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4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread 4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread

04-03-2012 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Vvmf, what do you think of telc?
yeah he could be a wolf too. unsure on him

what u think of shipitup? he kept saying a couple people were goo votes but didnt seem to have reasons

thoughts on henrik? he seemed off to me

4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
i read crossnerd posts and she is a villager most likely

dont like her trying to start a wagon on me when i wasnt here but seemed genuine

shipitup seems very wolfy though

right now wolf team is prob shipitup/derm/montecore/mistiblue/henrik?

somewhere in there. im also suspicious of anarchist because i kno he loves to nk players who vote him

misti did u help seer hunt?
I don't understand what you mean by seer hunt and if I helped??

I have a court to get to early this morning - well at 9, but prepping for it I won't be here half the day, should be back around 5pm (just wanted to point that out, in case people wonder where I went - since I notice you all think someone's wolfy if they don't post).
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 05:06 AM
Variance - altho it's tough not to choose you wolfy, since you chose me but someone in the thread cautioned me NOT to retaliate to pick someone on fact that he picks me...therefore, in all honesty...I always thought of you as villager - since you post always trying to help find the villagers and take the time to group them, etc...

If you must know - I didn't group you in my initial list, because I wasn't too sure, so I only grouped the ones I was most sure of...but to be honest, they are still just guesses at the moment, cus this game is filled with so many twists n' turns, boggles the mind and tough to keep up. Sadly we lost 2 villagers...only thing on my when I saw the wolves killed magic was ...why?

If someone could explain to me why you think the wolves killed magic, I'd appreciate it - since right now I'm so so lost.
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 06:03 AM
another hectic end of day. seems like it always happens.
i stayed out of it as i've stuffed up too many end of day
due to changing votes and following people last minute reasonings..

i gave derm the benefit of the doubt due to him not posting..
if he is a wolf then those who moved off him may be wolfy.

as slighted said i dont think i can be counted as a newbie.. although my post may still be eratic and my thought processes not obvious I dont want to be given n00b immunity.

misti they may have killed magic because whomever he peeked was what he said they were and they were hoping he was the seer. or they may have thought he was a good player. or they may just have not liked him.

thought i could read the previous posts at work today and have some reads.. but it didnt happen.. will think and review the posts over the next few hrs.
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 06:21 AM
kkk so, since I ran out of posts yesterday, i'm gonna try to consolidate a little today. so fyi this multoquote contains unrelated quotes.

Originally Posted by Misti Blue
I don't understand what you mean by seer hunt and if I helped??

I have a court to get to early this morning - well at 9, but prepping for it I won't be here half the day, should be back around 5pm (just wanted to point that out, in case people wonder where I went - since I notice you all think someone's wolfy if they don't post).
misti- the seer hunt comment by variance means hes accusing you of wolfing

i think its a good idea to say when you will and will not be around so people don't vote you for being suspiciously absent, especially if your name is getting kicked around during the day. sometimes people do this and its wolfy but i think if youre honest people can tell by your tone..

Originally Posted by Misti Blue
Variance - altho it's tough not to choose you wolfy, since you chose me but someone in the thread cautioned me NOT to retaliate to pick someone on fact that he picks me...therefore, in all honesty...I always thought of you as villager - since you post always trying to help find the villagers and take the time to group them, etc...

If you must know - I didn't group you in my initial list, because I wasn't too sure, so I only grouped the ones I was most sure of...but to be honest, they are still just guesses at the moment, cus this game is filled with so many twists n' turns, boggles the mind and tough to keep up. Sadly we lost 2 villagers...only thing on my when I saw the wolves killed magic was ...why?

If someone could explain to me why you think the wolves killed magic, I'd appreciate it - since right now I'm so so lost.
you're correct to not always spite vote people who are voting for you, especially if you have a villa lean on them.

the most likely reason magic was killed was bc he left a correct fakepeek in the thread and the wolves thought he was the seer. its important to find these so we can (at least temporarily) eliminate them from the wolf hunt and use them as a village leader to bounce ideas off of.

sometimes the wolves 'fps' the NK, which means they decided to go a tricky route and kill someone with an incorrect fake peek to throw the village off course. in general, i assume the NK is not fps until the person who was cleared by it is around at a time it no longer makes sense for them to be alive.

anyway, when you find time today, please keep updating your reads list. i want to talk to you a bit more and see where your head is at..

