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4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread 4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread

04-15-2015 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Effen
IAmRobik (70), No Lynches (145), Vagos (174), Gadarene (110), Sleeper Service (99), benneh (149), Namath12 (113), fnord_too (52), mutigers (60), mucksandgravs (162), diskoteque (24), Mor_Tilt4mePls (26), tchaz (27), baudib1 (92), zdye724 (86), Puzzles (102)
found the one wolf.... this list does look good I have no one suspect on here and a couple dead villas Moving Namath into solid villa from this as well as baudib1 town reading monte isn't the worst thing in the world.
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04-15-2015 , 10:28 AM
Only putting verifiable stuff on there right now.
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04-15-2015 , 10:29 AM
I healed Disko
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04-15-2015 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
Dear Tom:

I am aware that you are poking me. I am choosing to ignore you because you're not being useful at all. I would be calling you a wolf right now if not for your claim, so I'm just sort of putting you on the back burner. If you have something you actually want to interact with me about, feel free to let me know

Yours in Vishnu,

Dwetz can you do me a favor and peruse some of necros posts and tell me what you think of him?
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04-15-2015 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Who claimed a heal on disko yesterday? They should be on my list.
baudib used a scroll
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04-15-2015 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
i hereby retract all defense, i really thought he'd posted about him lurking but this is not what i remember & it's more of a shove to get the guy to post

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04-15-2015 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
bloo, not sure if these are he types of things you want to add because they may not be verifiable but:

monstr claims to have inherited watcher powers and watched xkf , who was visited by mor (which mor can verify)... right?
tom claims to have done something neato last night to result in zero night kills
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04-15-2015 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Who claimed a heal on disko yesterday? They should be on my list.
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04-15-2015 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Lord JvK/necro/James May0/Duckburg the next tier down but I want a relatively focused shot list so wolves can't just cherrypick villagers to shoot.
JamesMay0 should be out of all shot lists for today

I refuse to believe that Monte would push a fellow wolf that hard near EOD in a spot where multiple wolves and no villagers were already being wagoned

the value of bussing there even for a megawolf role like Monte's simply doesn't make sense, since odds are that one or both of fnord/phialpha will flip before James does, and there's zero bus credit for pushing a new player wolf when two more experienced wolves were on the chopping block (this is above and beyond the point someone made that Monte wouldn't get much bus credit for pushing a new player wolf to begin with)

Monte's James push looks to me like a legit attempt to get a credible villa wagon going to compete with the wolf wagons, and i think we should take a look at who jumped on the James wagon (a number of people did), because if James is villa, those people are probably slightly more likely to be wolves (although they could also be villas persuaded by Monte's case, which is another reason why it's plausible to me that Monte was really trying to create a mislynch from thin air there)
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04-15-2015 , 10:30 AM
Also, LOL @ the two people who voted me as I championed the CFD on CDL instead of fnord on d1
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04-15-2015 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Effen
did sili ever solve vaders riddle?


Don't know what two terms refer to though and until I do, I don't know.
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04-15-2015 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Elminster Aumar
diskoteque is feeling a bit better, and he might live to see another day. He hasn't completely recovered from his ailment, though.
Is this the same language as yesterday?
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04-15-2015 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
found the one wolf.... this list does look good I have no one suspect on here and a couple dead villas Moving Namath into solid villa from this as well as baudib1 town reading monte isn't the worst thing in the world.
the one wolf is fnord self pres'ing. I meant one other than him.
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04-15-2015 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Chris Pine
so from my understanding of d1, no lynches and bloo are like super lock cleared
why No Lynches?
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04-15-2015 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
I see your monte point but walk me through what a "shroop" is? I don't follow how the + sign makes this guy a wolf.
Scott Howard's Rule Of Odd Posts

it's a POG thing from before my time, but it basically means when a post is awkwardly misedited, it is because it is being faked sloppily

my suspicion is not b/c of the "+" itself

Originally Posted by benneh
What's self contradictory about that post?

