix. SS says that vix clearing people early on d1 is bad and votes him and says "never changing ever." (Post 365) Then says that vix is in his typical wft-villager mode. (Post 369) For those that have played with them more, is there a chance that this interaction is ever w/w?

He goes on later to hard push Vix, and this progression makes it super likely that Vix is a villa. I don't like the way you stopped this read on Vix so early.

Originally Posted by kowboys4
Obvious peek is obvious. Binkles also gets wolf points for coming up so much as a strong wolf read.

Originally Posted by LastManStanding
I thought as soon as I saw this that he could be the seer.

Could just be me 'ing

So the first post he says his second serious read, then he posts a list of wolves. I take it to mean the second wolf he is serious about because it is a peek. Then the next list he puts VMF at the top, possibly because he thought it wasnt clear enough for people to spot the first time round.

Also he did it early to make it look like it was just made up rather than make a super obvious peek.

What are peoples thoughts?
Aksdal is a smart dude, he wouldn't be that unclear with his peeks as either a seer or a villager.

Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
I'm here, let's chat binkles

I want to know why you and slighted all of a sudden jumped on me with only 6 minutes left after I had been AFK for a couple hours? Why the change?

What are you thinking about this post?
This is potentially important so I'll put this in its own post.

Originally Posted by Dyenimator
i really from your perspective, knowing yourself to be villa, binkles looks good.

considering he "thought" the other wagons didn't look good, and he ends up having to vote derwi, who we know is a villa after your cfd doesn't take off

when you're a villa in this spot, it wouldn't make sense for wolf binkles to do so
Right, exactly, I have no incentive to do what I did if I were wolf. What do you think of Steve right now Dye?

Originally Posted by LastManStanding
To me it just seems bad. Yeah you may end up lynching a wolf, but the information gained from that would be completly 0.

Also if a new wolf has trouble posting wouldnt you want him to be one of the last wolves alive to make the end game easy? I know from a strategic point I would rather have a bad wolf at the end of the game with me than one who can twist facts and talk themself out of the lynch.

Perhaps its just me who thinks that lynching someone with such a small number of posts isnt good for the village and is a cop out for wolves.
This really doesn't vibe at all. You lynch the wolfy players, we don't have enough information to be able to afford preserving a wolfy player for the hope that they spew later. What's more, if a new wolf is struggling to post then they almost certainly won't be spewing.

Originally Posted by Chilltown
So he starts a wagon on someone with zero votes? That's stupid.

Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Exactly, probably not a coincidence. What's your point?

A few things slighted:

-Every time I've seen you villa recently you've posted reads lists with well thought reasoning behind all of your reads. This is noticeably absent this game.
- Voting for me at that point of the day seems very bad and you openly just sponge binkles with the vote. I don't think you had mentioned me prior to that vote.
-Later you both switch to derwi
-You seem to be generally be disappointed when you rand villa because you randed it so many times in a row yet this game you came in super enthusiastic and posted a ton early with a very excited tone which makes me think you were excited about your role.
This whole post reads as dishonest, I think you're twisting a lot of things here to suit what ends up being a very soft push.
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04-21-2012 , 08:29 PM
VMF outting his track is really strange iyam. I think that's more prowolf information than provillage since he came up without an action.

Don't really have much to say at this point regarding ego wars pt. 2 convos, except I found this last night nofear:

We should leave VMF alone for now, let him feed us spew if he's a wolf.
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04-21-2012 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Also, LMS, still waiting on hearing why SS was the most obvious wolf ever, yet you failed to mention that on d1
probably from the crossnerd school of hindsight
4/20 Pokemon mishmash game (beta) Quote
04-21-2012 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
I don't think a villager would say anything so stupid.

Casting doubt on a fakepeek is incredibly anti-village.

I've cleared 5 players and found possibly 4 wolves

What exactly have you done? Oh, right, only cast doubt on the most obvious fakepeek ever and vote completely offwagon yesterday (and I don't think you've even bothered to mention Dye again today.
I cant believe you can honestly think these things.

Villagers say stupid things all the time, they dont have all the information.

You are making such a wolfy case on me. My vote was off wagon because I wasnt here towards the end of the day. Again, I can see you are trying really hard to make people doubt me, but the facts disprove every little point you make.

Also I made a list of wolves earlier and it had Binkles/Dye, so apparently you really havent read anything at all.

How can you even try to push for my lynch when you clearly havent even read my posts?
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04-21-2012 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
VMF outting his track is really strange iyam. I think that's more prowolf information than provillage since he came up without an action.

Don't really have much to say at this point regarding ego wars pt. 2 convos, except I found this last night nofear:

We should leave VMF alone for now, let him feed us spew if he's a wolf.
yeah i immediately knew it was dumb. just was annoyed at a couple players
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04-21-2012 , 08:32 PM
binkles MQ comes across really villagery

what are your reads atm?
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04-21-2012 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
probably from the crossnerd school of hindsight
i dont get it
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