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4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD 4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD

04-15-2016 , 07:41 AM
I'll just put it a different way, I'd rather not have to worry about if a guy like pizza is a wolf when any of the people I listed are still alive.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
who have your other targets been and when?
No one - I understood it to be a one-time shot, so I held off until last night. Now I think I might have been mistaken and I can potentially shoot once per night.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy

Give it a real look as a personal favor to me.
This has been Pizza's game for days now, btw.

Posting long, intractable multiquotes or blocks of text, and then asking others to "help him" sort through it all, or to "go look for it" because, naturally, it is there.

It's not only anti-village, it is diminishing thread readability.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:45 AM
I believe Kikori btw.

Could be a large dose of confirmation bias by me, but after ISOing yesterday, I had Cannon Fodder pegged as a probably wolf and nothing they did during the day really changed that read for me. And this basically is the smoking gun on the case.

I think Cannon should be an automatic shot in ITAs.

I can't see a world really where a wolf Kikori would ever make this up.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
This has been Pizza's game for days now, btw.

Posting long, intractable multiquotes or blocks of text, and then asking others to "help him" sort through it all, or to "go look for it" because, naturally, it is there.

It's not only anti-village, it is diminishing thread readability.
Sure, blame me for you being incredibly lazy and not wanting to read.

No one is forcing you to play this game.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
FTR, why exactly are you voting me?
It seems like you had the unfortunate rand of a wolf.

Can picture the wolfchat now.

"Hey guys, let me work on this creamy claim." An hour later you post that wall of text which can easily be summarized into one sentence.

Been there a million times. And the way wolves are playing, it would make some sense for the team be filled with low impact players who don't have much time to commit(I see the irony here).

What happens when your target doesn't die tomorrow? "Hey, check back with me tomorrow, I'll try again."
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:45 AM
if wooderson is a villager, he really blew it by killing xander. could have been lock clear today, but now a guaranteed spot of ongoing conversation.

there's no way for us to tell the difference between him being a village vig, and the wolf team making a plausible kill for him to take credit of.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Your 0/7 list contains fraleyight and Telc, your 1/7 contains a claim (and if you don't believe the claim, you're calling everyone else a villager in that pile, which contains quite some wolfy people), your 2/7 contains probably 4/7, your 1/3 is laughable say NL is the only one that has even a chance of being a wolf (and I don't think he is), and the 2/4 is probably the only thing close to correct.

It's probably safe to assume closer to 10 wolves left. 30 wolves (~25%) in a 122 player game seems insanely low.
I'm comfortable with fraley there, and Telc seems chipper.

Explain the claim issue please, I'm not 100% up on all the mech stuff.

You would laugh at your own name, and I've already been making my thoughts on Ask clear. NL is another spammer, and I don't have any saved, but several of his posts have left me and others feeling less than comfortable with him.

Now, if you're looking at an all-or-nothing grade on the list, sure I'll fail. But I think I would get at least 80% right, which isn't bad imo.

I expect there to be another neutral, and probably a godfather to contend with eventually.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by lenC
It seems like you had the unfortunate rand of a wolf.

Can picture the wolfchat now.

"Hey guys, let me work on this creamy claim." An hour later you post that wall of text which can easily be summarized into one sentence.

Been there a million times. And the way wolves are playing, it would make some sense for the team be filled with low impact players who don't have much time to commit(I see the irony here).

What happens when your target doesn't die tomorrow? "Hey, check back with me tomorrow, I'll try again."
Add to the end:
Or someone does get killed and it conveniently happens to be a villager.

Like you're trying to make some type of deal here and I don't really see much upside.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by lenC
It seems like you had the unfortunate rand of a wolf.

Can picture the wolfchat now.

"Hey guys, let me work on this creamy claim." An hour later you post that wall of text which can easily be summarized into one sentence.

Been there a million times. And the way wolves are playing, it would make some sense for the team be filled with low impact players who don't have much time to commit(I see the irony here).

What happens when your target doesn't die tomorrow? "Hey, check back with me tomorrow, I'll try again."
So you don't believe the claim?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
Where does one even start with that though?