Originally Posted by Fixated
another hectic end of day. seems like it always happens.
i stayed out of it as i've stuffed up too many end of day
due to changing votes and following people last minute reasonings..

i gave derm the benefit of the doubt due to him not posting..
if he is a wolf then those who moved off him may be wolfy.

as slighted said i dont think i can be counted as a newbie.. although my post may still be eratic and my thought processes not obvious I dont want to be given n00b immunity.

misti they may have killed magic because whomever he peeked was what he said they were and they were hoping he was the seer. or they may have thought he was a good player. or they may just have not liked him.

thought i could read the previous posts at work today and have some reads.. but it didnt happen.. will think and review the posts over the next few hrs.
fixated, please don't stay out of eod's because you're afraid you might 'stuff up'. you might also clear yourself! its also important for people to vote on wagon so we can pick them apart in later days and use voting records as an indicator of peoples roles.

i dont know how i feel about your urge to explain your vote. im not sure thats villagery of you..

i dont give you noob immunity, if you're anything like evene then youre prob a sneaky little koala and im gonna keep my eye on you

i look forward to more reads from you
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 06:52 AM
Pretty damn disappointed how that lynch wound up going down, that was certainly not handled in a matter that was very productive for the village. Had to say it, otherwise i'd just be a dick about it later :P
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
Pretty damn disappointed how that lynch wound up going down, that was certainly not handled in a matter that was very productive for the village. Had to say it, otherwise i'd just be a dick about it later :P
it was handled in a way to get the votes off derm it looks like to me. Derm wolf suspect most definitely. Toga was an early wolf read of mine, but mostly was voting to save my own cute furriness.

at least villa aksdal is alive.

atm i would give it a greater chance that you are the fake-peek xnerd, though i do like the way he said he was "never voting me today". slight peekish ?
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by Fixated
another hectic end of day. seems like it always happens.
i stayed out of it as i've stuffed up too many end of day
due to changing votes and following people last minute reasonings..

i gave derm the benefit of the doubt due to him not posting..
if he is a wolf then those who moved off him may be wolfy.

as slighted said i dont think i can be counted as a newbie.. although my post may still be eratic and my thought processes not obvious I dont want to be given n00b immunity.

misti they may have killed magic because whomever he peeked was what he said they were and they were hoping he was the seer. or they may have thought he was a good player. or they may just have not liked him.

thought i could read the previous posts at work today and have some reads.. but it didnt happen.. will think and review the posts over the next few hrs.
this post doesnt rub right with me.

also, its more likely if derm is a wolf the wolves tried to start another wagon, not necessarily that they jumped off derm.
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:02 AM
shipitup's EOD voting was awful imo

shipitup/derm wagons today and lets see where that takes us

4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:05 AM

Lets put some damn pressure on him then.
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
it was handled in a way to get the votes off derm it looks like to me. Derm wolf suspect most definitely. Toga was an early wolf read of mine, but mostly was voting to save my own cute furriness.

at least villa aksdal is alive.

atm i would give it a greater chance that you are the fake-peek xnerd, though i do like the way he said he was "never voting me today". slight peekish ?
What does this mean? - If you're talking about magic's peek, he did vote you in the beginning of the day
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:22 AM
thought of mine to workout how the game works...

villagers know only one thing - that they arent a wolf.
wolfs know who the wolfs and villgers are [but not the seer]
the seer knows that they are a villager and other people are. more as the days progress.

so to find wolfs you need to find who is lying.
just telling the truth is not sufficient unless people believe you.
if too many people dont believe you then you will be misslynched.
or be night killed by a wolf.

i guess thats why you poker people like the game because its all about finding liars.
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:28 AM
That kill is weird. Just went over all of his posts and i was ready to say that i was pretty certain he was killed for monte = wolf - Then in one of his last posts he says that he peeked a villager. So he probably intended for crossnerd to be his peek, although i kinda think it's more likely that he was killed for binkles even though he said "not a peek"

Could've still be killed for Monte too if they thought he really did peek monte and wanted to take a shot to kill him now and not out monte if they were right. If that's true then there are a lot of correct peeks itt which is awesome.