He's saying he's overwhelmed by the volume ITG and not used to games with short days and nights (perhaps his home site typically runs a 48 hour/24 hour day and night phase)

Am I misreading something?
ah, no I misread. In my mind, I thought "how can the day /and/ the night be shorter?"
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04-15-2015 , 10:30 AM
Robik, i'm assuming you will retract your claim of killing Monte.
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04-15-2015 , 10:31 AM

DonkDonkDonkDonk - claimed a squire who killed mucks
Bloobird - claimed heals of TheNothing and Vagos
TheNothing - healed of vampiricism by Bloobird, very likely only vampire is a wolf
Vagos - healed of vampiricism by Bloobird, very likely only vampire is a wolf
MoViN - claimed village protagonist
mutigers - claimed Monte kill and Viggo poison
Banker - peeked v by MoViN
disko - peeked v by MoViN
m0r_tilt - shot xkf with an event prize
Baudib - healed villa disko on d2
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04-15-2015 , 10:31 AM
bloo, the situation when CDL bussed was in the champs game

wherein mechanically they binked a <1% parlay of n0 night actions to KNOW that Guild was peeked wolf n0, so he pushed Guild and zero other wolves ever, and I'm not sure that counts as bussing

and that meta is part of the reason why I was up his ass for not voting any wagon d1

I actually believe that his home internet may have been spotty/gone out, but the villager CDL I know would have been in the car to the nearest spot with reliable wifi to play out the day that way
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04-15-2015 , 10:31 AM
Here you go, this is all off the top of my head going down the player list

choof - literally never seen this name before right now
diskoteque - intrigued by him saying it's the nut low for village that he dies of poison or whatever, i'm sure it will become apparent soon
DWetzel - for whatever reason I'm soulreading him wolf in a ReddBoiler-esque way where I won't try to justify it or have any logic behind it
Effen - certainly SEEMS villa, but has me worried for some reason
TheBrokenATM! - seems quite... coherent, doesn't that usually mean he's a wolf?
iamnotawerewolf - villa, is way more engaged than I remember him being
IAmRobik - has he rescinded his claim of shooting Monte?
monstrman - has had bursts of attempted WIM, but tbh looks like
Mor_Tilt4mePls - key shot on xkf was it?
mutigers - shot monte so clear I assume
Namath12 - don't think I've seen many people suspicious of him - is there anything clearing for him?
necro - didn't particularly like his reads post I quote earlier, small wolf lean
No Lynches - seems pretty villa
Sili - wolf with a terrible claim imo
StuckInARutt - haven't really liked his tone, I think that might have been the case in previous villa games of his though. Slightly more wolfy than villagery I guess
tchaz - seems villa from what i remember
TehBankertin - is a villager
TehVader - similar to ianaww, leaning villager due to higher content than usual
TheNothing - is someone I find I can usually clear quite easily, but I'm not getting this vibe here. Maybe my fault for missing most of d1, but I'd still say possible wolf
Top Tier Tom - leaning villager based on what I've seen
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04-15-2015 , 10:31 AM
monstr says he watched xkf for visitors yesterday & the only person who visited him was mor_tilt

mor_tilt claimed the shot on xkf that killed him so that's not a hard thing to fake

not saying he faked it

but it would not be hard
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04-15-2015 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
bloo, not sure if these are he types of things you want to add because they may not be verifiable but:

monstr claims to have inherited watcher powers and watched xkf
tom claims to have done something neato last night to result in zero night kills
Yes my 1x day 2 watch is gone so my chance of being mechanically cleared this game of sili is a wolf

But if sili is a seer I'm k

I have a feeling sili comes up with nothing today regardless of his alignment though
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04-15-2015 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Meh, yeah, I guess. It just pisses me off that muti was forced to cc because of that dumb **** claim he made and I always want that kind of **** punished
oh, I didn't say for a minute that we should listen to him on anything
4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-15-2015 , 10:31 AM
so i guess mutigers can heal me then?

since baud just slowed disko's poison
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04-15-2015 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Robik, i'm assuming you will retract your claim of killing Monte.
obv. I was doing it to draw wolf KP
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04-15-2015 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
why No Lynches?
I was first on xkf

first on philly

one of the first on cdl

unless you think i am musketeering * 5 i am probably just a villager

also huge wim which is unlike wolf me tbh
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