Most active players have a good list of pretty clearing things they can point to. Some lists are longer than others, but it's that point in the game.

I think resolving other cases should be a priority over that, if only to keep village leaders from imploding, which can happen.

Do you disagree?

I mean, I agree that ultimately, if the game doesn't end with the next few flips, that it is inevitable to get into tinfoil land, but do you really think it's anti-village to try to stay focused on a smaller PoE today?
I'm not saying we need to start shooting our core. But people need to keep in mind that nobody is really 100% clear.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by Capt Hindsight
Votes from post 12 to post 6757
It is night

43 KruZe SirRawrsALot (51), Bloobird (103), dkgojackets (5), Weatherguy (20), chuckleslovakian (62), Wooders0n (34), LKJ (71), DWetzel (17), CPHoya (89), biggerboat (28), fnord_too (74), lilrascal (24), loosekanen (55), No Lynches (135), Vagos (140), benneh (177), J.D. (21), TehBankertin (85), Eurotrash (22), RollWave (34), fraleyight (46), younguns87 (125), Stevedotdec (45), Forsythio (38), lenC (25), jonnyd (64), accobra_kid (35), Namath12 (107), Boner2 (145), mucksandgravs (144), watevs (13), JimHalpert (141), Myrologue (59), iversonian (10), Thingyman (136), Panther_ (67), Jon Paul (31), bopolis (116), dogmother1776 (12), TheBrokenATM! (135), rtspurs (35), Loretta8 (58), Nofear3838 (47)
18 StuckinARutt ApocPS (53), Mor_Tilt4mePls (33), Effen (136), corycurren (181), Stork.. (124), Slow_Ben (105), DrawNone (7), StuckinARutt (49), Kaze13 (143), Zaccino (44), kidcolin (20), Larry Legend (37), Beck Novo (142), LordJvK (30), Gamer Dude (51), aaronk56 (9), Lissa2 (147), Top Tier Tom (130)
8 TheBrokenATM! RAORoman (121), Zorkman (18), The Moocher (125), Sobriquet (81), Gadarene (80), Xkf (109), mexineil (45), CalledDownLight (99)
4 Nofear3838 Booker Wolfbox (10), Onuzq (22), Adam33 (27), Telcontar (38)
4 mexineil shortline99 (15), HUstylez (102), well named (21), grant2 (19)
3 jonnyd ShipItUp (17), TehVader (59), AllInBluff (36)
2 Quick_Ben chrja (28), sixfour (14)
2 Wooders0n bowens (19), vixticator (5)
1 necro/klingbard dankhank (21)
1 Thingyman gambit8888 (27)
1 Jon Paul jennyhell (53)
1 JimHalpert KruZe (91)
1 Boner2 Coolossus (15)
1 Beck Novo vyk07 (17)
1 Kaze13 Duckburg (7)
1 Stevedotdec Yawn (5)
1 TehBankertin mutigers (53)
1 benneh iamnotawerewolf (71)
1 loosekanen Viggorous (100)
1 fnord_too Quick_Ben (37)
1 LKJ VarianceMinefield (28)
1 chuckleslovakian Allundberg (40)
1 dankhank dLGN (58)
1 VarianceMinefield Shad_ (41)
1 HUstylez Cannon fodder (32)
1 AllInBluff peskypenguin (11)
1 mutigers SuqAta8 (27)
1 Cannon fodder monstrman (76)
1 Allundberg jcohen (74)
1 SirRawrsALot Kawamii (9)
11 not voting Ace of Spaids (44), confirmedtroll (28), killer_kill (10), kokiri (6), necro/klingbard (7), nutshot2 (5), Shoving (2), tchaz/owner (14), TheNothing (0), wiper/Askthepizzaguy (0), xander biscuits (6)
2 Error BenjaminAO (112), Aksdal (25)

Originally Posted by Capt Hindsight
Votes from post 6773 to post 14181
It is night

