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4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD 4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD

04-15-2016 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I think this list is better
actually I agree with this

monstrman and ShipItUp shats approved
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:37 PM
awwwwww, scrolling down, seeing the red text brought flashbacks of jonnyd.

then the mod posts in between without resolving it.

wouldnt have been the best shot. but a good shot.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
Haha haha lolretta

Wooferson is wolf even night vig. Loretta is outted wolf.

I clearly said d3 and was talking about itas . I have been assuming wooderson is a wolf backup vig who absorbs cdl powers .

Loretta knows wooderson is wolf even night vig. She thought I meant he used his night kill on cdl and took away the bean, which yes obviously mod wouldn't allow.

But I was talking about itas

Loretta knows wooderson is specifically even wolf vig . Lock it up.
Well, you've been right about everything else so for a penny, in for a pound time?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:37 PM
If peskys wolfing then it's a really well played game overall imo.

Just that one post...

4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
yeah I get a similar reaction reading that one post.

Had pesky as really really wolfy at one point. I just plain forgot about it.

Originally Posted by Larry Legend
like penguin is definitely wolfing in that quote that was a clutch find
So what exactly is wolfy about that quote?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
If I'm a tracker, I tracked vagos and he visited no one

I'm if I'm a seer, I peeked Xander villa

If I'm a watcher, I watched thingyman and no one visited him

If I'm a RB'er, I RB'd slow Ben

If I'm a vig, I holstered
look at this. this might be mucks' mason code. did anyone discuss this in thread? in any event, that would make the xander shot really bad, despite him not being clear. however, a 30+ person wolf team might have found it.

i think this is bad news for woody.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:39 PM
Allundra and JP are peeked. I do not remember by who though but they are confirmed village.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
I still want you to provide any reasoning at all why you keep saying you want to kill me
I don't think you have been helpful or doing anything that should put you in a town circle. there is 35 players ish left, and max 8-9wolves. 2-3 third parties. There is a lot of town left that is going to be on the block.

You need to have something crazy town going for you to not get killed.

did you vote on Adam yesterday?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by peskypenguin
So what exactly is wolfy about that quote?
It is like one of those things that you can't really lost past.

It is like if your significant other cheated on you with another and then told you it was way better than with you. But that that they would never do it again.

There are some things you just can't come back from.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:40 PM
i still want to give penguin benefit of the doubt for recognizing that the two claims look wolfy and calling them out on it.

this is direct contrast to adam, one of the involved wovles, who saw mexi's claim and instead of saying it looked wolfy, got himself involved in it.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by peskypenguin
So what exactly is wolfy about that quote?
adam from villagery to can't make sense of these things right now

So mex is claimed an angel on Vagos so basically saying Vagos was strong-armed? Seems bad to claim as wolf because it just makes him look even scummier.
So mex is claimed an angel on Vagos so basically saying Vagos was strong-armed? Seems bad to claim as wolf because it just makes him look even scummier.
So mex is claimed an angel on Vagos so basically saying Vagos was strong-armed? Seems bad to claim as wolf because it just makes him look even scummier.
So mex is claimed an angel on Vagos so basically saying Vagos was strong-armed? Seems bad to claim as wolf because it just makes him look even scummier.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by peskypenguin
So what exactly is wolfy about that quote?
The feels. It makes all the hairs on the back of my hyoo-mon neck stand up.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:41 PM
I'm around reading some stuff.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:41 PM
JP wolfy af though

don't forget this if he's in endgame

the OP does not rule out a godfather
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:42 PM
Dogmtoher needs to die

Actually shot list should be

Ship it up
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by peskypenguin
So what exactly is wolfy about that quote?
Could be soft distancing from one wolf and defense of another, could be an honest opinion (I think I said as much about Kruze's claim being less likely to come from a wolf), but the tone of it struck me as kind of fake at a glance. I'll read your other posts in a bit.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Allundra and JP are peeked. I do not remember by who though but they are confirmed village.
jocohen peeked them both.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
i still want to give penguin benefit of the doubt for recognizing that the two claims look wolfy and calling them out on it.
This isn't really what happened. Penguin seems to be implying it's TWTBAW so it's villagery.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jon Paul
Dogmtoher needs to die

Actually shot list should be

Ship it up
your shot list blows dick.

I'll make an official one in time.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Me getting lynched is actually better than the wolves killing me because it's gonna expose a few wolves most likely. I think lynching me is fine tonight.
You claim your role has town KP and you say this? I mean...
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:43 PM
Village would do better literally not posting or reading at all and just taking random shots at this point. So many of the reads itt have been horrendous or wolves.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:43 PM
@Banks you we shooting at?

Allund who do you want dead?

We have hit 26 wolves or 25? so probably 6-8 left at most?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jon Paul
I don't think you have been helpful or doing anything that should put you in a town circle. there is 35 players ish left, and max 8-9wolves. 2-3 third parties. There is a lot of town left that is going to be on the block.

You need to have something crazy town going for you to not get killed.

did you vote on Adam yesterday?
you're missing the point

being in a POE is fine

but you've kept me at the TOP of your kill list

fine, you don't see anything that clears me

explain why you find me to be most likely mafia over anyone else

it is wolfy af for you to keep me there without any explanation
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:43 PM
23 hours since the last ship it up post. doesn't even have the decency to tell us who he shot last night.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:43 PM
How do you think Dogmother shouldn't be shot?

I kinda want to kill Larry btw.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