I do think it'll be pretty impossible to really hard shc someone for this kill though.
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
What does this mean? - If you're talking about magic's peek, he did vote you in the beginning of the day
yeah i know that rules me out entirely but a guy can dream can't he ?
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by Fixated
thought of mine to workout how the game works...

villagers know only one thing - that they arent a wolf.
wolfs know who the wolfs and villgers are [but not the seer]
the seer knows that they are a villager and other people are. more as the days progress.

so to find wolfs you need to find who is lying.
just telling the truth is not sufficient unless people believe you.
if too many people dont believe you then you will be misslynched.
or be night killed by a wolf.

i guess thats why you poker people like the game because its all about finding liars.
So what's your conclusion here, you know, regarding this specific game so far? :P
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:47 AM

I'm starting to come around on fixated.

relaly starting to think that magic wasnt killed for a peek at all and was only killed cause he was being uber villagery and maybe had a couple of wolf reads correct. ( what chris is saying but in fewer words )
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:51 AM
i havent worked out who is lying yet..

the kill of magic seems strange to me..
if they were hunting the seer then why him.. a possible crossnerd=villa peak, monte=wolf
why not any of the others that left a peek...
was it just because he accused anarchist of being a wolf and anarchist is a wolf?

there are 4 wolfs so they would have to agree on the kill wouldnt they? so there would have to be a compelling reason or do the wolves generally just pick a random villager for the n1 kill?

would magic be a strong player kill? and why him over the other strong players
unless they all peeked wrong or are wolves..
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:59 AM
now sure how i feel about chris' start of day today..

Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
Pretty damn disappointed how that lynch wound up going down, that was certainly not handled in a matter that was very productive for the village. Had to say it, otherwise i'd just be a dick about it later :P
^^about the lynch

Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
What does this mean? - If you're talking about magic's peek, he did vote you in the beginning of the day
^^ about the fakepeek

Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
That kill is weird. Just went over all of his posts and i was ready to say that i was pretty certain he was killed for monte = wolf - Then in one of his last posts he says that he peeked a villager. So he probably intended for crossnerd to be his peek, although i kinda think it's more likely that he was killed for binkles even though he said "not a peek"

Could've still be killed for Monte too if they thought he really did peek monte and wanted to take a shot to kill him now and not out monte if they were right. If that's true then there are a lot of correct peeks itt which is awesome.

I do think it'll be pretty impossible to really hard shc someone for this kill though.
about the NK

Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
So what's your conclusion here, you know, regarding this specific game so far? :P
pretty obvious fixated posting strategy thoughts

what you up to br0? shouldnt you have reads, since you've given thought to the lynch, fakepeek, and NK + you're caught up with thread and asking question?

whats YOUR conclusion?
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
shipitup's EOD voting was awful imo

shipitup/derm wagons today and lets see where that takes us

you say shipitup's eod was awful, yet you vote derm here. why derm over ship? derm has barely posted. is low posting worse than bad posting? thoughts on this pls.

Originally Posted by chrisrjdk

Lets put some damn pressure on him then.
if derm was off the table for the day hypothetically, who would be your next top two lynche candidates and why?
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 08:05 AM
I'm actually catching up, still on page 4 so not quite there yet

Lynch: The reason i thought it was bad is because toga was knowingly afk and that's never very wise to lynch someone like that this early when they had no heat when they disappeared. We also covered earlier d1 that i can pretty much read him with almost no margin of error and i called him slightly villager early on. So it was a bad village play in every way last night.

Fakepeek: Always look for the peek early. Pretty key information wouldn't you say?