30 gambit8888 Larry Legend (59), Klingbard (13), J.D. (16), fraleyight (112), Panther_ (62), iamnotawerewolf (58), jonnyd (155), Askthepizzaguy (159), Kawamii (40), vixticator (17), Stevedotdec (55), SuqAta8 (42), fnord_too (82), ApocPS (187), rtspurs (42), Lissa2 (204), Loretta8 (95), xander biscuits (26), AllInBluff (104), Stork.. (102), mucksandgravs (129), Weatherguy (93), TehBankertin (124), Top Tier Tom (39), Boner2 (155), Vagos (221), shortline99 (261), Eurotrash (44), Yawn (24), DWetzel (73)
27 Slow_Ben HUstylez (110), chrja (27), bowens (19), RAORoman (136), Wooders0n (32), Shad_ (19), kidcolin (52), sixfour (33), Zorkman (28), Xkf (173), Telcontar (67), confirmedtroll (45), Jon Paul (50), LKJ (96), aaronk56 (7), RollWave (21), loosekanen (62), Sobriquet (62), Booker Wolfbox (8), No Lynches (206), mutigers (71), corycurren (315), dogmother1776 (26), nutshot2 (18), dankhank (47), JimHalpert (196), Nofear3838 (53)
9 Onuzq CalledDownLight (115), Cannon fodder (22), gambit8888 (12), mexineil (88), Kaze13 (118), ShipItUp (51), TehVader (59), dkgojackets (14), Zaccino (10)
1 Top Tier Tom Viggorous (211)
1 Jon Paul jcohen (152)
1 mexineil TheNothing (191)
1 Cannon fodder monstrman (72)
1 bowens Aksdal (21)
1 killer_kill Owner (45)
1 unvote biggerboat (26)
9 not voting Ace of Spaids (40), Adam33 (60), DrawNone (0), kokiri (10), lenC (14), Onuzq (79), peskypenguin (6), Slow_Ben (21), well named (30)
5 Error Allundberg (14), killer_kill (19), LordJvK (51), Duckburg (69), Thingyman (192)

Originally Posted by Capt Hindsight
Votes from post 14190 to post 19420
It is night

19 confirmedtroll monstrman (95), Shad_ (48), DWetzel (137), Booker Wolfbox (17), dogmother1776 (19), lenC (28), Stevedotdec (39), Jon Paul (42), fraleyight (77), Adam33 (62), corycurren (159), Klingbard (23), HUstylez (119), mutigers (135), TehBankertin (138), Top Tier Tom (40), Xkf (99), Wooders0n (76)RAORoman (117)
10 Booker Wolfbox kidcolin (96), jonnyd (183), RollWave (32), Larry Legend (117), Nofear3838 (69), dankhank (27), Sobriquet (90), vixticator (42), bowens (10), CalledDownLight (178)
6 LordJvK No Lynches (114), Stork.. (124), Kawamii (31), Panther_ (56), Weatherguy (46), Loretta8 (120)
3 TehBankertin TheNothing (171), Askthepizzaguy (117), Ace of Spaids (86)
2 bowens Duckburg (51), xander biscuits (68)
2 Wooders0n aaronk56 (9), AllInBluff (85)
1 vixticator chrja (27)
1 Klingbard confirmedtroll (20)
1 lenC ShipItUp (17)
1 monstrman jcohen (267)
1 Kawamii loosekanen (72)
1 aaronk56 kokiri (6)
1 Stork.. peskypenguin (23)
6 not voting Cannon fodder (32), J.D. (20), killer_kill (40), LordJvK (10), nutshot2 (0), Viggorous (193)
4 Error Telcontar (32), Allundberg (40), iamnotawerewolf (159), SuqAta8 (97),
(^^Corrected to reflect Wooderson's vote in the VC)


Originally Posted by Capt Hindsight
Votes from post 19430 to post 22694
It is night

