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03-08-2017 , 01:34 PM
also Gabe has some additional information about my profession, which would make me a higher priority kill target
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03-08-2017 , 01:36 PM
The chances of gabe referring to a wolf peek as a villager the day after the peek when he's openly claimed to think that he's an SPK in this lineup given his vast mechanical knowledge, much less agreeing to go into the safehouse in the first place, which would severely restrict his peek options to, quite frankly, the people that a seer shouldn't be considering peeking, are approximately zero

We can obliterate him and JP with the quickness
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03-08-2017 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
why can't he just be a wolf claiming seer with a redcheck to try and get a ML in MYLO?

like wtf?
Because the claim got disprovedone in five minutes, Gabe would claim better than that
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03-08-2017 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
What gabe claimed doesn't make sense as he said he only had a W peek of Xkf but the only time he feasibly claimed a peek of xkf was N0 the only profession that matched was the penguin on n1 if he was the penguin he peeked Needmoremansai wolf.
Therefore what doesn't add up is gabe claiming he only had 1 wolf peek he would have had 2
Pretty sure you're wrong

His n1 peek list (from early d2) had xkf and only xkf on it, for obvious reasons
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03-08-2017 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
What gabe claimed doesn't make sense as he said he only had a W peek of Xkf but the only time he feasibly claimed a peek of xkf was N0 the only profession that matched was the penguin on n1 if he was the penguin he peeked Needmoremansai wolf.
Therefore what doesn't add up is gabe claiming he only had 1 wolf peek he would have had 2
wasn't his n1 list just xkf peeks
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03-08-2017 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
Move to Ace Chemicals

Relevant information that should be remembered until endgame:
  • Xkf and me were in the Safehouse N1.
  • Neither of us can be the wolf 1-time vigilante.
  • Neither of us can be the wolf RB-er, if Dyachei claim is proven accurate.

I am on phone today until much later. Probably not posting due to meetings at work.
  • I have a day 1 list of where people worked. We need a day 2 list as well, so someone prepare that, please.
  • We need to keep track of the economy, as much as we can. It is not easy to buy a big gun and not be noticed.
  • People that are stacking money and aren't shooting during the day, are more likely to be wolves.
  • We need to keep track of Cathedral visitors, this night there is a heathen NK.
  • Commissioner Gordon should remove a wolfy player from the Cathedral today, so please pay attention.

Day 1 working shifts:
Adam33 Crime Alley
theknightsofneeee Ace Chemicals
Jon Paul GothCorp
Donat3llo GothCorp
iraisetoomuch GothCorp
lilrascal Ace Chemicals
xander biscuits Crime Alley
xkf Ace Chemicals
Montecore Ace Chemicals
Gabethebabe Ace Chemicals
thediceman Ace Chemicals
dyachei GothCorp
Lissa2 Crime Alley
AllInBluff GothCorp
ChrisV GothCorp
NeedMoreManasi GothCorp

If I am Alfred Pennyworth, then I peeked Montecore Villager
If I am Arms Dealer, then I peeked Jon Paul Villager
If I am Batman, then I peeked iraisetoomuch Villager
If I am Blue Collar Worker, then I peeked AllInBluff Villager
If I am Bruce Wayne, then I peeked Adam33 Villager
If I am Clerk, then I peeked xander biscuits Villager
If I am Commissioner Gordon, then I peeked lilrascal Villager
If I am Deli worker, then I peeked Donat3llo Wolf
If I am Dick Grayson, then I peeked theknightsofneeee Villager
If I am Doctor Leslie Thompkins, then I peeked ChrisV Villager
If I am Fraudster, then I peeked thediceman Villager
If I am Homeless Drunk, then I peeked Montecore Wolf
If I am Jonah Hex, then I peeked lilrascal Villager
If I am Original Batman, then I peeked Jon Paul Villager
If I am Philanthropist, then I peeked ChrisV Wolf
If I am Priest, then I peeked thediceman Villager
If I am Saboteur, then I peeked dyachei Villager
If I am Superman, then I peeked AllInBluff Villager
If I am The Penguin, then I peeked NeedMoreManasi Wolf
If I am Two-Face, then I peeked iraisetoomuch Wolf
If I am White Collar Worker, then I peeked dyachei Villager
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03-08-2017 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jon Paul
Because the claim got disprovedone in five minutes, Gabe would claim better than that
Apparently not
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03-08-2017 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe

