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3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game 3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game

03-03-2016 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
Originally Posted by Stork..
benji you gyatta chill

otherwise i have it on good authority you won't be around to post tomorrow
What even is this?

Are you wanting me to stfu about your partner? Makes sens you jumped on my wagon the instant I read Xkf wolfy

Wtf does this bold mean? Claiming NK?
yeah, i will probably vig you
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:44 PM
This doesn't feel right
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:44 PM
9 vote wagon huh

theres only 3 wolves so i guess its POSSIBLE
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:44 PM
Shoving is never a wolf with all these voters not moving for several hours

And Xkf pushing him when he's not around,

Shoving is a lock v

I will not vote him
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
Shoving is much more likely a wolf that bop in my opinion and I'm going to justify that with: gad said it was so and he's usually right.
i'm probably right less than rand fwiw
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:44 PM
I said shoving was wolf. He must be a wolf
Is science, just listen to the player who is almost always right and ****.
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:45 PM
Votes from post 1 to post 831
Night in 0:14:57

9 Shoving Viggorous (40), Stork.. (84), Montecore (81), Xkf (124), Gadarene (71), bopolis (47), TheBrokenATM! (25), vruuuuk (41), xander biscuits (23)
2 xander biscuits UpsideDownChuck (34), Mor_Tilt4mePls (65)
2 bopolis rtspurs (48), ShipItUp (43)
1 Xkf BenjaminAO (39)
1 Montecore housenuts (12)
1 housenuts fraleyight (26)
1 not voting Shoving (5)

:59 good :00 bad
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
Shoving is never a wolf with all these voters not moving for several hours

And Xkf pushing him when he's not around,

Shoving is a lock v

I will not vote him
thoughts on there only being three wolves who know they're wolves?
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
Shoving is never a wolf with all these voters not moving for several hours

And Xkf pushing him when he's not around,

Shoving is a lock v

I will not vote him
what are you talking about "for hours"

he had one vote less than ONE HOUR ago
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
Shoving is never a wolf with all these voters not moving for several hours

And Xkf pushing him when he's not around,

Shoving is a lock v

I will not vote him

3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Stork..
yeah, i will probably vig you

This is against the rules, he's is shooting a villager because he doesn't like how I'm playing

You can't play against the ****ing wincon

3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Xkf
hahahahahaaa u idloit
Originally Posted by Stork..
yeah, i will probably vig you
You meant NK..
Right? Lol if u Randed wolf again.
I think math says u have to be a villager based on your Rand lately.
Can I use maths and other game tells to come up with that or it's that cheating?
U Randed wolf like 4 games in a row lol
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:46 PM
If shoving actually has his thesis due tomorrow, he shouldn't be in this game. There is no way you could expect him to be posting.

Fingers crossed he actually is a wolf if he's getting lynched, but I think bop is a way better lynch.
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Stork..
what are you talking about "for hours"

he had one vote less than ONE HOUR ago
Originally Posted by bopolis

ooh nice
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO

This is against the rules, he's is shooting a villager because he doesn't like how I'm playing

You can't play against the ****ing wincon

addressing the mod directly in the thread is against the rules also afaik
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
thoughts on there only being three wolves who know they're wolves?
Wtf does this even mean?
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:48 PM
Is anyone else having the thread refuse to load intermittently? I can access other websites just fine so I don't think it's my internet but other people seem to be posting while it's inaccessible so maybe not
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:49 PM
Ben he meant NK. Lol
Chill out, I always gotta defend u now and u not helping yourself.
Stop tunneling. Just play
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:49 PM

show me the people who have been on his wagon for hours without moving
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
addressing the mod directly in the thread is against the rules also afaik
Oh I'm sorry for being frustrated a player is literally claiming to vig me on the basis of my play

I am sorry for anything wrong, but if he played correctly I wouldn't be so mad
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:49 PM
guess no cfd :<
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO

This is against the rules, he's is shooting a villager because he doesn't like how I'm playing

You can't play against the ****ing wincon

when did i say you were a villager?

also lol this ****ing post jesus christ i am doubling down
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:50 PM
Votes from post 1 to post 847
Night in 0:09:57

9 Shoving Viggorous (40), Stork.. (86), Montecore (81), Xkf (124), Gadarene (74), bopolis (49), TheBrokenATM! (27), vruuuuk (41), xander biscuits (23)
2 xander biscuits UpsideDownChuck (35), Mor_Tilt4mePls (66)
2 bopolis rtspurs (49), ShipItUp (43)
1 Xkf BenjaminAO (42)
1 Montecore housenuts (12)
1 housenuts fraleyight (26)
1 not voting Shoving (5)

:59 good :00 bad
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:50 PM
9 votes llololll gl bros
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by bopolis

show me the people who have been on his wagon for hours without moving
That was hyperbole

I heavily believe he's a villager because of the Xkf voting pattern, and how he has so obviously just thrown scum around and will vote for whatever sticks.

I said something wrong, sorry
3/3 - Vanilla+ 17er Best Presidents Game Quote
