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04-14-2015 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
so wait, did you give us the robik peek?
Apparently he cracked the riddle for robiks peek but got "no information"
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04-14-2015 , 04:59 PM
4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-14-2015 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
oh it's true
to me, it looks like you are saying just enough to get credit if monte flips wolf

but not enough to have to commit to trying to kill him
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04-14-2015 , 05:00 PM
yea, whatever i might have broke some thread flow

i get it

but a flow discussing shooting me is a flow worth breaking into, sitting back and waiting can be worse

it should get better

and lol about complaining about a thread flow where we have to deal with bloobird repeating the same things in a messy format.. he should be more cognizant of the negative effect it has on the thread for villagers
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04-14-2015 , 05:00 PM
We have a villa peek. Do not shoot me if you want me to out this at eod.
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04-14-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
am I crazy here?

Why float that post and then say nothing about it?

Like, he says "that's interesting but I'm not going to analyze it". wtf is that?

How is it interesting? Why would he not analyze?
It's only interesting in that a couple people yesterday, including xkf, were talking about Monte before he posted. There isn't much to analyze.
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04-14-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by benneh
Apparently he cracked the riddle for robiks peek but got "no information"
and robik says that result makes sense to him
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04-14-2015 , 05:00 PM
I really can't wait til bloos post restriction is over

I feel like I've been squinting to figure out where the spaces are all day
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04-14-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
i'm going to throw my hands up & back out of this whole grilling group wrt Sili

i do not understand half of what he's saying about his role. monstr & robik seem to be satisfied that he DID peek them. does not mean he is a village seer. at this point, i'm okay waiting to see how this all works out later.

my head can't take it anymore
one is peeked vanilla, the other no result, right?

not sure why the "no result" would say "ok"

and the one who is peeked vanilla, what's he gonna say? "no, I'm a PR kill him" or "nope, I'm a wolf, you lie"
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04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
We have a villa peek. Do not shoot me if you want me to out this at eod.
thought you were angeled?
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04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
Votes from post 4096 to post 6484
Night in 3:59:54

12 phialpha1856 StuckinARutt (23), coordi (33), MoViN.tArGeT (12), TheNothing (138), LKJ (55), No Lynches (47), benneh (90), TehBankertin (152), baudib1 (111), Namath12 (91), CrimsonFox (11), Vagos (128)
7 CalledDownLight tchaz (54), Puzzles (10), Effen (163), IAmRobik (48), diskoteque (20), DWetzel (41), vixticator (30)
3 CrimsonFox Soneji (1), Gadarene (104), mutigers (71)
1 younguns87 VarianceMinefield (26)
1 Sili LordJvK (15)
1 monstrman Top Tier Tom (48)
1 monikrazy iamnotawerewolf (29)
1 unvote TehVader (122)
19 not voting accobra_kid (11), Bloobird (133), choof (6), Chris Pine (10), DonkDonkDonkDonk (31), Duckburg (14), gambit8888 (0), HiFi (0), James_May0 (3), mexineil (7), monikrazy (7), monstrman (102), Montecore (0), Mor_Tilt4mePls (45), necro (26), phialpha1856 (6), Sili (55), Viggorous (2), younguns87 (31)
2 Error CalledDownLight (59), mucksandgravs (49)
4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by monikrazy
seriosuly has the thread really been not trying to find insanity's killer?

you know you need to beat the wolf team by killing multiple wolfs and using information leakage

instead i am saying horrendous wagon analysis and convululted arguments that are even worse for being based on d1 of a mishmash
I'm assuming it was Xkf

and I'm pushing you for posting nothing but empty promises and attempts at fireside chats
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04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
maybe i can.

hold up. need to check op.
4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
i suggest someone translate Bloobirds key messages into quote boxes and repost and he limit it to something like no more than 4 posts per hour as it is borderline spam at this point

that is a reasonable suggestion is it not?
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04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
im back for ita's
let the fun begin
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04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
Aren't I spewed clear by fnord groveling at me anyway

I should be

Fix that
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04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
and robik says that result makes sense to him
Oh? I thought the implication was a roleblock

That's interesting
4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by monikrazy

and lol about complaining about a thread flow where we have to deal with bloobird repeating the same things in a messy format.. he should be more cognizant of the negative effect it has on the thread for villagers

he should just give up

stop posting

sure sure

nice suggestion

you are the ONLY ONE who has complained about that
4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
CDL, you need to give up something first so we can assess its value instead of holding the information hostage.

how is it not clear we are not terribly interested in what you have to offer?
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04-14-2015 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by monikrazy
i suggest someone translate Bloobirds key messages into quote boxes and repost and he limit it to something like no more than 4 posts per hour as it is borderline spam at this point

that is a reasonable suggestion is it not?
it really really isnt.
4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-14-2015 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
We have a villa peek. Do not shoot me if you want me to out this at eod.
That's not how this works
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04-14-2015 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
We have a villa peek. Do not shoot me if you want me to out this at eod.
meh, i'd rather not know your villa peek

that person would die soon anyway, being all clear in the thread

no thanks!
4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-14-2015 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by monikrazy
i suggest someone translate Bloobirds key messages into quote boxes and repost and he limit it to something like no more than 4 posts per hour as it is borderline spam at this point

that is a reasonable suggestion is it not?
F*ck y**
4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-14-2015 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
I'm assuming it was Xkf

and I'm pushing you for posting nothing but empty promises and attempts at fireside chats
your votes on me have been clownish and were made for no good reason yesterday even when i engaged you

anyway i have things i can contribute today but if you are a wolf i'm going to figure it out very quickly since it is basically 2 days of laziness and vagueness from you
4/13 Baldur's Gate Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-14-2015 , 05:03 PM
reads and junk

villa and/or leave alone for now

lockish villa

great things going for them
Mor_Tilt4mePls (shot a wolf when could easily have not done so)

game-solvey/engaged and villagery
TehBankertin (drop off in effort level today? something tinfoily makes me want to have him lower)

also decently engaged and villagery

poisoned with a claim

poisoned and reasonably game-solvey

decent tone; reasonably game-solvey/engaged

notable dropoff but I thought he had good tone when he was here

something good for them
MoViN.tArGeT (good fnord vote, obv diminished depending on other wagons, reasonably natural tone)
No Lynches (started out well yesterday; got heat from wolves; hasn't done much d2)

doing okay right now; will continue to evaluate


active and engaged but something stops me from putting in villa pile

notable dropoff; good tone but tricksy
Top Tier Tom

low volume (or notable dropoff); okay tone
Chris Pine

just sort of around
monstrman (has a claim, but made that claim unnecessarily)

weird and potentially self-resolving claim; leave alone for now

varying degrees of wolfy and/or requiring resolution

uncharacteristically low volume and/or dropoff; capable tone

low volume and/or notable dropoff; unmemorable posts so need to reread

low or uncharacteristic volume; not much game-solving; no affirmatively villagery tone

notable dropoff; not affirmatively villagery

mostly trolly?

poisoned and no effort to be villagery

outed non-villa or essentially so
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