If I am Alfred Pennyworth, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Arms Dealer, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Batgirl, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Batman, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Blue Collar Worker, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Bruce Wayne, then I peeked Xkf Wolf
If I am Catwoman, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Clerk, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Commissioner Gordon, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Deli worker, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Dick Grayson, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Doctor Leslie Thompkins, then I peeked Xkf Wolf
If I am Fraudster, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Homeless Drunk, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Jonah Hex, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Original Batman, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Philanthropist, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Priest, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Saboteur, then I peeked Xkf Wolf
If I am Superman, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am The Foreman, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am The Joker, then I peeked Xkf Wolf
If I am The Penguin, then I peeked Xkf Villager
If I am Thief, then I peeked Xkf Wolf
If I am Two-Face, then I peeked Xkf Wolf
If I am White Collar Worker, then I peeked Xkf Villager

AiB ye
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03-08-2017 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
oh. welp.
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03-08-2017 , 01:39 PM
that list is n2 aib
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03-08-2017 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
This is an impressive derp clearance attempt

You know that the numbers "2" and "1" are different, right? He was in the safehouse n1 with xkf and obviously would have peeked him then were he actually the seer

Which he obviously isn't for all the reasons I've already stated
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03-08-2017 , 01:40 PM
I dunno
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03-08-2017 , 01:40 PM
sorry my bad day mix up
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03-08-2017 , 01:42 PM
Why does gabe!villager ever fake claim here?

So it's either a real claim, in which case he's opening refuted him self itt and just stupid. Which I doubt.

Or he's a wolf.
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03-08-2017 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Why does gabe!villager ever fake claim here?

So it's either a real claim, in which case he's opening refuted him self itt and just stupid. Which I doubt.

Or he's a wolf.
He's a claimed mechanical genius that has gotten numerous things "wrong" each day in an attempt to push mislynches while claiming a role that precludes him from every going into the safehouse ever, but especially n1, since strong players that he'd normally not want to peek and/or have to out himself d2 to push would be in there

It's total bull****
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03-08-2017 , 01:45 PM
Work meeting, byebye
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03-08-2017 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Why does gabe!villager ever fake claim here?

So it's either a real claim, in which case he's opening refuted him self itt and just stupid. Which I doubt.

Or he's a wolf.
Dude, this can't even be real anymore. We need to look at why he would do this as a villa, which im struggling with bc the name of the game isn't self-preservation as a villa, it's lynching wolves.
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03-08-2017 , 01:48 PM
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03-08-2017 , 01:50 PM
Follow up question:

What level do we want to take the 'XKF is a wolf' 'read'?
single reverse, or double reverse?
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03-08-2017 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Follow up question:

What level do we want to take the 'XKF is a wolf' 'read'?
single reverse, or double reverse?
Let's KISS it now

We have a wolf, lets reevaluate with that knowledge and what else we know, and not level ourselves.
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03-08-2017 , 01:53 PM
well, if you're working under the assumption that gabe is a wolf, the reason to fake claim here is to push a mislynch for the win.

which would make xkf a villa.

i'm not completely sold that he is a wolf yet, but this claim is lolbad
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03-08-2017 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
well, if you're working under the assumption that gabe is a wolf, the reason to fake claim here is to push a mislynch for the win.

which would make xkf a villa.

i'm not completely sold that he is a wolf yet, but this claim is lolbad
Explain to me the world where villa!gabe fake claims.
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03-08-2017 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Explain to me the world where villa!gabe fake claims.
Because when he fake claims the way that he did, he can't expect no one to notice that his reads are terribly inconsistent.
So he's pretty much giving up the game for the village by forcing a mislynch.
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03-08-2017 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Follow up question:

What level do we want to take the 'XKF is a wolf' 'read'?
single reverse, or double reverse?
Well, if he's a wolf, it's to induce a yoloshot from a villager and/or force the real seer to claim

I can't really construct a reason why a villager would do it, since he'd have to know that the real seer is likely going counter immediately

So it's likely there are behind the scenes mechanical reasons as to why he'd do this, which means the situation is a fair bit more dire than we realize
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03-08-2017 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Explain to me the world where villa!gabe fake claims.
where he is reaction testing someone he thinks has potential to be a wolf, and has something mech clearing to back him up when he retracts the claim?

or if he's just making a lolbad fps which no one is going to believe because of how he played the game.
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