14 Adam33 TehBankertin (186), Stevedotdec (44), SuqAta8 (36), corycurren (208), Nofear3838 (81), Jon Paul (134), Shad_ (51), Larry Legend (94), RollWave (34), peskypenguin (34), Loretta8 (100), DWetzel (123), J.D. (26), Kawamii (60)
7 kokiri Cannon fodder (40), xander biscuits (42), iamnotawerewolf (126), mutigers (27), loosekanen (57), Klingbard (24), fraleyight (106)
4 Kawamii aaronk56 (6), Duckburg (64), dankhank (16), Wooders0n (90)
2 dogmother1776 Askthepizzaguy (98), monstrman (18)
2 Wooders0n Adam33 (101), LordJvK (203)
2 monstrman HUstylez (45), dogmother1776 (34)
1 killer_kill lenC (37)
1 J.D. Telcontar (36)
1 Jon Paul No Lynches (194)
1 No Lynches ShipItUp (20)
2 not voting killer_kill (9), kokiri (49)
5 Error chrja (13), Allundberg (55), Ace of Spaids (49), Weatherguy (53), Sobriquet (41)
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:49 AM
^ Adam had bussed CDL and and others before, I wonder if his vote on Wood there is because he knew he was on his way out?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:50 AM
(yes, I'm suggesting Wood is w)
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
So you don't believe the claim?
Like I said, I think he TMId a little while presuming he got roleblocked(which I believe he did, just as a wolf).

Just no way we can afford to let him live through today. Worst case scenario seems to be losing a 1xvig if I've understood correctly.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:51 AM
Kikori wagon has a scummy feel to me.

Cannon is there. KINGBARD is there.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
No one - I understood it to be a one-time shot, so I held off until last night. Now I think I might have been mistaken and I can potentially shoot once per night.
So you have a nightly conditional vig, and you say you didn't use it until last night, when it was angeled, but you can use it going forward.


How do you sit on a vig for three days? If you have a vig, you want to know exactly how you can use it right away, I presume.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:52 AM
Someone really needs to start counting deaths/night and matching w/ powers.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by lenC
Like I said, I think he TMId a little while presuming he got roleblocked(which I believe he did, just as a wolf).

Just no way we can afford to let him live through today. Worst case scenario seems to be losing a 1xvig if I've understood correctly.
Well there's two ways to resolve it.

1. Kill Cannon

2. Kill Kikori

From my POV, Cannon is by far the scummier seeming player. And look at Kikori's wagon last night.

Several other lurky guys in there, especially Kingbard.

I'd much prefer to resolve the claim by killing Cannon before Kikori.

Last time we had a scenario like this, I argued to kill Wood before AiB, and everyone went the other way and AiB was villa. Just sayin.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
if wooderson is a villager, he really blew it by killing xander. could have been lock clear today, but now a guaranteed spot of ongoing conversation.

there's no way for us to tell the difference between him being a village vig, and the wolf team making a plausible kill for him to take credit of.
I read xanders and Wood's interaction today.

To me it sort of makes sense from Wood's POV. It's a classic, "he thinks I'm a wolf so therefore he's a wolf".

I doubt very much someone like wooderson would post a list of 3/3 wolves early d2 as a wolf himself but I get were going into the paranoid-part of the game so whatever.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:54 AM
Also, Wood still lives and is still unresolved ...

And came in today claimed a shot on xander and has ... said NOTHING else.

Watch as he sneaks into ITAs later.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
Sure, blame me for you being incredibly lazy and not wanting to read.

No one is forcing you to play this game.
we want YOUR conclusions, and you ask us to help you find them
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
Well there's two ways to resolve it.

1. Kill Cannon

2. Kill Kikori

From my POV, Cannon is by far the scummier seeming player. And look at Kikori's wagon last night.

Several other lurky guys in there, especially Kingbard.

I'd much prefer to resolve the claim by killing Cannon before Kikori.

Last time we had a scenario like this, I argued to kill Wood before AiB, and everyone went the other way and AiB was villa. Just sayin.
I see no reason they can't make up that stuff as w/w. If you guys want to kill Cannon first then by all means.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by lenC
I see no reason they can't make up that stuff as w/w. If you guys want to kill Cannon first then by all means.
Oh that had not even occurred to me.

But ... what's the play? Seems a sure fire way to get them BOTH killed, no?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
I believe Kikori btw.

Could be a large dose of confirmation bias by me, but after ISOing yesterday, I had Cannon Fodder pegged as a probably wolf and nothing they did during the day really changed that read for me. And this basically is the smoking gun on the case.

I think Cannon should be an automatic shot in ITAs.

I can't see a world really where a wolf Kikori would ever make this up.
No world? Even being the top-listed name?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