I'm obi keeping up with new posts as I'm catching up, too curious not to! Conclusion regarding reads is, i will post updated one's once i'm fully caught up.
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
you say shipitup's eod was awful, yet you vote derm here. why derm over ship? derm has barely posted. is low posting worse than bad posting? thoughts on this pls.

if derm was off the table for the day hypothetically, who would be your next top two lynche candidates and why?
I'm lacking wolf reads right now, and i'll reread some key possibilities of wolves and people who's been very unnoticeable when i'm caught up. Atm. i'll say slighted and vmf/siu
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by Fixated
i gave derm the benefit of the doubt due to him not posting..
if he is a wolf then those who moved off him may be wolfy.
revisiting this, why did you feel the need to explain your vote today?

Originally Posted by Telcontar
it was handled in a way to get the votes off derm it looks like to me. Derm wolf suspect most definitely. Toga was an early wolf read of mine, but mostly was voting to save my own cute furriness.
Originally Posted by Telcontar
this post doesnt rub right with me.

also, its more likely if derm is a wolf the wolves tried to start another wagon, not necessarily that they jumped off derm.
i agree that derm is a wolf suspect, but i disagree that the wolves tried to move votes to you. if votes were moved to anyone, they were moved to toganim, and you'd be included in that group, as you point out here, so if derm flips wolf, those who moved their votes off derm near eod look sketchy, and that would include you bc you could have voted his counterwagon instead of toganims, but toga got lynched instead.

Originally Posted by Telcontar

I'm starting to come around on fixated.

relaly starting to think that magic wasnt killed for a peek at all and was only killed cause he was being uber villagery and maybe had a couple of wolf reads correct. ( what chris is saying but in fewer words )
i think its silly to assume the NK wasn't a seer hunt when in MOST cases it would be. it creeps me out when people don't want to give seer hunt credit to the NK.

Originally Posted by Fixated
i havent worked out who is lying yet..

the kill of magic seems strange to me..
if they were hunting the seer then why him.. a possible crossnerd=villa peak, monte=wolf
why not any of the others that left a peek...
was it just because he accused anarchist of being a wolf and anarchist is a wolf?

there are 4 wolfs so they would have to agree on the kill wouldnt they? so there would have to be a compelling reason or do the wolves generally just pick a random villager for the n1 kill?

would magic be a strong player kill? and why him over the other strong players
unless they all peeked wrong or are wolves..
fixated, like i said above, i think its safe to assume in the beginning that the wolves are seer hunting. we don't know how well we did with seer cover so speculating against the most likely scenario is silly until we have more info. you have to weigh how much credit you give to the shc. magic's fakepeek isn't 100% clear, so it carries less weight. but it doesn't weigh nothing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
I'm actually catching up, still on page 4 so not quite there yet

Lynch: The reason i thought it was bad is because toga was knowingly afk and that's never very wise to lynch someone like that this early when they had no heat when they disappeared. We also covered earlier d1 that i can pretty much read him with almost no margin of error and i called him slightly villager early on. So it was a bad village play in every way last night.

Fakepeek: Always look for the peek early. Pretty key information wouldn't you say?

I'm obi keeping up with new posts as I'm catching up, too curious not to! Conclusion regarding reads is, i will post updated one's once i'm fully caught up.
Yet your vote landed on derm, who said he'd be afk and didn't get a chance to post again before eod. How does that make sense when compared to your reason to NOT lynch toga? I don't understand why you said that...
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Telcontar

also, its more likely if derm is a wolf the wolves tried to start another wagon, not necessarily that they jumped off derm.
the wagon on you seemed to stat when i wondered what happened to the crossnerd, stepitup votes on you.. they then suddenly went back to you..
i find that odd.
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
I'm lacking wolf reads right now, and i'll reread some key possibilities of wolves and people who's been very unnoticeable when i'm caught up. Atm. i'll say slighted and vmf/siu
so you managed to go through all of yesterday and so far today have no other wolf reads besides the same guy you were already voting for...? do i understand this correctly?

:suspicious face:
4/2 Puppies vs Wolves - Vanilla PoR Game Thread Quote
